5.2 Printer driver
The following drivers, supplied by Nippon Primex, Inc., are recommended when NP-255 is
used with the Windows driver. Please refer to the drier manual for details.
1) Windows 95/98: NII printer driver Windows 95/98, Version 1.00
2) Windows NT4.0: NII printer driver Windows NT4.0, Version 1.00
3) Windows 2000: NII printer driver Windows 2000, Version 1.00
Control command details
1) Horizontal tab
: <<HT>>
: [09] h
: Shift the print position to the next horizontal tab position
Explanation : Horizontal tab position is set by [horizontal tab set] command.
The default of horizontal tab position is every 8th character
(9th digit, 17th digit, 25th digit and 33rd digit) in font A.
If the next tab position is not set, this command is ignored.
2) Carriage return: <<CR>>
: [0D] h
: If DIP SW-1 is off, then this command is ignored.
If DIP SW-1 is on, it executes as the same as line feed <<LF>>.
3) Line feed
: <<LF>>
: [0A] h
Description : Prints data stored in the input buffer and executes line feed
according to data of feed pitch.
4) Setting right space of a character: <<ESC SP n>>
: [1B] h + [21] h + n
* [00
20] h
: Sets the right space of a character by unit of dot (1/203 of an
inch). In the case of double width mode, the space will be doubled.
The default value of “n” is [00]h.