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Содержание LC-15

Страница 1: ...MULTI FONT USERS MANUAL 8082 0390 ...


Страница 3: ...duction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without STAR s express permission is forbidden The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual at the time of press However should any errors be detected STAR would greatly appreciate being informed of them The above notwithstanding STAR can as...

Страница 4: ...ingelse Chapter 2 Controlpaneloperations There are a numberof controlson the frontpanelwhichperformvarious functionsrelatedto paperhandling printmodesand fontselection Aftergettingsetup readthischapterandtryouttheproceduresinitto find outhowthe printerworks Chapter 3 DIP switchsettings Thischapterexplainshowto settheDIP switchesto makesystemsettings on theprinter Chapter 4 Printercontrolcommands T...

Страница 5: ...e printer Chapter 7 Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourprinterisnotworking in the expectedway It alsoincludesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance operationsyoucancarryoutyourself Itisnot however acompleteservice manual Callaqualifiedserviceengineerifyouareunsureofyourabilityto carryout anymaintenanceor servicingoperations Chapter 8 Specifications This sectiong...

Страница 6: ...tandable indicatordisplaysandbeeptonesprovideimmedi ate feedbackwhen you press the buttonson the controlpanel The five buttons can operate in combinationsto perform a surprisingvariety of functions includingmicro alignment Easycare andmaintenance The ribboncartridgecan be replacedin secondsthe print head in a few minutes Versatilepaperhandling Singlesheets fanfoldforms andmulti copyforms upto trip...

Страница 7: ...11 Loading thepaperfromthebottom oftheprinter 13 Paperparking 15 Paperunparking 15 Adjusting thePrinting Gap 16 Chapter 2 CONTROL PANEL OPERATIONS 17 Buttons andIndicators 17 ONLINEbutton 18 PAPER FEEDbutton 19 SET EJECT PARKbutton 19 PRINTPITCHbutton 19 NLQTYPESTYLE button 20 Power Up Functions 21 Shorttestmode 2l Longtestmode 22 Printareatestmode 22 Stayinpanelpitch 22 Stayinpanelstyle 23 Stayin...

Страница 8: ...ol Commands 64 Chapter 5 DOWNLOAD CHARACTERS 69 Designing YourOwnDraftCharacters 69 Defining theattribute data 7O Assigning thecharacter data 72 Sample program 72 Defining YourOwnNLQCharacters 74 Chapter 6 MS DOS ANDYOUR PRINTER 77 Installing Application Software withYourPrinter 77 Embedding Printer Commands 78 Programming thePrinterwithDOSCommands 80 Programming withBASIC 82 Howtheprogram works 8...

Страница 9: ...SPECIFICATIONS 99 Chapter 9 CHARACTER SETS 103 Standard Character Set 104 IBMCharacter Set 2 106 IBMCharacter Set 1 108 IBMSpecial Character Set 109 International Character Sets 1lt INDEX 111 COMMAND SUMMARY 114 ...

Страница 10: ...fairlyvibration free Awayfromexcessiveheat suchas directsunlight heaters etc Awayfromexcessivehumidity Awayfromexcessivedust Supplyit clean electricity Don tconnectittothesamecircuitasalarge noise producingappliancesuch as a refrigerator Makesurethelinevoltageis within10 of the voltagespecifiedon the identificationplate A locationwithsufficientspaceto locatetheprinterand anypaperto be fed intoit a...

Страница 11: ...carton andcheckeachitem in the box againstFigure1 1to makesurethatyouhave everything there shouldbe fiveitems If anyof theseitemsaremissing contactyoursupplier Figuru I I Check to make sure you have all five items 1 Printer 2 Peperguide 3 Platen knob 4 Ribbon cartridge and 5 Uaer s manual 2 ...

Страница 12: ...inter s external parts Bail lever opensandclosesthepaperbailwhichholdsthepaper againstthe platen Release lever releases the platen This lever must be down for printingon singlesheets andup for fanfoldforms Top cover protectsthe printheadandotherparts Rear cover protectsthe sprocketfeedmechanism Entry slot for insertingsinglesheetsof paper Control panel controlsvariousprinterfunctions Power switch ...

Страница 13: ...entlocation Mounttheplaten knob Theplatenknobispackedintoa recessofthe whitefoampackingmaterial whichheldyourprinterinsidethe printercarton Becarefulto removethe knobbeforedisposingof the packing Mounttheplatenknobontheshaftontheright handsideoftheprinter Turn the knobon the shaftbeforepushingthe knobfullyintoposition Figure 1 3 Mounting the platen knob Installtheribboncartridge Removethetop cover...

Страница 14: ...ightenthe ribbonif it is slack turnclockwise 2 Use the grips on the side of the ribbon cartridgeto help locate the cartridge squeezetheminwardsgently andmakesurethatthespindles on the cartridgeholderfit intothe socketson the cartridgeitself igura 7 5 Installing the ribbon cartridge 5 ...

Страница 15: ...cesthe printer soperatingsounds Openthecoveronlyto change the ribbonor makean adjustment Connection Connecttheprinterto yourcomputer usinga standardparallel typecable On a PC or PC AT typecomputer thismeansthat youuse the 25 wayD type connector at the computer end and the Amphenol type36 way connectoratthepnnterend Thepinoutsoftheprinter sconnectoraregiven in Chapter8 if youneeda cablefor connecti...

Страница 16: ...the interface cable Ifyouwanttousetheoptionalserialinterface slideouttheparallelinterface board by grippingthe flips on both sides Then insert the optionalserial interfaceboardall the way as shownin Figure 1 8 Figura 1 8 Replacing the interface board ...

Страница 17: ...edmanuallywithpoweroff or automaticallywith poweron Wewillstartthe easy waywithautomaticloading 1 Placethepaperguideinposition locatingthelugsonthebottomofthe assemblyintothe slotson the rearcoverof the printer Figurs 1 9 Mounting the paper guide for single sheets 2 Makesurethat the releaseleveris down If the fanfoldpaperis mountedon the printer press the ERKCTj buttonto park thepaper thenmovethe ...

Страница 18: ...desuntilyoufeelit stop lever Figure 1 10 Loading a single sheet 5 6 Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchatthefrontoftheprinter Theprinter willbeep indicatingthatnopaperisinpositionforprinting Theorange POWER indicatoralsoflashesto showthis Nowpressthe SEHWCT button Thepaperbail willmoveclearof thepaper andthepaperwillbe fed andadjustedpasttheprintheadto a positionreadyforprinting Thepaperbailwillbemovedba...

Страница 19: ...nthe paperbail Adjustthepaperguidestomatchthesizeofpaperyouwillbe using re memberingthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft handedge of the carriage Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides placingthe sideon whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in theguidesuntilyoufeelit stop Turn theplatenknobclockwiseuntilthefrontedgeof thepapercomes out fromunderthe top cover If...

Страница 20: ...fanfoldpapereitherfromtherearorfromthebottomofthe printer If you are goingto load the paper from the bottomread the next section 1 Placeastackoffanfoldpaperbehindandatleastonepage lengthbelow the printer 2 Turnthe printer spowerOFF 3 Pmshthe releaselever to the upward position This has the effect of leasing thepaperfromtheplatenroller andengagingthetractorfeed 4 Removethepaperguideandput it asidef...

Страница 21: ...theyarenot aligned properly youwillhaveproblemswithpaperfeeding possiblyresulting in tearingandjammingof the paper Turnontheprinterusingtheswitchatthefrontoftheprinter Theprinter willbeep indicatingthatthepaperis notyet filly loaded Thisis also confirmedby the orangePOWER indicatorflashing 10 Nowpressthe EER ECT button The paperbail willmoveclearof thepaper andthepaperwillbefed andadjustedpastthep...

Страница 22: ...ardto openthe paperbail Mounttheoptionalpulltractorunitontotheprinter Gripthelocklevers onbothsideandpushtheunitdownwardsontotheplatenrollershaftto fit the tractorgrips as shownin Figure 1 14 Placea stackof fanfoldpaperbelowthe printer Withthesprocketcoversopen threadthepaperoverthesprocketsfrom thebottomof theprinter aligningholeswiththepinson the sprockets Adjustthespacingofthesprocketsby slidin...

Страница 23: over the sprockets from the bottom of tie printer 6 Nowclosethesprocketcovers againmakingsurethatthepapersprocket holesarealignedwiththepinson the sprockets If theyart not igned properly youwillhaveproblemswithpaperfeeding possiblyresulting in tearingandjammingof thepaper 7 Mountthe new topcover 14 ...

Страница 24: ...erforationislocated just abovethe topcover andtearthere 4 Pressthe W 4RcT buttonon the controlpanel Theprinterwillautomaticallyfeedthefanfoldformbackwarduntilthe paperis completelyfree of the platen 5 Move the releaseleverto the downposition 6 Mountthepaperguidein theuprightposition Now you can load singlesheetseitherautomaticallyor manually as ex plainedpreviously The fanfoldpaper remainsparked a...

Страница 25: ...leverislocatedneartherightendofthepaper bail Pulling the adjustmentlever upwardsnarrows the gap pushing it downwardswidensthe gap Thereare fivepositions youcan feeltheleverclickingintoeachposition Thesecondpositionfromthetopistheonemostcommonlyusedfor single sheetsofpaper Trydifferentpositionsuntilyougetthebestprintingresults I Flgura 1 16 Adjusting for different thicknesses of paper 16 ...

Страница 26: ...unctions Pauseprinting Feedpaper fastandslow forwardand reverse Park fanfoldforms Setthe top of formposition Selectthe printpitch Selecta fontstyle Printtestpatterns Preventsoftwarefromchangingthe panelpitchand fontselections Printa hexadecimaldump Cleartheprinter sbuffer BUTTONS AND INDICATORS The printerisequippedwithfivebuttonsonthecontrolpanel fromrightto lefttheyare ONLINEl PAPERFEED and s TF...

Страница 27: ...are Beforeand afteranyotherpaneloperation Theotherpanelbuttonsoperateonlyin theoff linestate Firstpressthe ON LINE buttonto go off line thenperformthe paneloperation then pressthe ON LINE buttonagainto go backon line To pauseduringprinting If youpressthe ONLINE buttonduringprinting theprinterstops printingandgoesoff line allowingyouto checkthe printoutor changea controlpanel setting Printingresume...

Страница 28: ...leaseleveris setto the upwardpositionfor the fanfoldforms this buttonoperatesto parkthe fanfoldformsto the backwardposition If the releaselever is set to the downwardpositionfor the singlesheets pressingthisbuttonejectsthe paper Thisbuttonhas no effectif the optionalpull tractorunitis mounted PRINTPITCHbutton Thisbuttonselectsthe printpitchthat willbe printed Rememberthat the printermustbe off lin...

Страница 29: ...slybetweentheseoptions TheOratorstyleis uniquein twoways First it is alotlarger higher than the other styles This makes it a good choice for labels and other text requiringhigh visibility A little extraline spacinghelps when Oratoris used Second therearetwoversionsoftheOratorfontstyle oneprintssmall capitalsinplaceoflower caseletters theotherprintslower caseletters but withoutdescenders The other ...

Страница 30: ...buttonis pressed the printerwillenterthe shortself testmode Theprinterwillstartprintingas soonasthe ONLINE buttonis released and willprintthe version numberof the printer sROM followedby sixlinesof the characterset Eachline willbe offsetby one characterfromthe one beforeit The final resultwillbe somethinglikethe following Figure 2 3 Short self test Sincethe test printoccupiesthe wholewidthof the c...

Страница 31: ...ted on a single sheet so fanfoldpaperis certainlysuggestedfor thistest Printarea testmode Ifyouwanttoknowhowmanylinesonyourpapercanbeprinted tryto run thispnntarea test Byholdingthe FWCT buttondowndunng power up the printerwillentertheprintareatestmode Theprinterwillprintthe firstlinemessage thenprintsthelastlinemessageonyoursinglesheetafter feedingthe paperto the bottomof the paper If youhaveload...

Страница 32: ...fromthe controlpanel Hexadecimaldump This featureis useftd for programmed who are debuggingprintingpro grams and want to see the actual codes the printer is receiving Some computemchangethecodestheprogrammerintended Inthismode allreceiveddatawillbeprintedinahexadecimaldumpformat ratherthanthe controlcodesbeingactedon as commandcodes Thismodeis accessedwiththe followingprocedure 1 Holdingboththe PA...

Страница 33: ... D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 DS D9 DA Di3 DC DD DE DF EC El E2 EZ E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FE F9 F FB FC FD FE FF jD A Figure2 4 Sample hexadecimal dump MostBASICs however arenotquitethatstraightforward Forexample the IBM PCprintsthe following 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 OH 09 09 OB oc OD 06 OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 3 19 IB IC ID iE IF 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 2A 2...

Страница 34: ...emsthatgenerategraphicsor downloadcharacterdata but thereis a solution Try changingline 20 in the precedingprogram and addingthe codingshownbelow Codingfor IBM PCwithmonochromedisplay 20 GOSUB 100 100 O INP H379 IF 0 128 THEN 100 110 OUT H378 I OUT H37A 5 OUT H37A 4 120 RETURN Codingfor IBM PCwithcoloradapter 20 GOSUB 100 100 O INP H3BD IF 0 128 THEN 100 110 OUT H3BC I OUT H3BE 5 OUT H3BE 4 120 RE...

Страница 35: ...anel Formfeed If youareusingsinglesheets thisoperationejectsthecurrentpage If you areusingfanfoldforms it feedsto the top of the nextpage 1 Pressthe ONLINE buttonto settheprinteroff line 2 Pressthe PAPER FEED buttonandholdit down Theprinterwillstart performingsuccessiveline feeds 3 Still holding the PAPER FEED button down press the ONLINE button then releaseboth buttons The printer will smoothlyej...

Страница 36: ...Forwardmicro feed Forfinealignment youcanfeedthepaperforwardinverysmallincrements as follows 1 Pressthe ONLINE buttonto setthe printeroff line 2 Pressthe C ONLINE buttonagainandholdit down 3 Pressthe PAPER FEED button Thepaperwillstartadvancinginasenes of smallsteps Whenyouwantto stop releasebothbuttons Reversemicro feed You can alsofeed the paperin smallincrementsin reverse to returnto a higherpo...

Страница 37: ...andtherestofthisprocedureis unnecessary If printingdoesnot stop continueas follows Pressthe ONLINE buttonto settheprinteroff line Printingwill now stop buttheremaybe data remainingin the buffer Press andholdthe ONLINE button Press andholdthe button Continueholdingthesetwo buttons down In aboutthreesecondsyouwillhearabeeptonesignalingthatthe bufferhasbeencleared Releasethesebuttons makeanynecessary...

Страница 38: ...aretheprinter sDIPswitches DSW1has eightswitches named1 1to 1 8fromlefttoright DSW2hasfourswitches named2 1 to 2 4 Figure 3 1 DIP switches For all switches the ONpositionis towardsthebackof theprinterandthe OFFpositionis towardsthe Ilont To seta DIPswitch use a ballpointpen or othersmallimplementto movethe switchto the ON or OFFposition Theprinter spowershouldbe off whenyousetthe DIPswitches Setti...

Страница 39: ...racter set Standard mode Italics Graphics 1 7 Character set IBMmode Set 2 Set l I 1 8 I AutoLF I No I 2 1 UsageofRAM Buffer Download H 2 2 2 3 International character set 2 4 Switch l l Is the pagelengthof yourpaper 11inchesor 12inches LeavethisswitchONifyouwillbeusing1l inchforms MoveittotheOFF positionif you willbe using 12 inchforms Switch 1 2 Do youwantan automaticcarnagereturn Leavethis switc...

Страница 40: ...n this switch is OFF the printer ignoresthe paper out detectorandprintsdownto andbeyond the bottomedge Switch 1 6 DoyouwanttousetheprinterinstandardmodeorIBMmode Selectthe modecompatiblewithyourcomputerandsoftware In standard modetheprinteroperatesliketheEpsonFX 1050 InIBMmodeitoperates like the IBMProprinterXL The ON positionselectsstandardmode The OFFpositionselectsIBMmode S vitch 1 7 The action...

Страница 41: ...ctersto the printer To downloadcharactersthisswitchmustbe OFF Theprinterthenusesits RAMmemoryfor storingcharacterpatternsandprovidesonly a one line printbuffer If youleavethisswitchONtheprinterusesitsRAMmemory asaninputbuffer allowingthecomputerto senddatafasterthantheprinter prints Switches2 2 to 2 4 Do youwantan internationalcharacterset International charactersetsdifferintheirassignmentof 14cha...

Страница 42: ...ter scontrolcommands Somecommandsare commontoboththestandardandIBMmodes Inthedescriptions ofthecom mands allcommandswillbegivenbyfunction Thenameofeachcommand is followedby a tablelikethe onebelow Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC X l 27120 49 IB 78 31 ESC X 1 27120 1 IB 78 01 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Indicatesthemodeinwhichthecommandisrecog nized Std Standardmode DIP switch 1 6on IBM ...

Страница 43: ...48 IB 49 30 ESC I O 27 73 0 IB 49 00 Changesfrom near letter qualityto draft quality Ignored if the _ buttonwaspressedduringpower up Selectdraftelite characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal 1 SC I l 27 73 49 IB 49 31 M I E I ESC I 1 I 27 73 1 I IB 49 01 I Changestodraftqualitycharacterswithelitepitch 12cpi Ignored if the E Or FiiTii buttonwas pressedduringpower up SelectNLQcharacters Mode ASCII ...

Страница 44: ...atorwithlowercase SelectCouriercharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both F o 4040 7041 41 4 28 2846 29 2930 ESC I 3 27 73 51 IB 49 33 IBM ESC I 3 27 73 3 IB 49 03 ESC I 7 27 73 55 IB 49 37 ESC I 7 27 73 7 IB 49 07 ChangestotheCourierNLQfont Ignoredifthe SWE button was pressedduringpower up SelectSanserifcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both F 1 40 40 70 41 41 49 28 28 46 29 29 31 IBM...

Страница 45: ...SCII Decimal Hexadecimal Bom I y q q l I 4040 7341 41 49 I 28 2849 292931 I std ESC 4 I 27 52 IB 34 F IBMI FS 4 1 28 52 I Ic 34 I Causessubsequentcharacterstobeprintedinitalics Ignoredifthe buttonwaspresseddufingpower up Se ectuprightcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both I O 4040 7341 41 48 28 2849 29 2930 Std ESC 5 27 53 IB 35 IBM FS 5 28 53 IC 35 Stopsitalicprintingandcauses subsequentc...

Страница 46: ...ike is recommendedinNLQmode and combined use of emphasizedand double strikeis recom mended in draft mode Double strike cannot be used whh superscripts or subscripts Canceldouble strikeprinting IMode I ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal Both B 0 4040 M 41 41 48 28 28 42 29 29 30 ESC H 27 72 IB 48 Cancelsdouble strikeprinting Startunderlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal t 1 40 40 45 41 41 49 28 28 2D ...

Страница 47: ...ontaltabulationare not overlined Stopoverlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both p c 1 yy 27 95 48 IB 5F 30 ESC O 27 95 0 IB 5F 00 Stopsoverlining Superscript IMode I AScll Decimal Hexadecimal 1 Both ESC S O 27 33 48 IB 53 30 ESC S O 27 83 0 IB 53 00 Causessubsequent characterstobeprintedassuperscripts Doesnot changethe characterpitch Subscript Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Botb ESC S l 27 03 ...

Страница 48: ... t o 27116 0 IB 74 00 Selectsthe standardcharacterset This is the power updefaultin Standardmodeif DIP switch1 7is ON Se ectIBMcharacterset Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC t l 27116 49 IB 74 31 ESC t 1 27116 1 IB 74 01 Selectsan IBMcharacterset Thisis the power updefaultin IBM mode Selectcharacterset 1 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 7 27 55 IB 37 Selectscharacterset 1 Selectcharac...

Страница 49: ...2to 2 4 Enableprintingof all charactercodes Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM cESC Y nl n2 27 92 rd n IB 5C nl d EnablesprintingofallcharactersintheIBMcharacterset including those assignedto charactercodeswhichare normallyconsidered controlcodes Thiscommandremainsineffectforthenextnl n2 x256 charactem wherenl andrz2arenumbersbetweenOand255 Duringthisintervalnocontrolfunctionsareexecuted Ifacodewi...

Страница 50: ...S Picapitch IMode ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I I std ESC P 27 80 IB 50 IBM DC2 18 12 In Standardmode changesfromelitetopicapitch 10cpi or from condensedeliteto condensedpica 17cpi In IBMmode changes fromeithereliteorcondensedtopica 10cpi Ignoredifthe buttonwaspressedduringpower up E itepitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC M 27 77 IB 4D IBM ESC 27 58 IB 3A In Standardmode changesfrompic...

Страница 51: ...imal Hexadecimal Both DC2 18 12 In Standardmode changesfromcondensedpicatonormalpicaor fromcondensedelitetonormalelite InIBMmode alwayschanges to normalpica Ignoredif the power up Expandedprinting button was pressed du ng Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC W l 27 87 49 IB 57 31 ESC W 1 27 87 1 IB 57 01 Causessubsequentcharactersto be expandedto doublewidth Cancelexpandedprinting Mode ASCII De...

Страница 52: ...e lineexpandedprintingsetwith S0 or ESC S0 Doesnot cancelcESC W 1 Selectproportionalspacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC P l 27112 49 IB 70 31 ESC p 1 27112 1 IB 70 01 IBM ESC P 1 27 00 1 IB 50 01 Causessubsequentcharacterstobeproportionallyspaced Ignored if the PiTi5i7 button waspressedduringpower up Selectfixedspacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC P O 27112 48 IB 70 30 ESC p...

Страница 53: ...ttonwaspressedduringpower up 2 Ignoredif the i7Cii buttonwaspressedduringpower up Increasecharacterspacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 5P n 27 32 n 16 20 n Increasesthe spacebetweencharactemby n 240inches wherenis a numberfromOto 127 Usedin microjustification Selectdoubleor quadruplesize Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC h n 27 104 n 16 68 n Selectsthe size of subsequentcharacters...

Страница 54: ...electsacombination ofcharacterheightandwidthaccordingtothe valueof n as below Doesnot movethe baseline n Characterwidth Characterheight O Singlewidth Singleheight 1 Doublewidth Singleheight 2 Singlewidth Doubleheight 3 Doublewidti Doubleheight Double heightcharactersare alwaysprintedat near letterquality Doubleheightprintingtemporarilycancelsthesuper subscriptand condensedprinting modes but these ...

Страница 55: ...ctsa combinationof characterheight width andline spacing accordingtothevalueofnandm asbelow Doesnotmovethebase line n Line spacing Characterheight o Unchanged Unchanged 1 Unchanged Singleheight 2 Unchanged Doubleheight 16 Single Unchanged 17 Single Singleheight 18 Single Doubleheight 32 Double Unchanged 33 Double Singleheight 34 Double Doubleheight m Characterwidth 1 Singlewidth sameas 43SC W O 2 ...

Страница 56: ...ancesor reversesin subsequentline feedsto 7 72inch Set line spacingto 1 6inch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 2 27 50 IB 32 Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feedsto 1 6inch Set line spacington 216inch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 3 n 27 51 n IB 33 n Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feeds to n 216 inch where n is betweenOand 25...

Страница 57: ...s the line spacingto the value definedby the last preceding ESC A command Setsthelinespacingto 1 6inchif thereis no precedingcESC A command Linefeed IModel ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal BothI LF 10 OA I Printsthe currentline and feedsthe paperto the nextline If DIP switch 1 2 is ON also moves the next print positionto the left margin Seethe precedingcommandsfor theline spacing Reverseline feed Mode AS...

Страница 58: ...dsthepaperoncebyn 216inchesinthereversedirection where nisbetween1and255 Doesnotmovetheprintpositionrightorleft when DIP switch 1 2 is OFF Does not change the line spacing setting Feedpapern lines Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC f l n 27 102 49 n IB 66 31 n ESC f 1 n 27102 1 n IB 66 01 n Feedsthepapern linesfromthecurrentline wheren is betweenO and 127 Set topofpage at currentposition Mode...

Страница 59: ...B 43 00 n Sets the page lengthto n inches wheren is between 1 and 22 in Standardmodeorbetween1and127inIBMmode Thecurrentline becomesthe top of thepage Set topmargin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC c n 27 99 n IB 63 n Setsthetopmargintonlines wherenisbetween1and255 Printing beginson the nthlineon the page Thepower updefaultis n 1 givingno top margin Set bottommargin IModeI ASCII Decimal Hex...

Страница 60: ... currentpage Returnto topof currentpage Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC FF 27 12 IB OC Feedsthe paperbackwardto the top of the currentpage Ignored whenfrictionfeedis used Disablepaper outdetector Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Bah ESC 8 27 56 IB 38 Causesthe printer to disregardthe signal sent by the paper out detector enablingprintingtothebottomofthepaper Overridesthe settingof DIPswitch1...

Страница 61: ...n lines IMode1 ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC e l n 27101 49 n IB 65 31 n ESC e 1 n 27101 1 n IB 65 01 n Cancelsallcurrentverticaltabstopsandsetsnewtabstopseveryn lines wheren is between1and 127 Set verticaltabstopsin channel IT Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal BoL ESC b nO nl 27 98 nO nl IB 62 nO nl d 0 n2 0 d 00 Cancelsall currentverticaltab stopsin channelnO wheren lis betweenOand7 andsetsnew...

Страница 62: ...HORIZONTAL POSITION COMMANDS Set left margin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal BothI EsC l n 27108 n IB 6C n Setstheleftmarginatcolumnn wheren is betweenOand255 in the currentcharacterpitch pica pitch if proportionalspacingis selected The left margindoesnot move if the characterpitch is changedlater Theleftmarginmustbe at leasttwocolumnsto the left of the rightmarginand withinthe limitsbelow Pica Eli...

Страница 63: ...d Pica 4 s n s 136 Elite 5 s n s 163 Condensedpica 7 s n s 233 Condensedelite 8 s n s 255 Expandedpica 2 n 68 Expandedelite 3 s n 81 Expandedcondensedpica 4 s n s 116 Expandedcondensedelite 4 s n s 136 rightmargins Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC X nl n2 27 88 nl n2 10 58 nl d Setstheleftmarginatcolumnn andtherightmarginatcolumnn2 See the preceding notes commandsfor margin restrictionsand ...

Страница 64: ... a Clb code ThiscommandtakespriorityoverDIP switch 1 8 Backspace Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both d3S 8 08 Movestheprintpositiononecolumnto theleft Ignoredif theprint position is at the left margin This command can be used to overstrikeor combinecharacters Leftjustify Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC a O 27 97 48 IB 61 30 ESC a CO 27 97 0 IB 61 00 Alignssubsequent textwiththeleftmargin l...

Страница 65: ...orizontal tabstopsallowedis32in Standardmodeand28in IBMmode The tab stopsmust be specifiedin ascendingordec any violationof ascendingorderterminatesthetabstoplist Standardterminationis bythe 0 controlcode Toclearalltabstops specify ESC D o Set horizontaltabstopeveryn columns Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC e O n 27101 46 n IB 65 30 n cESC e O n 27101 0 n IB 65 00 n Cancelsallcurrenthorizon...

Страница 66: ...htor left margin The formulasfor the distance and direction are as follows If n2is betweenOand63 theprintheadmovesrightby nl x 256 120inches If n2isbetween64and127 theprintheadmovesleftby nl rz2 64 x 256 120inches Absolutehorizontaltabin inches Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both cESC nl d 27 36 nl d IB 24 nl n2 Setsthenextprintpositionto nl rd x 256 60 inchesfromtheleft marginon the currentline I...

Страница 67: be nZ n2 x 256 Dots beyond the right margin are ignored At the end of bit image printingthe printerreturnsautomaticallyto charactermode Printdouble density8 bitgraphics IModel ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I Both ESC L nl n2 27 76 nl d IB 4C nl n2 ml m2 ml m2 ml d Printsbit imagegraphicsat 120dotsper inchhorizontally maxi mum 1632dots wide SeecESC K for otherinformation Printdouble density doub...

Страница 68: ... bit imagegraphicsin this mode See ESb K for informationon nl ti ml m2 nO Graohicsmode 0 Normal density 60 dotsper inch 1 Double density 120dotsper inch 2 Double density double speed 3 Quadmple density 240dotsper inch 4 CRTgraphics modeI 80 dotsper inch 5 Plottergraphics 72dotsper inch 6 CRTgraphics modeII 90 dotsper inch 7 Double densityplottergraphics 144dotsper inch Convertgraphicsdensity Mode ...

Страница 69: ... n2 x 256 At the end of bit image printingthe printerreturnsautomaticallyto charactermode DOWNLOAD CHARACTER COMMANDS CopystandardcharactersfromROMinto RAM Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC o o o 27 58 0 0 0 IB 3A 03 00 00 IBM FS o o o 28 58 0 0 0 IC 3A 03 W 00 Copiesall the standardcharactersto the correspondingdownload characterRAMarea overwritinganydownloaddataalreadypres ent IgnoredwhenDI...

Страница 70: ...eseightverticaldots withtheMSBbeingthe top dot andtheLSBthebottomdot Thesecorrespondto pins 1to 8 or2 to 9 of theprinthead dependingon whetherthecharacteris an ascenderor descender For furtherdetails pleasereferto the Chapter5 DefineNLQ downloadcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC O nl 27 3S O d IB 26 W d Both d MO ml d mO ml d d d ml d m3 M46 m3 m46 d m46 DefinesoneormorenewNLQcharacters...

Страница 71: ...estoftheninevertical dots or a descender notusingthehighestdot andwhetherit has a downwardextensionto 12dots Theattributebytea2 givesproportional spacing information Bit7 is ignored Bits4 to 6 specifythe offsetto the firstbyteprinted O to 7 enablingleadingspacesin thecharacterto be ignored BitsO to 3 specifythewidthofthecharactercell maximum11dots The characterwillbefollowedbyamandatoryblankdotcol...

Страница 72: ...haracterset draftquality andelitepitch 12 cpi Ignoredif the buttonwaspressedduringpower upor if DIP switch2 1 is ON SelectNLC downloadcharacterset Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC T 6 27 73 54 IB 49 36 ESC I 6 27 73 6 IB 49 06 Selectsthe downloadcharacterset andnearletterquality Ignored if the buttonwaspressedduringpower upor if DIPswitch 2 1 is ON SelectROMcharacterset Mode ASCII Decimal He...

Страница 73: ... maximumof 16characters Executemacroinstruction Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 1 27 43 1 IB 2B 01 Executesa p viously definedmacroinstruction OTHER PRINTER CONTROL COMMANDS Set MSB to 1 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 27 62 IB 3E Setsthemostsignificantbit of eachsubsequentbytereceivedto 1 allowinguserswitha7 bitinterfacetoaccesscharactemwithASCII codesgreaterthan 127 Set MSB to O ...

Страница 74: ... partof a command Cancellast line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both CAN 24 18 Deletesthelastlinecurrentlypresentin the printbuffer Immediateprint Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both cESC i l 27105 49 IB 69 31 ESC i 1 27105 1 IB 69 01 Selectsthe immediateprintmode in whichtheprinterprintseach characteras soonas received Ateverypauseinthe incomingdata streamthe printerscrollsthe paperup about2 inc...

Страница 75: ... 81 22 IB 51 16 Sets the printer off line The printer disregards all subsequent charactersandcommandsexcept DC1 whichreturnsittotheon line state The printer sONLINE indicatordoesnot go off Setprinter on line IModel ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I IBothI DCl 17 11 Returnsthe printerto the on linestate allowingit to receiveand processallsubsequentcharactemandcommands Thiscommandis i ored iftheprinte...

Страница 76: ...ntingto be done unidirectionally ensuring maximumverticalalignmentprecision One lineunidirectionalprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 27 60 IB 3C Immediatelyreturnstheprintheadtotheleftmargin thenprintsthe remainder of the line from left to right Normal bidirectional printingresumeson the nextline Manualfeed Mode Both ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC EM O 27 25 0 IB 19 N o y 40 40 48 41 ...

Страница 77: ...ts the currentpage Ignoredif DIP switch 1 4 is ON ASF inactive Setprint startpositiononASF Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC cEM T n Both 27 25 84 n IB 19 54 n T n 40 40 84 41 41 n 28 28 54 29 29 n Skipsn 6inchesatthetopofthepage wherenisequaltoorgreater than 1 Ignoredif DIPswitch1 4is ON ASFinactive Resetprinter Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 27 64 IB 40 Reinitializestheprinter Clearsth...

Страница 78: ...esigningandprintingyourowncharactemhas two requirements firstly designingtheshapeofthecharacter calculatingthedatanecessarytomake the shape and sendingthat datato the printer and secondly sendingthe commandto printthe downloadedcharactersinsteadofthe regularcharac ters Thereare a numberof designconstraintsfor downloaddraft quality characters Thematrixor gridon whichyoudesignthe charactersis sixbox...

Страница 79: ...aracters Wewill use a tinyrepresentationof a car shapedsymbolfor ourexample rnl m3 m5 rrr7 m9 ml I m2 m4 m6 m8 m10 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ASCII Code Descender Left space Last column mO Descender x 128 Left x 16 Last Figure S2 Use this grid or one similar to it to define your own draft characters Definingtheattributedata Beforeyoustartthedefinition youwillneedto decideexactlywherein the regularASCIIs...

Страница 80: ...Ii Descender CI l Wedecidedthatourcarsymbolwillnotbe a descender soafigure l is writtennexttoDescenderonthegrid Ifyourcharacterisadescender write a O nextto Descender Next you must specify the left space and the last print column of the character Beingableto specifythe widthof the characterallowsyouto specifythe precisearea insidethe grid that the characterwill occupy so that narrow charactemwilll...

Страница 81: ... demonstratehow to use the downloadcharacters let s use the car characterandsomeotheruser definedcharacterstoprintasmallgraph This programwilldojust that 1000 LPRINT CHR 27 j CHR 0 j 1010 LPRINT CHR 60 CHR 62 j 1020 FOR N 60 TO 62 1030 FOR M O TO 11 1040 READ MM 1050 LPRINT CHR NM 1060 NEXT M 1070 NEXT N 1080 LPRINT 1090 DATA 139 2 5 8 241 0 1100 DATA 0 241 8 5 2 0 1110 DATA 139 124 0 66 4 64 1120...


Страница 83: ...rries the descenderdata and the next three bits describethe character sleft space as with the draft characters but the last four bits describethe rightspace Appropriateallocationof datain thesesevenbits lets you place the character where you like within the grid with the restrictionthat the charactermustbe atleast9 dotswide UsethegridinFigure5 4tohelpplotthedata Dueto thetwo passprocess NLQcharact...

Страница 84: ... 1 1St I nd igure 5 4 Use this grid or one similar to it to define your own NLO characters ml m23 Ist fli24 m46 2nd 128 128 64 64 32 32 ASCII Code 16 Descender 7 16 8 Left space O 8 Right space O 4 mo Descender x 128 4 2 Left x 16 2 I Ist 74 38 70 70 726 0 0 0 9 1 980 76 7 1 0 0 70 38 22 6 6 6 2nd 28 74 4 74 724 0 64 32 76 0 0 0 32 64 0 0 0 72 72 74 14 74 72 Igura 5 5 Add the values of the dots in...

Страница 85: ......

Страница 86: ...n Ifyouhaveyourprintersetup in standardmode thenchooseanEpsonFX 1050or EX 1OOO as yourprinterto be selected If neitherof thesea mentioned chooseone of the following in orderof preference StarNR 10 15 StarND 10 15 EpsonFX86e EpsonFX286e If you have yourprintersetup with the DIP switchesto emulatean IBM PropnnterXL simplychoosethisfromthe list of printerxavailablein the applicationsoftwarelist If th...

Страница 87: ...ftwaresupplierwillprobablybe yourmost conve nient reference EMBEDDING PRINTER COMMANDS Many word processorsand other softwarelack commandsfor changing typestyle orprintingdouble sizecharacters andsomedonotevensupport boldprintingor italics Yourprinterthereforehas commandsthat can be embeddedin documentsto controlthesefimctionswithoutsoftwarehelp The commandsconsistof a capitalletter enclosedin dou...

Страница 88: ...owerwasswitchedon Theboldcommand B 1givesdouble strike printing Indraftmodeyou may preferto use emphasizedprinting whichrequiresa softwarecom mandor escapesequence A line consistingof commandsaloneprintsas a blankline Softwaredoes not know that these commandsare commands so you cannottrustyoursoftwaretogiveyouthecorrectlinewidth Theprinted linemaybe considerablyshorterthanthelineon the screen them...

Страница 89: ...ingmessage asking which 1ist device PRN If yourcomputerisconnectedtoonlyoneprinter pressRETURNto select the default choice PRN Printing will begin and the A prompt will reappear You can executeothercommandsor programswhilethe file is beingprinted A singlePRINTcommandcanprinttwoor morefiles Listthe filenames consecutivelyonthe sameline or usewild cardcharactem and Each filewillbe printedstartingon ...

Страница 90: ...the cl indicate charactercode 1 whichis a controlcode not the printabledigit l Youmay wantto place additionalcommandsin this file such as left and rightmargins linespacingandbottommargincommands Oryoumaywant to createa varietyof setupfileswitha differentsetof commandsin each To avoidexcesslinefeeds youshouldplacethe commandson onelinein thesetupfile Youmayormaynotbeabletogenerateasetupfilewithword...

Страница 91: ...pIWS the CTRLandZ keyssimultaneously TO usethisfiletO printREADME DOC typethe fifthline A COPY CON NLQPRINT BAT COPY NLQELITE DAT PRN PRINT 1 z A NLQELITE README DOC The firstaboveline is a copycommandfromthe CONsolescreento a file namedNLQPRINT BAT Thenexttwolinesarethecontentsofthisfile The 1is a dummyparameter whateverfilenameyoutypeafterNLQPRINT willbe substitutedfor 1andprinted PROGRAMMING WI...

Страница 92: ...ortionalspacing for all pitches 1330 LPRINT E PO Cancel proportionalspacing 1340 LPRINT H E W1 Expanded E WCI 1350 LPRINT H E wl D oublebhei9ht9ht E wO 1360 LPRINT H E h CHR l Double sized 1370 LPRINT H E h CHR 2 Quad sized 1380 LPRINT E h CHR O 1390 LPRINT LPRINT 1400 LPRINT E UQ CHR 49 Set right margin 1410 LPRINT C UVarious line and character spacings 1420 LPRINT E al Center text 1430 FOR 1 1 T...

Страница 93: ...character NEXT I LPRINT D E 0 Selectnormal character LPRINT H C Various dot f DIM LOGO 4 RESTORE 2370 FOR ROW l TO 4 FOR COL l TO 65 READ DG LOGO ROW LOGO ROW CHR NEXT COL NEXT ROW raphic densities DG LPRINTE A CHR 8 Set 8 72 line spacing FOR ROW l TO 4 LPRINT H FOR B O TO 4 IF B 2 THEN 1940 LPRINT E CHR B Selectdot grapgics mode LPRINT CHR 65 CHR 0 LOGO ROW LPRINT NEXT B LPRINT NEXT ROW LPRINT FO...

Страница 94: ... 7 7 7 7 2420 DATA 7 7 0 0 0 2430 DATA O 0 60 255 255 255 255 255 143 15 7 7 2440 DATA 7 7 3 3 3 131 193 241 240 240 0 0 2450 DATA O 0 0 0 224 255 255 255 255 255 31 0 2460 DATA 0 0 1 3 31 255 255 255 255 255 255 1 2470 DATA 0 0 0 1 7 31 255 252 240 192 128 0 2480 DATA O 0 0 0 0 2490 DATA o 31 31 3 129 128 192 192 192 192 192 224 2500 DATA 224 224 224 240 255 255 255 255 255 127 O 0 2510 DATA O 0 ...

Страница 95: ...ythe line spacing lines 1440and 1490 and a commandto micro adjustthe space betweencharacters lines1450and 1500 Nexttheprogramreturnstonormalspacingandgivesademonstration ofthe printer sword processingabilities bold printing underlining subscripts etc The rowof automobilesin thenextprintedlineis createdby downloading twonewcharacterpatterns whichareprintedinplaceof thecharacter character60 Detailsc...

Страница 96: ...L CAP ITAI S OR wi t h 1 wer case characters and rTA T S Fat a II v F Print P itches are Pi cci pi t ch 1Cl CF 1 El it e pitch 12 CPI Condensed p cap tch 17CPII Condensed elitepitch 20CPII propor tionil spacing for all pitches Various line and character spcicinqs CIttier features 87 ...

Страница 97: ...ommandto micro adjustthe character spacing 1090 1190 1220 1280 1400 1440 1450 1490 1500 1550 1860 P CHR 18 Pica pitch LPRINTCHR 28 4 Select italics LPRINTCHR 28 5 Cancel italics LPRINTH E M Condensed elite pitch 20 CPI LPRINTCHR 28 Q CHR 49 Set right margin LPRINTE A CHR I E 2 Set 1ine spacing LPRINTE CHR I Increase character space LPRINTE A CHR I E 2 LPRINTE CHR I LPRINTE CHR 0 Normal character s...

Страница 98: ...lls The followingtablegivesyouideason whereto lookin this sectionif youexperiencefaults Region offault Description Power supply Power is not king supplied totheprinter Printing Theprinter does notprin orstops printing Theprint isfaint oruneven Dots aremissing in characters orgraphics While using application software fonts orcharacterscannotbe printed Theprintout is not what is expected when ruinin...

Страница 99: printer and computer to nected securely make sure that the connector is firmly in position Is the ONLINEindicator itlu IfitisnoCpress the ON LINE buttontosettheprinter minated on line Is the POWER indicator If it is the paper has run cut Load more paper flashing Is the paper caught up inter Turn off the power remove thejammedpaper replace nally tumontheprinter andcontinueprinting Make sure th...

Страница 100: ...stall the soft properly installed ware if necessary Are fonts not being selwted Check the software installation and insert the com properly martds necessary for font changes into the software Are characters other than Either you we using the WrongInternational Character those expected being Set reset with DIP switches or software axnrnands printed or you have the wrong character set selected for e...

Страница 101: ...hat can be fed in this way Try with thinner paper Iffanfold continuous paperisnotbeingfedcorrectlyusingthetractorfeed checkthe following Check Is the paper lever pushed to the position Is the paper guide in the ver tical position Are the holes on each side of the paper aligned withregard to each other in tie sprock ets Arethesprockets toocloseor too far aDart Are the sprockets locked in position a...

Страница 102: ... ASF for this and continue Are the left and right guides If the left and right guides are too close together the too close together paper will not feed smoothly Move them a little further apart to allow the paper to feed freely Is there toomuch paper in the The ASF Spaper feed hopper and stacker can hold 120 paper feedhopperorstacker sheets each Make sure that there is no more paper than this in e...

Страница 103: ... same Carriage returns are not being expanded to tine CR LF pairs Check the DIP switch setting and correct Is text being printed with I Two line feeds are being printed Either make your extra blank lines software print just a carriage return or if this is not possible settheAUTOLFto OFF with the DIP switch setting Ifthepagelengthandmarginsarenotwhatisexpected checkthefollowing I Check I Possible r...

Страница 104: bend or damage any cable comections or electroniccomponents REPLACING THE PRINT HEAD Thisisnot ajobwhichyouwillneedtodoveryoften Theprintheadhasbeen designedtogivealifeabout100millioncharacters Innormaleverydayuse thiswillmeanyearsoflife However if theprintqualityisfaint evenafter youhavechangedtheribbonoryouhaveadjustedthegapbetweentheprint head andtheplaten see Chapter1 the printhead willneed...

Страница 105: ...Screws Connector cove FYI 1 F gura 7 T Replacingthe printhead ...

Страница 106: ...on the twopins 9 Threadthenewcablethesamewayastheold securingitunderthethree tabson the printheadcarriage 10 Plugthe cableintothe connector insertingit as far as it willgo 11 Fastenthe printheaddownwiththe two screws 12 Movethecarnagebacktowardtherightandreplacetheconnectorcover Slidethe comector coverto the left untilit locksintoplace 13 Replacetheribboncartridgeandtopcover andplugthepowercordbac...

Страница 107: ...MEMO ...

Страница 108: ...ectable Numberof printpins 9 Line spacing 1 6 1 8 n 72 n 216inches Characters ASCII 96 International 14sets IBMspecial 111 IBMblockgraphic 50 Download 255 USA France Germany England DenmarkI Sweden Italy SpainI Japan Norway Denmark II Spain II Latin America Denmark Norway Numberof columns CPI Pica 10 136 Elite 12 163 Condensedpica 17 1 233 Condensedelite 20 272 Proportional Variable 99 ...

Страница 109: ...1088 8x1224 8x979 8x1958 9x816 9x1632 Itisimpossibletoprintadjacentdotsinthemodemarkedwithanasterisk Paperfeed Frictionandpushtractor standard Pulltractor option Paperfeedspeed 2 8inches secondmax Paperwidth Cut sheet Fanfold continuous Copies Original 2 copies Maximumbuffersize WithoutDownload WithDownload Emulations Epsonmode IBMProprintermode 5 5 16 5 4 16 15kB 1line Interface Centronicsparalle...

Страница 110: ...draftpica Dimensions 590 w x 332 d x127 h mm 23 2 w x13 1 d x5 h in Weight 8 5kg 18 71b Powersupply 120VAC 220VAC 240VAC 50 60Hz vanesaccordingtothecountxyofpur chase Options Automaticsheetfeeder RS 232Cinterface Pulltractorfeed 101 ...

Страница 111: ... Hieh when active 10 ACK 5p s lowpulse acknowledges receipt ofdata 11 BUSY Low when printer ready toreceive data I 12 1 PAPER IHigh when paper out Can be disabled with DIP switch setting 1 13 SELECT High when printer is on line 14 15 N C 16 SIGNAL GND Signal ground 17 I CHASSIS I Chassis ground isolated from signal ground 18 5V 5v DC Outmt from minter 19 30 GND Twisted pair ground return 31 RESET ...

Страница 112: ...hexadecimalcodecanbefoundbyreadingtheentriesatthetopandleft edgesof thetable forexample thecharacter A isin colurnn4androw 1 so itshexadecimalcharactercodeis 41 thisisequivalent 4x 16 1 65 to decimal65 the numberin the inset Control codes recognizedby this printer are indicatedby abbreviations insidepointedbrackets cSample rCharacter I L_Control code e im l v lu LHexadecimal value low order ...

Страница 113: ...I STANDARD CHARACTER SET 104 ...

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Страница 115: ...I IBM CHARACTER SET 2 106 ...

Страница 116: ...I ...

Страница 117: ...CTER SET 1 Othercharactersare identicalto characterset W The duplicationof controlcodesenablessystemswith a 7 bitinterfaceto obtain control functionswhen the most significantbit is set to 1 by the ESC command 108 ...

Страница 118: ...IBM SPECIAL CHARACTER SET Additionalcharacterscan be printedby specialcommands 109 ...

Страница 119: ... set See Chapter3 for the DIP switchsettings The commandsfor selectingthe internationalcharactersetsare Standardmode ESC R n IBMmode FS R n Wheren meanscharactercoden i e CHR n in BASIC Thevaluesof n are O U S A 5 Sweden 10 DenmarkII 1 France 6 Italy 11 SpainII 2 Germany 7 SpainI 12 Latin America 3 England 8 Japan 13 Denmark Norway 4 DenmarkI 9 Norway 110 ...

Страница 120: ...itch commands 41 46 Characterspacing 44 Cleaning 95 Columnwidth 99 Condensedpitch 19 42 Connector 3 6 Controlpanel 17 Couriertypestyle 20 35 m DIP switches 29 32 78 Delete 65 Descender 61 71 Dimensionsof printer 101 Dotmatrixsize 100 Double sizechamcters 44 46 Double strike printing 37 Downloadcharactercommands 60 63 Downloadcharacters 32 69 75 Draftquality 20 34 60 63 69 73 LE Elitepitch 19 34 41...

Страница 121: ...argins bottom 50 left 53 right 54 top 50 Masterprintmode 44 Micro feed 27 Microjustification 44 Mostsignificantbit 64 m Off 1ine 18 66 OnLinebutton 18 21 66 Oratortypestyle 20 36 Overlining 38 m Pagefeed 51 Pagelength 30 50 Pagewidth 99 Panelpitch 22 Panelstyle 23 PaperFeedbutton 19 22 26 27 Paperfeed 100 Paperfeeding 92 Paperguide 8 15 Paperspecifications 100 Paper outdetector 31 51 Parking 15 Pa...

Страница 122: ...anualloading 10 specifications 100 Slashzero 41 Smallcapitals 20 Specifications 99 102 Sprocketfeed 11 14 100 Standardcharacterset 31 39 104 105 Standzudmode 31 86 Subscripts 38 Superscripts 38 m Tabulation 52 Testpaltems 21 Topcover 3 4 Top margin 50 Topof form 27 Tractorfeed 11 14 100 Troubleshooting 89 94 Typestyle 20 99 ml Underlining 37 Unidirectional printing 67 Unpackingandinspection 2 Unpa...

Страница 123: ...n2 T Abso ute horizontal tab in iches ESC 90 O Select ROM character set ESC 1 Selectdowrdoad character set ESC 70 0 Select ROM character set ESC yO 1 Select dowrdoadcharacterset ESC 0 nl n2 mo ml d m3 mll Define draft download character ESC O nl n2 mo ml m2 m3 m46 Define NLQdownload character ESC nOnln2 ml d Select graphics mode Esc 1 Execute macro instruction ESC RS Define macro instruction Esc b...

Страница 124: ...length LO n lines Set page length to n inches Set horizontal tab stops Emphasized printing Cancel emphasized printing Double strike prinling Caned double strike printing Select draft quality characters Select draft elite characters Select Sanserif characters Select Courier characters Select draft download character set Select draft elite download character set Select NLQ download character set Sel...

Страница 125: ...cter Print 9 pin graphics Stop overlining Start overlining Stop overlining Start overlining Left justify Center text Right justify Left justify Center text Right justify Set vertical tab stops in channel Set top margin Set horizontal tab stop every n columns Set verticaf tab stops every n lines Set horizontal tab stop every n columns Set vertical tab stops every n lines Absolute horizontal tab irs...

Страница 126: ...t margin Select international character set Relative horizontal tab Delete last character sent Stop underlining Start underlining Manual feed Auto feed Cancel double s ke printing Double strike pmting Select Courier characters Select Sanserif charac ers Select Orator characters with small capitafs Select Orator characters with lower case Select draft quality characters Select upright characters Se...

Страница 127: ......

Страница 128: ...70 Attn ProductManager EuropeanMarket STARMICRONICSDEUTSCHLAND GMBH Westerbachstra13e 59 P O Box940330 D 6000Frankfurt Main90 F R of Germany Attn ProductManager U K A4arkef STAR MICRONICS U K LTD Star House Peregrine Business Park Gomm Road High Wycombe Bucks HP13 7DL U K Attn Product Manager FrenchMarket STAR MICRONICS FRANCE S A R L 25 rue Michael Faraday 78180 Montigny le Bretonneux Attn Produc...

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Страница 130: ...PRINTED IN JAPAN ...
