D-F0390 NP-326 Product specifications Ver.0.02
55) Macro execution :<< GS ^ n1 n2 n3 >>
: [1D] h + [5E] h + n1 + n2 + n3
* [00
FF] h
* [00
FF] h
* [00
01] h
Description : Executes Macros being defined
* The definitions of n1, n2 and n3 are:
n1 : times of Macro execution
n2 : wait time of Macro execution
At every execution, there is a wait time of n2 x 100msec.
n3 : Macro execution mode
n3(hex) Mode
Execution by FEED switch
* Consecutive execution
Executes “n1” times with a wait time specified at n2.
* FEED switch execute:
After a time specified at n2, waits for PE LED blinks and the
FEED switch depressed.
After FEED switch is pressed, it executes Macro once. This
action is repeated by n1 times.
* If the printer receives this command during Macro definition, it stops Macro definition.
it occurs, defined Macros are cleared.
* Nothing occurs if Macro is not defined or n1 = [00] h.
* During Macro execution with n3 = [01] h, line feed by FEED switch is disabled.
56) Black and white reverse print set and reset
:<< GS B n >>
: [1D] h + [42] h
+ n
* [00
FF] h
: Sets and resets black and white reverse print.
* “n” is available only for the least significant bit.
* The least significant bit controls as follows:
b0 Function
Resets black-white reverse printing
Sets black-white reverse printing
* The characters incorporated and downloaded can be reverse printed.
* The right side space of character set by [Set right space of a character] is also included
for reverse print.
However, it does not cover the skipped space made by bit image,
download bit image, NV bit image, barcode, HRI characters, horizontal tab, specify
absolute position, specify relative position.
* It does not include the space between the lines.
* Reverse print has a priority over “underline specified”.
If a character is reversed, the
character is not underlined. However, the underline setting remains effective.
* If “highlight” or “double strike” is set on the reverse print, the print may result in
* The default value of “n” is [00] h.