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Содержание 8 Series

Страница 1: ...L 8 Series A M ...

Страница 2: ...8 Series Applications Manual ...

Страница 3: ...MultiMate Muhrrratefntemational TRS 80 Radio Shack a division of TandyCorporation Epson EX 800 Seiko EpsursCorporation WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation Ventura Publisher Hyplot Diablo 630 Xerox Corporatimr NOTICE Alf rights reserwed Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without STAR s express permission is forbidden The contents of this manual are subject to change with...

Страница 4: ...rlierkindof printer Thismanualprovidesthe softwarehelpyouneedto getthe most fromyourLaserPrinter8 Thoughthis ApplicationsManual is really intendedfor intermediateto advancedcomputerusers we vetriedtoaccommodate relativenovicestoo The informationis organizedso youcan walkthroughthe generaltheory underlyingprinterprogrammingbefore dancinginto specificdetails It makessense therefore to readthe firstt...

Страница 5: ...rs4 through7 which cover Star LaserPrinter8 commands Your LaserPrinter8 emulatesotherprintem it imitatesotherpnntembyacceptingthesame commandstheydo JustthinkofyourStarLaserPrinter8 asfourprinters hidinginsideoneunit Ifyouwanttowriteormodifyaprogramthatusesoneoftheseprinters theHewlett Packard LaserJetseriesII EpsonEX 800 IBMProprinteror XeroxDiablo630 chapters4 through7 showhow yourStar Laser Pri...

Страница 6: ...ns Manual ThismanualisthecompaniontotheStarLaserPrinter8Operations Manual thatcamewithyourprinter Alaserprinteris a fairlycomplextoolthat re quirescareanddelicatehandling SotousethisApplicationsManual best makesureyouunderstandthat OperationsManual first Your OperationsManual holds essentialinformationabout the Lascr Pnnter 8 suchashow to unpackand set up yourlaserprinter connecttheStarLaserPrinte...

Страница 7: ...nter8 Superset 29 CHAPTER 3 FONTS 35 FontTerminology 35 HowtheStarLaserPrinter8 StoresFonts 38 SymbolSets 41 ManagingFonts 44 CHAPTER4 HPLASERJETII COMMANDS 51 HPLaserJetII Commands 51 Control lingthePrinter 53 PageOrientation 56 MovingthePrintPosition 61 ControllingFonts 70 UsingYourOwnFonts 85 Graphics 89 Macros 94 CHAPTER 5 EPSON EX 800 COMMANDS 99 EX 800Commands 99 ControllingthePrinter 101 Fo...

Страница 8: ...MovingthePrintPosition 127 ControllingFonts 13 J Graphics 133 CHAPTER 7 XEROX DIABLO630 COMMANDS 135 Diablo Commands 135 Controlling thePrinter 136 Formatting Pages 137 MovingthePrintPosition 140 ControllingFonts 145 Graphics l g CHAPTER 8 TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENT 153 Commandsummary 154 Symbolsets 162 INDEX 213 ...

Страница 9: ...nter 8 produces pages that look close to typeset quality with up to 90 000 dots per square inch no more NLQ near letter quality compromises The Star LaserPrinter8 produceseight of those pages a minute These numberstranslateto aboutfivetimesmore resolutionand speedthanthe averagedot matrixprinter Star snewprinterisremarkablyversatile Youcanprintcomplicatedforms widthwiseif you want detailedgraphs y...

Страница 10: ...desfiese youmaybe ableto useoptionalcartridgesanddisksto give yourStarL serPnnter 8 a varietyof extrafonts suchas these Helvet linedrawing LetterGothic presentationfonts Bar codes opticalcharacterreaderfontsuniversalproductcode You can load your Star LaserPrinter8 smemory with fonts stored on computerdisks Literallyhundredsof fonts are marketedby font supply companies Somefontsareevenobtainablefro...

Страница 11: ...torpanel as explainedin your Star LaserPrinter8 OperationsManual The Star LaserPrinter 8 is a computer TheStarLaserPrinter8 firstmapsthecharactersto beprintedintoitsown randomaccessmemory RAM Thatis theprinterbuildsa picture inits memorycorresponding tothepageyouwanttoprint Whenthat sdonethe pnntercan reproducethepageontopaperonitsown lettingyourcomputer get on withotherwork YourStarLaserPrinter8c...

Страница 12: ... Wherevera lightpulsestrikes thattinypartof the drumdropsto a neutral electricalcharge That spot then attractsfine toner powder as the drum rotatespastthe powdercompartment Asthedrumrotatesfurtheritmeetsthepaper Thepaperitselfisnegatively chargedbypassingbyafinecoronawire Sinceoppositechargesattract the negativepaperclingsto the positivedrum Thenheatandpressurefroma rollermeltorjkre thedotsoftoner...

Страница 13: ...iontoitsright Andweonlyneed twosymbols O zero and1 one to showthevaluesthatmaybe inany position So in binarywe getnumbersthatlooklike 1010or 10001100 Thehexadecimalsystemis madeofbase sixteennumbers Hexadecimalis positionalliketheothercountingsystems Andeachhigherpositionisworth sixteentimesas muchas the positionto its right We need sixteendifferentsymbolsto show all the possiblevalues one hexadec...

Страница 14: ...utemand printersuse only the binarynumbersystemto representboth commandsand all the alphabetic numericand other key boardsymbols Nearlyall of thosemachinesusethe sameschemeto code thosesymbols the AmericanStandardsCodefor InformationInterchange ASCII Anexample inourfamiliardecimalsystem binary01001010addsuptothe number 74 Dependingon which program your printer is using it can interpretthatbinaryst...

Страница 15: ...mbolsandnumerals hex41 to 60 arecapitallettersandthelesscommonkeyboardsymbols hex 61to 7F arelowercaselettersanda few finalsymbols That takes care of the first 128 ASCII symbols However nearly every co mputerand printer manufacturertreats the second half of the table differently Hewlett Packard for example puts a variety of accented foreignlanguagecharactersintopositions128 255 oftenreferredtoashi...

Страница 16: ... ESC means the next character specifies a command not something to be printed Thereforeif yousendjust the character4 to theprinterit willprinta 4 and that sall 13utifyousendthe ESC codejustbeforethe4 thentheprinter in EX 800 mode will switch over to italics text Extending the control codes this way gives you many more commands to control yourprinter in fact these Escapesequences makeupmostoftheSta...

Страница 17: ...asily WordPerfectandMicrosoftWord arestrongatthis butarebynomeansthe onlygoodfontmanipulators If youhavetroubleusinga particularprogramwithyourStarLaserPrinter 8 you ll probably get answers most quickly by asking your software supplierhowthe programinteractswithyourprinter Inthismanualwerefertoprograms fontsandotherproductssoldbyseveral companies Pleaserealizethatmentioningtheseproductsdoesnotmean...

Страница 18: tokeepthe print positionmovingwhenit hitsthe endof a line Unasked forcarriage returnscanmessup yourprinting however so ii sa goodhabitto putin a WIDTHstatementas shown Thatletsus printoverthe wholepagearea The BEL controlcode ASCIIcode7 issentinBASICasCHR 7 The ESC codeitselfisCHR 27 Andbecausewe reusingthecharacter 4 as part of an ESC command we typeCHR 52 insteadof 4 So if youstartBASICandtyp...

Страница 19: ...tsyouuseyourStarLaserPrinter8 witholderprogramsthathaven tbeen updatedto takeadvantageoflaserprinters In fact becauseit emulatesfour of the mostpopularprinters youcan use the StarLaserPrinter8 withjust aboutanymicrocomputerprogramaround Unfortunatelythose printers often use different escape sequences for exactlythe same function Those printers moreover provideescapese quencesfor functionsthe Star ...

Страница 20: ...12 ...

Страница 21: ...ortantfact aboutprintercommands though is thatyou may not even needto knowhowto usethem If yoursoftwaresystemsincludetheirown printer drivers you may want to read only this chapter and skip all of chaptem4 through7 PRINTER PARAMETERS The front panel TheeasiestwaytocontrolyourStarLaserPrinter8isthroughitsfrontpanel asexplainedinmoredetailinyourStarLaserPrinter8 Operations Manuai When yourprinteris ...

Страница 22: ...e printerwillaccept interface howtheprintercommunicateswithyourcomputer Theprinterstorestheseparametersaseasy to useprogrammenuitemsthat youcan selectfromthe controlpanel Theseparametersspecify AdefaultisthesettingtheStarLaserPrinter8willuseifnoneisspecifically selectedbyqprogram Whenyoufirstturnonorlatcrresetyourprinterthese defaultsettingswilltake effect Yourmainuseforthefrontpanelwilllikelybeto...

Страница 23: ...LaserPrinter8 sinitialsettings sometimescalled sessionsettings You lllikelyonlychangethcmwhen you want to use a differentpnntcr cmulationthan normal These initial settingsstaythe sameas the power onsettingsuntilyouchangethcm Ontheotherhand yoursoftwarewillprobablychangethe currentsettings manyJimcswithinthe samedocument witheverychangeof fontor print style How to change parameters Withthepnntcroff...

Страница 24: ...the most basicof the Star LaserPrinter8 s configurationsettings defineshowyourcomputerconnectsto theprinter You can set the INTERFACEto either Serial or Parallel in IBM or Ccntronicsmode Inmostsingle computer environments you lloptforthe fasterParallelinterface in amulti usernetworkyoumaybe betteroffwith Serial The particular printer interface settingsdon t matter asmuch as making sure theymatchth...

Страница 25: ... Ifyourcomputersendsthatextraparitybit you llhave to say whether it produces an even or odd number of on bits in the character You llalsohavetoindicateifyourcomputersendstwostopbitstoindicate thecndof a byte insteadofone thedefault Theseserialintcrfaccsettings aredcscnbedinmoredetailinyourStarLaserPrinter8Operations Manual Serial interface protocol Finally in Serialmodeyourcomputerwill use one of ...

Страница 26: ...OFF If you wantto enableDTRor ETX ACK or disableXON XOFF you ll have to set thoseparametervalues accordingly Turningon onc of these protocolsautomaticallyflipsoff the others Checking your connections Yourcomputerandprintermayhavetroublecommunicating whenyoufirst introducethcmto eachother Thequickwayto findoutif yoursettingsand printercableare workingistosendyourprinteraprintoutfromyourscreen CHW P...

Страница 27: ...fthetimeyouwillprobablychooseHPLaserJetseries11emulation whichisthedefaultwhenyouturnontheStarLaserPrintcr8 That sbecause the LaserJetseries H like the Star LaserPrinter8 is a laser printer This cmulationmodegivesyouthebestcontroloveryourpnntcr sfeatures and workswithmostpopularapplicationsprograms TheEX 800emulationis quitepowerfultoo It includesall thedot matrix pnntcr commands includinggraphics...

Страница 28: ...ionally youmaywanttoprintupthelengthofthepage Unlikemost otherlaser pnntem yourStar LaserPrinter8 lets you rotatefontsto print eitherway youdon thaveto buyseparatefontsto printsidewayson the page Yourprinternormallyfeedsa new formwhenyou rotatea font to avoid accidentallyprintingbothorientationsonthesamepage Butif youwantto intermixorientations just changethe valueof FF on Rotateto NO Font orienta...

Страница 29: ...f necessaryyouconsultanother programmermorefamiliarwithyourcomputer Actually ifyouaredebugginganyprogramyou mayfindthishex dump modehelpful It can be a greattrouble shooter CONTROLLING THE PAGE In this section we look at two controls you have over how the Star LaserPrinter8 handlesand formatsits pages You can set valuesfor the PAPERFEEDandLAYOUTparameterson the frontpanel Atthe end of this section...

Страница 30: ...7 25by 10 5inches Oneothernice thing youcan do is printdirectlyon envelopes Withthis Paper Size parameteryou can specifyenvelopesin sizes 10 Monarch EuropeanC5 andDL Thenjust workout whereto put the address setthe orientationto landscape see below and slide your envelopeinto the manualfeedslot Easy Inanyemulationmodeyoucansendyourprintercommandstochangepaper sizeorfeedin papermanually youcanalsose...

Страница 31: ...eof misfccding Forbest results whenyourStarLaserPrintcr8is firstsetuphavethepaperfccdcr squared forpaperof atIcast20pounds Lighterpaper thoughchcapcr isn treallythe way to cconomizc Wantto printon yourownpreprintedIcttcrhcad Fine so longasyour logoisn tthermographed Thickcoloredink maylook luxurious but it canalsowindupstuckalloveryourpnntcr sroller Stayawayfromany inksthatsoftenatrelativelylowtem...

Страница 32: ...tobendoverandthroughtheguide rollers moreover fusing toner to the paper involves heat You can eliminatetroubleby alwaysfeedinglabelsheetsmanually Both Avery s Lasergraphic labelsand Canon slabelsseem to work fine Yourmainconcernis thatthelabelscompletelycoverthebacking sheetso it showsonlyattheoutsidemargins Thatwayindividuallabels can teasilypeeloff Thesafestapproachistolaser printsharpmastercopi...

Страница 33: ...sonthepage Whenyouuseportraitorientationthelinesareprintedastheyareinanormal businessletter acrossthewidthofthepage A portraitpaintingof a person is usually vertical hence the name Landscape Portrait Whenyouuselanakcape orientationthewordsareprinted ontheirsides verticallyup thelengthof thepage Textwrittenwithlandscapeorientation onlylookscorrectwhenyouturnthepagesoitslengthrunsside to side just l...

Страница 34: ...HMI The HMIjust meanshow wide you wantthe space characterto be Eachcolumn ruining frompagetopto bottom willbethe widthof a space Youprobablywillletyoursoftwareworryaboutthespacewidth Butif you want youcan set the HMIparameteron the panelin incrementsof 1 120 inch anywherefrom 1to 255increments Similarly themeaningofaline sometimescalleda row isdefinedbythe vertical motion index VMI Theprintermoves...

Страница 35: ...rPrinter8 to movetheprintpositionverticallyor horizontallyin incrementsof 1 10 1 12or similarfractionsof an inch pitchsettings 1 48 1 60 1 72 1 120or 1 216inch lineor columndefinitions l 3CN inch dots or 1 720inch tenthsof a point These incrementsreflectthe historyof twentiethcenturyprinting Pifch referringtothenumberofcharactersprintedineachhorizontalinch derives fromhowtypewritersspacetheirchara...

Страница 36: ...e UK f France h LatinAmerica fi or Japan Spacing andpitch arelinked Characterscanbe spacedon thelinepropor tionally so a narrowlettersuchas i takeslessroomthana wideletterlike W Orcharacterscanbespacedallthesamewidth twelvecharacterstothe inchis themonospaced spacingcalled 12pitch Pointsize dcfincshowbigcharacterswillprint suchasIOor 12pointshigh Styledefineswhethercharactersprintin uprightor ital...

Страница 37: ...niessellprogramsthat look afterlaser printingcommands for such software Ask your dealer about LaserControl Printworks for Lasers PCLPak andRAM Resident Printmerge There snotmuchpointin reinventingthe wheel The Star LaserPrinter8 superset Besides the commands that emulate other printers your laser printer understandsfourothercommandscalledthe StarLaserPrinter8 superset The Star LaserPrintcralways u...

Страница 38: ...rta newpage Note alwayssendCarriageReturnandFormFeed controlcodes CR and FF justbeforeyougivethisChangeEmulationcommand Theseforce theprintertoprintanypartialpagein itsmemoryandstartanewpagewith the newemulation If youforgetto issuethesecontrolcodesfirstthe Star LascrPrinter8willdothemforyou butyourChangeEmulationcommand willjust resetthe printer sparametersto theirinitialdefaults andnotgive youth...

Страница 39: ...rtraitpage but in thelowerleftcomerfor a landscapepage TheStarLaserPrinter8letsyoumixportraitandlandscapeorientationson thesamepage Becausethestartingprintpositionchangeswhenyouswitch orientationsthough you have to rememberto re orientcommandsthat move the print position If you don t want to allow the printer to mix orientations usethe frontpanelprogrammenuto changethe COMMAND parameterFF on ROTAT...

Страница 40: ...rnationalC5 sizeenvelope followingEscape This commandcontrolsthe size that the printer should use when nexl feeding from the selectedpaper feeder If the printerdoes not have the requestedsize the front panel will displaya messageinstructingyou to insertthe requestedpaper envelope If theoperatoroverridesthat request the requestedsizeis ignoredandthe sizeof thecurrentcassetteis used If youhaveprevio...

Страница 41: ...ettefor one sheet thenswitchesto the lower cassette 3 Optionalenvelopefeeder 4 Lowercassette 5 Lowercassettefor one sheet then switchesto the upper casscttc Thiscommand ifgivenatthebeginningofapage controlsthefeederofthe sheeton whichto printthatpage Ifthecommandisnotatthebeginningofthepage itwillforceaFormFeed and controlthe feederof the sheeton whichto printthe ncw page which follows Thiscommand...

Страница 42: ... Ifthe 2 optionis chosenwhiletheprinteris in duplexmode it is onlyvalidif then face downoutputstackhas been selected The pagecontainingthis com mandwillbecomethe faceof thedouble sidedpage If the printer is in duplex mode the l option will force single sided printing commencingwiththepagecontainingthiscommand Iftheprinter isalreadyinduplexmode thepagecontainingthiscommandwillbcforced to be the fac...

Страница 43: ...Several variables can characterizetypefaces including weight light mediu m bold width condensedorextended andstyle uprightoritalic Courier forexample isatypefacefamilythatincludesthecharactersinboth Courier medi urnitalic andCourier bold upright Let sconsiderthesevariables Boldpnntissometimescalled emphasized or double strike Onearlierprintersboldfaceisgeneratedbyprintingeach charactertwice dot ma...

Страница 44: ...ont attributes sometimescalled fontcharacteris tics Let sconsiderthreemoreattributes fontheight spacingandpitch Fontheight Thebaselineistheinvisiblelineuponwhichcharactersoftypesit Sincethe firstletterblocksweremadeofleadalloy thedistancefromonebaselineto thenextis calledleading pronounced ledding Typeitselfis measured fromthetopofanascender thepan extendingupinthebork forcxample to the bottomof a...

Страница 45: ...nturieshaveusedtwospecialsizesoftypefor mosttext EfitecharactersareIOpointshighand print12charactersperinch Andpica chararactersare 12 pointshigh and pitchedat 10 charactersto the inch You ll often run acrossthesemonospacedfont sizes in the laser printing world Ideallyeachcharacterinawordshouldnestleagainstitsncighbourssothey appearevenlyspaced Butadjacentroundcharactersare aptto look100far apart ...

Страница 46: ...givenmoment Star LaserPrinter8 fonts can be groupedinto three categories internal cartridge anddowrdoadable fonts Internalfonts The StarLaserPrinter8 has fourbuilt ininternalfontsthat resideperma nentlyin its read onlymemory ROM That swhy theseare sometimes called residentfonts Courier Prestige Elite Tms Romn Line Printer Courieristhe faceusedon themostcommonelectrictypewriters Neither CouriernorP...

Страница 47: ... sRAM disappearswhenyouturnofftheprinter soyouhavetodownloadthatfont againnexttimeyouwantit Downloadablefonts run the gamutfromEgyptianhieroglyphicsto those eye catching decorativefarmknownasdisplayfonts Theyalsoincludethe more exoticforeign language characters such as Arabicor Cynllic and symbolandmathematicalfonts sometimeswithfractions How can you comparecartridgeand downloadablefonts Whenyou u...

Страница 48: ...atebit mappedfontsof anysizefroma libraryof outlinefonts In outlinefontseachcharacter s profileisdefinedjustonceandtheprintergeneratesanyfontheightfrom thatprofile whichsavesprintermemory Outlinefontsdemandawesomecomputingpowerof theprinterthough so they ve been availableonly on laser printers considerablymore expensive than the Star LaserPrinter 8 Now with programs like Fontware yourStarLaserPrin...

Страница 49: ...dingthesefeatures Incidentally thebestwayto underlineis to usethe underlinecommandin the emulationyouareusing insteadof backspacingandoverprintingwith theseparateunderlinecharacter If youdothelatterwithproportionally spacedtext you llusuallyfindtheunderliningis too longfor the text What are symbol sets Keyboardsdifferfromcountrytocountry TheBritishneedtheirf symbol theFrenchneedtheirQand6 theSpani...

Страница 50: ...tersdon tusesymbolsetsto produceinternationalaccentedcharactersandspecialsymbols Instead the EX 800 and Propnnter let you define which charactersyou want with parameter settings and the Diablo lets you change pnntwhcels Both approachesproducemuchthe sameeffectas switchingsymbolsets how ever so we llstickto thissingleconceptthroughoutthismanual WhenyourStarLaserPrinter8 is emulatingthe HPLaserJetH ...

Страница 51: ...internalfontsdefaultto portraitorientation uprightstyle notitalics andmediumboldness Thetablebelowshowsthcirotherdefault attributes Typeface Spacing Pitch Font height Courier monospaced 10 12point PrestigeElite monospaced 12 10point Tms Romn proportional 10point LinePrinter monospaced 16 6 8 5point Technically youcanuseanyoftheStarLaserPrinter8 sresidentfontswhen yousendcommandsemulatingaparticula...

Страница 52: ...scapesequencecommandin oneof the emulationmodes Ifyouuscthefront panel in program mode you llscctheseattnbutcsunder the FontAttnbutcslevelof the EMULATIONAttributes menu Just press the NEXT buttonto get to the font attnbutcyou want to set press ENTER togettoitspossiblevalues pressNEXT toscanthroughthem and finallypressENTER to slapin thevalueyouwant Theproceduresforselectinga fontfroma computerpro...

Страница 53: ...puterscreen Thatcapabilityisncccssary if youwantto seeon screenexactlywhatwillprint on yourStarLaser Printcr8 Desktoppublisherscall this capabilityWYSIWYG what youseeis whatyouget While screenfonts that matchthe fontsyou use on your Star Laser Printer8werenotavailablewhenthismanualwaswritten youmayeven tuallybeabletogetthem WYSIWYGdependsonwhatsoftwareyouarc using Whenyoudesignyourpages don tvaryf...

Страница 54: ...nthefront of the printer 3 pressthe ON LINE buttonto putthe printerbackonline 4 useeitherthefrontpanelmenuor a commandfromyourcomputerto selectthe fontyouwant explainedfor each emulationin following chapters Note Do notinsertor pullcartridgesoutof the printerwhilethe printeris online Youcan use fontsfrombothcartridgeslotswithinonedocument A coupleof intcrcslingnotes aboutdefaultcartridgefonts Firs...

Страница 55: ...puterfrom interpreting thedatayousend which sometimesproducesbadlyshapedcharacters OK let slookat a coupleof examples Downloading a font example one Exampleonc is for a computerrunningjust MS DOS Sayyou veboughtHewlett Packard s CenturySchoolbookfontsandwant to downloadthe regular upright italicsandboldfacecharacters The HP disk Iabels for each tile are CN1OORPN R8P CNIOOIPN R8Pand CN1OOBPN R8P In...

Страница 56: ...nts regular italicsandbold The programasksif youwanttocreateafilecalledAPPNDWIN INI toappendintotheWindows fontmenu tile typeY foryes AfterPCLPFMhasmadethefontdatafile withyourwordprocessoropen the WindowsfilecalledWIN INIandkey in the fontdefaultsyouwantto apply At the section refcrnng to the HPPCL printer driver insert the APPNDWIN INIfileyoucrcatcdearlier That sit Fromnowon yourCenturySchoolboo...

Страница 57: ...enflushthat fontfromprintermemoryto makeroomfor the next font This approachcan make good senseif you resharingyour printerwith otherpeoplein a computernetwork It keepsthe pnntcr s RAMfrombecomingoverloaded However the downloadingtimecan sigriificantly slowdownyourprinter sthroughput Moretypically youwilldownloadafontinthemorning perhapswiththe MS DOSCOPYcommand beforeyou print yourfirstdocument an...

Страница 58: ...osestavailablefontto thatrequested Asageneralrule youcanincludeatleastadozendowrdoadablc fontsin adocument Addedtotheinternalfonts thatshouldbeplenty itdoesn t make good design sense to mix many typefaces A telltale sign of amateurishlaserprintingis toomanyfontsin onedocument To keep a widevarietyof extra fontsin memory however many Star LascrPrintcr8 users especiallythosesharingthe printeron a ne...

Страница 59: ...ementand page setup commands then we ll cover commandsthatpoisethelaser pen overthepaper nextwe llpicka font andfinallywe lllay downourwordsandpictures Attheendofthechapterwedescribehowtocreateanduseyourownfonts andalsohowto sav timeby writingcommand HP LASERJET II COMMANDS What do LaserJet II commands macros look like The LaserJet11emulationmodeincludesa dozencommoncontrolcodes suchas CR forcarna...

Страница 60: ...CHR 27 a65M That commandsends your printer the symbols 6 and 5 which its LaserJet11programinterpretsas the columnnumber HowcvcrifyouwereusingEpsonEX 800emulation thecommandthatsets the rightmarginlookslikethis ESC Q 65 whichin BASICyouwouldwritethisway iO LPRINTCHR 27 Q CHR 65 Thatcommandsendsthepnntcrwhatevercharacterhappenstobein ASCII position65 Yourprinter sEpsonProgram though interpretsit onl...

Страница 61: ...Self test Youcan checkhow yourLaserPrinter8 is printingand have a look at its parametersettingsby sendingthisSelfTest command ESC Z Noticethatthez islowercase thisistheonlyLaserJetIIcommandthatends with smallletter Afteryousenda SelfTestcommand thepnntcrfinishes printinganypagesleftinitsmemory Thenonanewpageitprintsitscurrent parameters justimportantitemssuchasnumberofcopiesandfontsinuse The print...

Страница 62: ...mbersfromthistable n FEEDSELECTED O zero the printeronlyejectsthe currentpage 1 one thepnntertakesitsnextpagefmmthepapercassette upper cassettefor the dual cassettetype 2 the printertakesa regularpagemanually 3 the printeracceptsan envelopeyoufeedin manually 4 theprintertakesitsnextpagefromthelowerpapercassette 6 theprinteracceptsanenvelopefromtheoptionalenvelope feeder Shouldan unprintedpagebe in...

Страница 63: ...nweputthesecommandstogether Sayyouhave just turnedon yourlaserprinterand selectedLaserJet11emulationon the frontpanel Whathappenswhenyousendthefollowingcommandsto your printer ESC Z ESC E ESC t 2h2X As a BASICprogramthesewouldlooklike this NEW 10 WIDTH LPT1 255 20 LPRINT CHR 27 Z 30 LPRINTCHR 27 E 40 LPRINTCHR 27 12h2X RUN First if it is workingproperlythe printerprints a test print with all the c...

Страница 64: ...linesthatcanprinton apage linesperinchtimesthenumberof inches The PageLengthcommandformatis ESC n P wheren isthenumberoftextlinesonthepage itcanbeanynumberbetween 5 and 128 Thedefaultnumberof linesisthelengthof thepapertraytimes6 linesper inch For 11 inchlener sizepaperthatworksoutto66lines that salsothe defaultwhenyouhaven tputin a tray If you don t want the default length you shouldsend the Page...

Страница 65: ...erwillgoofflineanddisplaya messageaskingforthepropertray Afteryouchangethetray presstheON LINE buttonto restarttheprinter Itdoesn thurtto printshortpageson longpaper If youinadvertentlyprint a Iegal sizepageontoexecutiveor letter sizepaper the printerwillscroll that pageacrosstwo sheets Also thePageLengthcommandputsallmarginsbackto theirdefaults So after you send it check whetheryou have to send a...

Страница 66: ... definitionof a line You can use this commandto set the top marginanytime Justbcawarethatifthecurrentprintpositionisbelowyour margin you llhavetomovetheprintpositionbackup Naturally youhave to keepyourtop margininsidethepage lengthlimit Usethiscommandto setthetopmargin settingn tobc thenumberof lines down from the top of the page that you wantleft blankbefore you start printing ESC t nE Notethatth...

Страница 67: ...phicsin the unprintableregionat theedgeof thepage Thecommandlookslikethis ESC tn L If youwantto allowprintingbelowthebottommargin for n enterO zero Butif you wantto forbidprintingbelowthe margin whichis the default enter 1 one In Laserjetmode you can tell the printer whetheryou want to print in simplexorduplexmode andalsotodefineshort orlong egeprinting The commandto do this is ESC z S notethatthe...

Страница 68: ...k If n is setto 2 the nextsidewillautomatically becomeaback side ifthecurrentsideis aback side thenextpagewillbe printedwiththe facesideblank Example Page formatting OK let shaveago atformattingapage Thepictureofthepagewewantis just below Theactualwidthof thetexton thepagedependson whichfont weuse Let splanon usingour 16 66 pitch LinePrinterfontateightlines per inch column10 column70 top margin 8 ...

Страница 69: ...tellthe StarLaserPnntcr8 to moveitsprint position eitherverticallyor horizontally in incrementsof 1 10 1 12or 3 50inch pitchsettings 1 48or 1 120inch lineor columndefinitions 1 300inch dots 1 720inch tenthsof a point Allthesecommandsaredescribedbelow Onehint aboutmovingthe printposition youcan confuseyourselftrying to usc more than two differentunits duringthe same session So decide beforehandhow ...

Страница 70: ...acewidthto overridethe current pitchsetting Let slookatanexample Thespacewidthcomesin unitsof l 120thofaninch andtheCourierfontcanprintIOcharacters pcrinch Each charactercovers a tenth 12 120the of an inch so that font sdefault spacewidthis 12units If we changeits spacewidthto 6 each character wouldhalf overlaptheone beforeit If youareusing S1 and SO to shiftbetweena primaryandsecondary font it s ...

Страница 71: ... degree of accuracyfor graphicsapplications Moreover foreachoftheseyoucanmovetheprintpositionhorizontallyin twoways Youcanmoveabsolutelyfromtheleftedgeofthepage Oryou canmoverelatively awayfromthecurrentprintposition Toshowyouwant tomoveawayfromthecurrentprintposition youputaplus orminus signbeforethe numberof unitsyouwantto move If yousendacommandthatwouldputtheprint positionoutsideeitherside mar...

Страница 72: ...ivenumberof dots away fromthe currentposition So to move20 dotsfromtheleftedgeyousendthiscommand ESC p20X Andto move20 dotsto theleftof thecurrentpositionyousend ESC p 20X Youcanalsomovethecursor8columnsatatimehorizontallybyuscofthe horizontaltab command Simplysenda tabcharacter HT to do this Reversetabbingis not possible Moving the print position vertically Youcanuscsimilarunitsto movetheprintpos...

Страница 73: ...ofthe page you sendthe command ESC a45R Butto move45 linesdownfromthecurrentprintposition yousend ESC a 45C Tomovetheprintpositionverticallyacertainnumbcrofdecipoints sendthe command ESC a n V inwhichfornyouenterthenumberofdccipointsyouwishtomovetheprint positiondown orprecedethenumberwitha or signifyouwanttomove up or downfromthe currentposition Finally youcanmoveanumberofdotsdownfromthetopedgeof...

Страница 74: ...rolcodeworksexactlyasyoumightexpect itmovesthe printpositionone columnto the left BS Movingtheprintpositionbackdoesnotdestroyanycharactersalreadysent In fact because of that this commandcan be quite useful It lets you supcrimpow one characteroveranother Sayyou wantto indicatea blankspaceastheletterb witha slash through it anoldprogrammingsymbol Justsendtheb andthenfollowitwith BS andthe slash andy...

Страница 75: ...hecFF controlcodeyouarcalsotellingthe printer to print all its stored page information Rememberto send this commandtomakesureanylastpartialpagein yourprinter smemorygets printed FF Define automatic line endings When you pressthe CarnageReturnkey what do youexpectto happen Mostpeoplethinkacomputerkeyboardshouldworklikeatypewriter with a CarnageReturnstartinga newline as well Butcomputerprogramsdon ...

Страница 76: ...pewriterbellat themarginanymore This commanddoes pretty much the same thing your word processing programdoes Theimportantdifferenceisthatitdoesnotwrapwords When youturnon Autowrap if you sendtoomanycharactersfor a linethe laser pnntcr printsthe overflowon the nextline IfAutowrapison whentheprintergetsacharacterthatwouldprintbeyond therightmargin itreturnstheprintpositionforthatcharacterbacktothele...

Страница 77: vewrittenoneroutinethatputsthepagenumberin thesameplace on evcrypage and anotherthat under certain circumstancesprints two heavyIincs Youprintmcrnly alonguntilyouhaveto printthelines You thenpushthe currentprintpositionto executethe line printingroutine Butpart waythroughthat youhit the page numberspot So youpushthe printpositionagainandrunthepage numberroutine Thenyoucanpopthe printpositionto...

Страница 78: ...daryfonts to flip back and forth betweentwodifferentsymbolsets forexampleIBMsymbolsets 1and2 Youcandesignateanytwofonts whetherinternal cartridgeordownloaded as primaryand secondary The way you show you re talking about a primary font in an Escape sequenceis to follow the ESC symbol with a left parenthesis For example ESC S 10H means you want your primaryfont pitchedat ten charactersto the inch Ty...

Страница 79: ...hiftIncontrolcode Then to assignan ID numberto the font yousendthiscommand ESC c n D For n you can enter any numberbetweenOand 32767 as the font s ID number Notthatyoucanhavemorethan64fontsintheprinteratonce even with the optionalmemory board A printer would need an elephantine memoiyto hold32767fonts Selecting downloaded fonts TheeasiestwaytoselectamongdownloadedfontsistousefontIDnumbers Whenyoud...

Страница 80: ...eliminatingfontsthatdon tmatchwhatyouwant untilit getsdownto one uniquefontthatmatchesyourrequest If theprintermatchesdownto say styleorweightbutcangonofurther it willgiveyouitsclosestfontto your request And if youdon t specifya particularvaluefor someattribute the printer assumesyouwantthevaluethatattributehadin the lastfontyouspecified orthedefaultvalueif you vejust turnedontheprinter Thiscansav...

Страница 81: Butyoucanuseanyofthe sets shown below Technicallyyou can pair any symbol set with any internal cartridgeordownloadedfont howeveritdocsn tmakemuchsense to printtextwitha mathor line drawingsymbolset LaserJetHmodeprovidestwo differentsymbolset commands Youput a codeintoone commandto selectaparticularsymbolset foryourprimary orsecondaryfont YouU SC theothercommandtoselectthecurrentordefault symbol...

Страница 82: ...nch 1S0 21 German OCR B Math 8Bsymbols HP Spanish Legal 1S0 57 Chinese Pi font Asymbols 1S0 17 Spanish 1S0 IRV OCR BExtension 1S0 10 Swedish 1S0 16 Portuguese 1S0 84 Portuguese 1S0 85 Spanish Math 8symbols IBM PCSet Roman 8 Bar CodeEAN UPC IBM PCExtension IBM PC US ECMA 947Bit IBM PC Denrnark Nonvay PC 850 Pi fontsymbols To selecta symbolset codefor yoursecondaryfont flipthe parenthesis ESC n andf...

Страница 83: ... Selectsall of the defaultfont sattributes notjust symbolset Similarly youcanselecteitherthedefaultorthecurrentsymbolsetforyour secondaryfont You also may want to use the same symbolset for both primaryandsecondaryfonts To do thesetasks you can send the followingcommandto select which symbolset youwantfor yoursecondaryfont ESC n For n enteroncof thevaluesfromthistable n VALUE SELECTION O zero Sele...

Страница 84: ...hedwith ESC 3 theprinterwouldreturntoitsstandard Courierfont notjust itsRoman 8symbolset Spacing If youspecifymonospaccdfor a font eachcharacterprintswiththe same width Butif youspecifyproportionalspacingthedesignof eachcharacter determinesits width To definehow you want yourprimaryfont spaced sendthiscommand ESC S z P in whichfor n youput O zero to get monospaced or 1 one to get proportionalspaci...

Страница 85: ...orrespondingpitchcommandforthe secondaryfontis ESC S H Youcanuscadifferentcommandinsteadoftheseforgcncralcharacterpitch setting This command sinceit doesn thaveparentheses coversboththe primaryandsecondaryfonts It looksIikcthis ESC k n S For n youentera pitchcode fromthe followingtable CHARACTERSPER INCH PITCHCODEn 10cpi pica O zero 16 66cpi condensed 2 Font height The height of the charactersyou ...

Страница 86: ...owlightlyor boldlyit prints WithLaserJet11emulationyou can be more flexibleaboutstrokeweight thanwiththeboldon offcommandsoftheotheremulations Thefollowing commandgives you a rangeof 15degreesof boldness thoughnol many fontsexploitthat range Sendthiscommandtoselectaprimaryfontwithyourdesiredstrokeweight ESC S z B in whichyoureplacen witha numberfrom 7 meaninglight to 7 very bold Youneedthenegative...

Страница 87: ...eto charactersistheirtypeface Thedesignof charactersis whatfontdesignersoftenthinkof asthemaindeterminantfor a font Butwhenyouselecta laserprinterfont typefacesits at the bottom of the list To assign the particularface you want for your primaryfont send this command ESC S T For n enteroneof the fontcodenumbersfromthistable TYPEFACE n Lineprinter O zero Pica 1 one Elite 2 Courier 3 Helvet 4 Tms Rom...

Страница 88: ...ypeface Our sequenceof individualcommandswouldlook likethis ESC S OP ESC S 16 66H ESC S 7V ESC S OS ESC S OB ESC S OT Since these font attributesall start with the same s command category prefix let sput themall togetherin onccommand ESC S OP 16 66h 7V ObOT TheBASICstatcmentwccouldsendto selectourdesiredfontwouldlook likethis 100 LPRINTCHR 27 sOp16 66h7vOsObOT And assuming we have such a font in o...

Страница 89: ...he Transparentprint commandprints the string of data that follows it withoutpaying attentionto any embeddedEsca sequencesor control codes TransparentprintevenprintsCarriageReturncodeswithoutzapping the printpositionbackto the leftmargin TouscTransparentprint justputthiscommandimmediatelyinfrontofyour printdata ESC p n X For n youspecifythenumberof bytesof datayouwantto print Display Functions like...

Страница 90: ve downloaded as internalandcartridgefontsareneverdeleted No textwill getlostwhenyoudeleteafont evenwhenthatfontisonanunprintedpage in the pnntcr smemory To controlfontsyousendthiscommand ESC C n F For n enterone of the numbersfromthistableof functions FUNCTION n Deleteall temporaryandpermanentfonts O zero Deleteall temporaryfonts anotherway to delete 1 one ail temporaryfontsis to senda resetc...

Страница 91: ...tedfromthoseASCIIpositions you then wantto makethat currentfontpermanent Finally you also want to dumpallthetemporaryfontsfromprintermemorytomakeroomforsome graphicsyou llbe printing Let sstartwitha resetandan underlinedheadingfor yourtestprint 100 LPRINTCHR 27 E 110 LPRINTCHR 27 dOD 120 LPRINT Underlined heading for test print of ASCII 128 130 130 LPRINTCHR 27 d 140 LPRINTCHR 27 p3X 150 LPRINTCHR...

Страница 92: ... 230 LPRINT CHR 27 c3D 240 LPRINT CHR 27 C6F 250 LPRINT CHR 27 lX 260 LPRINT Font 1 Resident Courier 270 LPRINT CHR 27 2X 280 LPRINT Font 2 Resident Prestige 29Q LPRINT CHR 27 3X 300 LPRINT Font 3 Cartridge PC Courier 310 LPRINT CHR 27 1X 320 LPRINT CHR 12 Line 100and 110 callstheinternalCourierfontandline 120makesitthe pnmaryfont Line 130gives it font ID number l and line 140makesit temporary Lin...

Страница 93: ...eout too fornewwordprocessingtoolsthatmightsaveyouthetrouble of painstakinglyfiguringout detailslikekerning Evenwithaidslikethese buildinga customfontis an intricateprocess It callsforthe creationof a familyofup to 200characterssharinga common designandproportionalscheme andthat sjust foronctypesize No mean feat How to download your own fonts Charactersthat you define and store yourself are called...

Страница 94: ...aracters Theheadercommandlookslikethis ESC S n W and must be followed immediatelyby the data describing the font s attributes The n value is the actualnumberof bytes of descriptiondata almostalways26 Note unlikeotherLaserJetII commands youmustenter the ASCIIsymbols2 and6 here notthe number26 Here satypical fontheadercommand ESC S 26WO SUB OIOOO RS O RS O2OO1 FF OdOWOOOOdWX Asidefromthe actualcomma...

Страница 95: ...ngthiscommand ESC C n E Forn youputthedecimalnumber betweenOand255 of thepositioninthe fonttablewhereyouwantyourcharacterstored Yourprinter sfonttableisjust liketheASCIItable Beforeyousendeach character sayg youhavetosaywhereyouwanttoputit IntheASCIItable g is at decimalposition103 So you sendthiscommand ESC C 103E Andimmediatelyafterit yousendthebitsthatmakeup the characterg 4 Describing each cha...

Страница 96: ...4 orientation 5 blank 6 7 leftoffset blankspaceto left of character 8 9 top offset blankspaceabovecharacter 10 11 characterwidth 12 13 characterheight 14 15 printpositiontravel proportionalspacingonly Thebitmapofthecharactersjustthepattemofdotsinthecharacter starting atthetopleftofitscell Youworkyourwayacrossthecellanddowntothe bottomright givingeachdot a valueof Oif it snotto be printedand 1if it...

Страница 97: ...and ESC t n R For the valueof n youcan entereither75 100 150or 300 That number defineshowmanydotspcrinchyouwantin yourfinalgraphicimage The defaultresolutionis75dotspcrinch Aftergraphicshavestarted theprinter willignoreany resolutioncommanduntilit receivesthe commandto end graphics Rastergraphicsstartprintingeitherattheleftpageedgeorthecurrentprim position To startrastergraphicsyousendthiscommand ...

Страница 98: ... yousendto theprinterdescribesingledotsto be printed a 1indicates youwanta dotprinted anda Oindicatesyoudo not wanta dotprinted Usethe followingcommandto cnd rastergraphics ESC r B Afterendinggraphicsyoucan thensendtextto mergewithit Rules and patterns Patternsandlinesareeaseto do Print shopscall lines of any thicknessrules A printedline in fact is a rectangularareawithone skinny dimension fromonc...

Страница 99: ... ruleatthe boundariesof thepage sprintablearea Whenthe printerfinishesits print map of yourruleor pattern the print position automaticallyreturnsto the spot from which you started That means forinstance thatyoucanmakealightlyshadedrcctanglcandthen startprintingtextrightoverit Thiskindofboxcanbeusefulforsettingoff particularinformationfromthe mainbodyof yourtext Horizontally youcan specifythe rule ...

Страница 100: ...inear pattern And with the SpecifyPattcmcommandyoucanindicatewhichparticular dottedorlinear patternyouwant YoualwayssendtheSpecifyPatterncommandbeforethe PrintPauem command evenif youwanta solidblackrule To indicatethe particularpatternyouwant sendthe followingcommand The generalmeaningof the n value you enter actuallydependson the commandyouput afterthis ESC C n G If youwanta solidblackruleit doc...

Страница 101: ...36 55 0 0 56 80 0 0 81 99 0 0 100 0 m m If youwanta linearpattern for n youenterherea patternnumberbetween 1and 6 inclusive identifyingoneof the linearpatternsbelow 3 4 5 6 93 ...

Страница 102: ...PAITERN O zero solidblack 2 dottedgray scale 3 linear Examples Pattern graphics Tospecifyablockfiveincheswideyoucoulduscahorizontaldimensionof 1500dots 5 inchestimes300dots Thatcommandwouldlooklike this ESC C 1500A To printthat areawitha 25 percentgray scalepattern the commandsyou sendwouldbe ESC C 25G ESC C 2p Buttoprintanareafilledwiththehorizontalbarpattern thecommandsyou sendwouldbe ESC C IG E...

Страница 103: ... first defineit Usc this SpecifyMacroIDcommandtospecify inplaceof n theIDnumberof lhc macroto whichyouwishto refer ESC f n Y Forexamplesayyouwanttodeleteamacronumbered80 Youwouldfirsl selectthatmacrowiththecommand ESC f80Y Thenyouwoulddelete it withtheMacroControlcommand ESC f 8Xas dcscnbcdbelow Macro Control The Macro Control command pcrforrns severaljobs for you such as defining runningand delet...

Страница 104: ...tionautomatically y runsthe lastspecifiedmacrooneverypageyouprint Youcanusethis optionto rcproduccthe samedesignon eachpage a logoor formdesignperhaps Youcanhavemorethanoncautomatic macro Aswiththe callmacro option thisonesavescurrent parametersand print position and restoresthcm when the macrois finished An automaticmacrowillterminateif you changeoricntaticm or pagelength 5 Turnoffautomaticmacro ...

Страница 105: ...PRINTCHR 27 c25G 700 LPRINTCHR 27 c2P 800 LPRINTCHR 12 900 LPRINTCHR 27 flX 1000 LPRINTCHR 27 f2X 11OOEND LinclOOclcarsanyexistingmacros thenline200spccificsthatthiswillbc macroIDnumbcr 1 Linc300 startsdownloadingthe macro Linc400movestheprintpositiontoaspot450dotsrightand1200dolsdown fromthe topleftcomerof the page Lines500 through700 selectthe 180 dotdeep and7200 dotwidepattern andprintit Line80...

Страница 106: ...NOTES 98 ...

Страница 107: ...n earlierchaptcm firstsomepnntcrmanagementandpagesetupcommands thenwe llcover commandsthatmovetheprintposition andfinallywe llprintourdocument withour choiceof fontattributes EX 800 COMMANDS What do EX 800 commands look like Mostcommandsin the EX 800emulationlooklikethis ESC C or ESC C n in whichC is thecodefor theparticularcommandyouwantto send If the commandincludesthe n signit indicatesa numeri...

Страница 108: ...hown after an ESC code you must enter whatevercharacteroccupiesthat position in the ASCII table We ll always use decimalnumbers in our descriptions For example in EX 800emulationyou setthe rightmarginto column55 withthiscommand ESC Q 55 Youwouldwritethiscommandin BASICas 10 LPRINT CHR 27 Q CHR 55 That BASIC command sends the printer the symbol Q and whatever characterhappenstobeinASCIIposition55 Y...

Страница 109: ...e printerbackonline eitherpress ONLINEon the frontpanelor sendthis command X IN sometimesshownas DC1 If the printeris alreadyonlinewhenyousend the XON command the printerwillcancelanyincompletelineof print Reset TheEX 800emulationresetcommandreturnstheprintertoitsdefaultinitial parameters Whenyousendthiscommandattheendofapnntjobtheprinter willresetitsparametersonlyafterpreviouscommandshavefinished...

Страница 110: ... n Fornyouenterthenumberofinchesinlengthyouwantthepage maximum 22 Note theprintpositionatthemomentyousetpagelengthwillbeyourncw top of page Whenyouchangepagelengththe Star LascrPrinter8 putsthebottommarginbackto itsdefaultvalue so youmaywantto resetit Topand bottom margins TheEX 800cmulation providesfortopandbottommarginsinauniqueway combiningthe top of page as set by page length with the Skip Ove...

Страница 111: ... of text soit printsthose skips8linesatthebottomof the firstpage plus8 morelinesatthetopof thenextpageto makeup the totalperforationskip of 16lines lop ofpaw 8 Iirw teal 68 lines pefiofalion Ifyouchangelinespacingaftergivingthiscommand youwon taffectthese marginsettings However ifyouchangepagelengthyouwillhavetosetthe perforationskipagain To set Skip Over Perforation to zero lines sendthis command...

Страница 112: ...xt for you your Star LaserPnntcr8 candothejob Yusrifiedtext printsflushagainstoncorboth sidemarginson boththe rightandleft sidesof the page You turn on the centering or justification of text with the following command cESC a n For n entera numberfromthe followingtable MODE leftjustification centering 1 rightjustification 2 bothsidcsjustificd 3 Backspaceandhorizontaltabswillonlyworkin left justific...

Страница 113: ...e thoughtof as the width of a printcolumn is setby the pitch Backspace commands When you send the printer a backspacecontrolcode it moves the print positionleftone space or withproportionalspacing the widthof thelast characterprinted BS Thebackspacecodeletsyouprintdirectlyoverthelastcharacterprinted it doesnot deletethat character This lets youcreatesymbolsnot ordinarily available suchas b witha s...

Страница 114: ...pthepage bysomeincrementof 1 216inch Ifthemove putstheprintpositionbelowthebottommarginanewpagestarts Youmove the printpositiondownthe pagewiththiscommand ESC J n andup the pagewiththiscommand ESC j n Inbothcases then isthenumbcrof1 216inchincrementsyouwanttomove maximum255 Form feed The Star LaserPrintcr8 only printsa page whenit reccivcsa Form Feed controlcode If thelasttextin a documentdoesn tf...

Страница 115: ...ta line feed Normalprintingresumeswiththenextcarnage return To turnon left to rightprintingforjust one line thisis the command ESC Moving horizontally from the left margin Two horizontalmotioncommandssend the print positionto a particular positionon theline Thesecommandsarebasedon EX 800dots Unfortu natelyiheEX 800offersonly60or 120dotsper inch ratherthanthe Star LaserPrinter8 susualdensityof 300d...

Страница 116: ...n n2 x 256 mustequalthe numberof incrementsyou wantto move For example to moverighttwo and a halfinches 300 120 inches yousendthiscommand ESC 44 1 because44 1 x 256 300 To moveleft is a littletrickier You first subtractyourdesirednumberof incrementsfrom 65536 which is 256 x 256 Then you usc the same formula nl n2x 256 mustequalthatnxultingnumber Soto moveleft three 360 120 inchesyousendthiscommand...

Страница 117: ... p o t t n h o r i z t p o s t t l m a o t n l i t m w o g b e y t p r i l i o t p a T m t a h t s t s e t h c o m H Vertical tabs V e r t t a w o m u t s w W y s l V T M o c o m t p r p o s m o d t t n v t s N t a a s w h y f i s t E X c m T g i l S V e r T c o m s t E s e E B n n2 n64 N T nl a n2a s o a l l n u w y w t s v t s t o Y c s u t 6 t a a o u t 2 p o T m o d o t t n e v e r t s s t f o...

Страница 118: ...a d d i o t c h a c p l o w h y p a n f Ot 7 T nZa n2a s o a t l n u w y w t s v t s t o a g y c s t a a o u t 254p o Y c c l a t t a i a c h b n f o t c n c w i a s t o b j u t c N T m o t p r p o s t t s t i a c h s t c E C w h c i t n u m o t c h w t s y w t U I t c h a h n t s t t h c o w j p r a l f CONTROLLING FONTS Selecting fonts W h y f i s t E X 8 0 0 t S L a s 8g y 1 p o t e n C o u a i...

Страница 119: ... e h o t E X s s y h a c h o o e i t i t a y d o h t s w t a s e f t g t h o c h a r g r a y d h t s t P e m u l f I g r a p T c h o b e t a c t i t o t c h g r s t c o m m E t n i w h f n i y e n O z y g i t w i t d f a o i y e 1 y g c g r a International characters M o r e y c o v e t s y s w p a c o s y m b T c h w h i n t e s y y w t o s t h c o m m E R n F n e n f r t f o l t a t n u t c o t ...

Страница 120: ...l c D u 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125126 U A S l A F r a a g A e il e G e r A A B E n g E D e n I A O A S w e E A u I t t S p I p I A o fi J a l A j hkmay D e h m S p a A f L a A m e f B e c t E X 8 P r o e m u a r s i m e m u l a t i y o u r s a c t o t h e a l p t e a g r a p s y m a t P r o e m u ...

Страница 121: ... c g r a p s e t h c o m E T k e t e i b a l o s y c o p t o A S c h a r i t l o h o t s y s s t E T l y o c o m p r o c o t e i b s t c E Spacing W h y c o m p r o p s p w a u j u y g t e t h l o l i t i p r o f t y b P r s p a a l l o g o w i j u s t A c o u o n o t h o T p r o s p c c n c h a a m o n o s p f i a p r o s o Y s h o a l w h a ap r o p o s p f s e w y s t c o m m A l y c a c o n p ...

Страница 122: ...n c r b w h s p i t i n Y o p r i c a n t h c o m w i r e a n o c m a Pitch Y c p r a 1 1 o 1 6 c h a p i w y l p i n t e f o n T E X e m u d e i 1 0 I y w a w p i y c p t p r i o f f a s e a s e 6 o 8 c h a r a p i n o t f r p a T s e l 1 2 p o c a e l y s t c o E S M A f y g i t h c o m n e c o n n e x p c m a w i h a a e f f T t u o 1 2 a r c t y o r c h s p s t c o m m E P Condensed print C o ...

Страница 123: ... c a r o a I f e w i c t h m o T s h o t e x p f o l y s o o t h c o m m o E T t u o a o e x t p r a c m t o l s t c o m m E W n I f n y e n a o n u y w s e x p i f n y e n a e v n u y w s i a r e t n s Y c a l t u o e x t p r w t c c c H n e i o t l a m e n w o t u i o w w i y h t u r o e x t p r w t M a S e c o d e b Font height T E X e m u l o f f s i o 8 1 a 1 p w t S L a s e r P r i n t f o Y...

Страница 124: ... l i t E X d o T c o e t E X y o p r i n t t h t d i f w o f c i t c h a r double strike o t t s emphasized T t u o b o p r y s e e i o t h t c o E E e m p p r or E G d o u b I y s e t E Ec o m y m f t p r t s a b f o d e p e o w h f o y a u s a t m o Y c t u o t b o p r a g w t h c o E F t o e m p or E H t o d o u b T h n o t I y t t p r s u b o s u p i d o m o t d o u b l e w i b t u o T h y m p...

Страница 125: ... m u n d e i t u o I n i a e v n u m u n d e i t u o Master Select T M a s S e c o m i a s h y c u t s w f y w a t p r w i M a S e l y c o s c i o n h a o a t f o a t t w o f s M S a c a n t f e a y d n s e w i T o n r e s t r i t y c a c o c o o m p i t w i p r o p o s p a I y m t y j g p t i o s p a T s e l a m t v a r p r o p u t c o E n F t v a o n y j u a u t v a o e o y d P m o i t h t a PRI...

Страница 126: ...e m w t c o E S n i w h i y m a n a e v n u y g s u p m a i y m a n a o n u y g s u b m Y c a n s u b s o s u p e m w t c o E T How to cancel a line or delete a character W h y o u p r i y s o m s al b t c y m a d o w a t p r i a f a T C a c o c l y e f r y o p r i n m e j u t l l y s y c a l y w i l l c a n t e x t p r m i y o b u i B s e n t h c o m y m y p r c a a t c h y h a s e s i t l a c a ...

Страница 127: ...d i T g a a c c t t s y m s t i t c o n s o t upper h a o t s y s e s t c o E 6 T c a n t h s e t a a g r e a c t t r e p s e E 7 T m a n y o p r o a c t t s y s i c o s l i t l o h a o t s y s s t c o E I n I y m a n a o n u y p r c a t u s s y m b B i y m a n a e n u y w b a t p u d c f c h a r s t i t h c o n s GRAPHICS I y a u s a c o m m g r a p r s a L 1 y w o n e t u t c o m i t s e U s y j...

Страница 128: ...c o l o 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 What do graphics commands look like T p r E X g r a y h t m f d e W h l i s p a d y w t u H m a d o d y w a p e r h i T i w d d Y W N H w i d c i s a r e a o w a n t y o W h d p a t w i y o d h a E a E X e m u l g r a c o y s d t t i t u o t g r a p m o s p e h o r d e a s h m c o l w i t c o g r a d w b G r a p c o m m a p r a t s v e d e o r 7 d o p e r v c i n T c o m a l...

Страница 129: ... r o g g r y f s t l s t p r o t e f y w t y a 7 o 8 i T y s y o g r a p c o m a d a F i y r l s a a o t t e s e l a n e e H d t e s e t a f g r a N e e x p n d s t r b o w o i g r a m o T c o d w i g r a p e i t A i y o u s m s i g b s f a o l k i o c o m p g r a m i g t O l e h a a l o a g r a c o f d i d e C single dcnsi y doubie dcnsily high sped double density quadruple dcnsi y screen graphic...

Страница 130: ...b o Y o S t L a s c r 8 l e y p r g r a t s d e a c o m p s c r o p l o T c o f a f o t l o l o t s a I f a y c u t s i c o f all g d e n s i E m nl n2 T o n d i f f b c t t a t o t g r c o i t y s p e a p a r t g r a m n u T h t m i t l c o l o t t a a b I y d o u a v m n u t p w i i g n t c o m S t h a l l g r a c o m e y c d o f e t d i f f w a E K 1 5 a E O 1 Changing a command s density Y c a...

Страница 131: ... S t a r L a s r e a c a n o t h c f n i n e g r a p A t g r a c o d i s f i e i g h l i n b t E X o f t c o b i p a c t u h n i p i T E X u i t d a n l o d a s p u t p r i n T n i n e g r a c o m h o d n a y S L P r i 8 s p U n l t e i g h c o m t n i c o n t b f e a c o l o d a o b f t t e p p o f t b p i T h o o n t m s i g n b i a c u f t s b y y h a t s e t w h 128 32 16 4 2 1 t h f b s b 1 ...

Страница 132: ...a n u i n d d e I d is a e n t d e n w i b 6 d o p i n b i d is a o n u t d w b 1 d o p i n T n i t h c o m a w o t g r c o m t n u m o 2 5 6 g r o d y a s e b Oa 4 A n i t n u m o l e f c o t 2 W c n2 i n d u t 4 g r w t l i 3 w e g r a p B e c y s e t w a m d b w n g r a p ...

Страница 133: ... r e t h o n C o m a d e i t s s h a i e a r c h a p PROPRINTER COMMANDS Why use the Proprinter emulation T h c h a i r e o f t h p e u s o s p d e s i f I p r i Y d notn t u t P r e m o i y h a a I o I B M c o I a d e p o y o s o f A y o r i e c m p o p s o f w i r i L a H m E m f p r o g t h d o p r o l a p r d r T t r o i t h s o f s p e c d e f t P r p i n c o r y i o t e m u l b o u t h l p f...

Страница 134: ... e c 8 andc 9 u n i d i r e p r i U d o w n c h a r s CONTROLLING THE PRINTER Identical printer control commands T f o l l P r o p c o m a h a t s w i b E X a P r o p m o I y o n s h t w s C o n t r t P r i i c h 5 PrinterOnline XON s o w r c Beeper B Putting the printer offline T f o l l p r i c o n c o i d i f i t E e t i T c o m d e s e t p r i p l i i a o f s T L a s e r P 8 w i s t o f f e i ...

Страница 135: ...f m t p p o s i t w h y w t t o t p t b T t s t c p r p o s a t p a t s t c o 4 W h i y n e t m t t m a h i t i c s H e r t t r p t p r o f a b o a t m t p p o s i t y o n t m a l a g t s t o c a g a MOVING THE PRINT POSITION identical print positioning commands T P r o p c o m i t f o l l a i d t t o t E X I y o n s h t w s M t p P i c h a 5 Select 1 InchLineSpacing O Select7 InchLineSpacing 1 Se...

Страница 136: ... c O a 2 Select line spacing Y c s e l t I i s p a t y h p r e d e a s i m c m w t E A c o a b b u t f o c o m m E 2 N o t h t 2 i t h c o m i t d i t n t A s 2 I y h a n s e a p r e E Ac o t 2 c s e t I i s p a t t d e f s e o 6 l p i Special line feed T h c o m p r o a o n e l f i y c o 1 i i n c r e I d o n a f f l s p a d n p a c a r r e t u n A u P a r i s t w o t f p Y c m o t p r p o s d t ...

Страница 137: ... u t l f e T c o c o t s e t o t A U C p a r o t f p a p m Setting horizontal tabs Y c s u t 2 t s t a a c o r a f 1t 1 T s t s t o s e t h c o m c E D nl n2 N E n t c o l n u m a n n2 a s i a s o U t N c h a r t e t c o a c o n I t t p r c c o a l t e r m t c o T s e c w y c h a t c h a p i w t e x o d o T c l a t a s e E D N Restoring default tab settings Y c r e a v e r a h o r t s e t t h w t ...

Страница 138: ...n t c l f t t o y b e u s i Symbol sets P r o p e m u l n o r w o w o o t s s c I c h a r S e 1 a 2 B a s h i C h 8 T d i f f e b e t t h a s l B c o t n A a i n t e r n c h a r a p l s t a g r c h u b m s o f t p r o g T o n i m p d i f i t C h S 2 h a c c e v o w a c u r s y i n o c o c i p 1 t h r o u T s c l t s t a I C h a S 1 s t c o E 7 Y s h o n u C h a r S 2 w p r u c o c a p o s i 1 i t ...

Страница 139: ... s t n o c h a r i y o data The nl r e p s u a n2 r 2 5 6 g r o S t n u o c h a t b s i nl n2x 2 Font size and style identical commands T P r o p o f n o e m p a n e a r p m o d b a l d o u b a d o u T c b u i a c o m b i T f o l l f o s i c o m a i d i b P r a E 8 e i n u l I y o n S h t w s t l c SelectCondensedMode SelectDouble width oneline CancelDouble width one line TurnOnlOffDouble widthMod...

Страница 140: ... o p c m u l s p t o s p a y a u s T m e y a u t g 1 p o t y w h y s p e t p i a 1 0 t w y s t w e p i t I y w a a l a r o s m a f h e y c s e t h y w o t f r p a n Style stroke weight and typeface I t a p r a b d d c b t u o o o t h t f p a W C a t h r t c o m d e s i c h 5 T P r o p r c m t d u s t C o f a i d e f I s t t L i P n n f o f c o n p r a t P r f 1 2 I y h a l o a t p r i w a o t o f ...

Страница 141: ...1 o t h y s e a o v e i n i O y t o o v e r s c GRAPHICS Identical graphics commands I P r o p e m u g r a a t s a t E m g r a p e x c t h E g g r s e s i g r a p m o a c E A n p g r a n a v T f o c o m b e w e x a d e a t e o t l c h a p SelectSingleDensityGraphicsMode K SelectDoubleDensip GraphicsMode L SelectHighSpeedDoubleDensityGraphicsMode Y SelectQuadrupleDensityGraphicsMode Z ...

Страница 142: ......

Страница 143: ... o m m i n c c o m f c e o j u t T D i a is a d a i s p r i t h n a l p r A t p m u d e f t r a o c o m y c s i t m W f o l t s a s e q i t c h a w d e f s o p r i m a n a a p f o r t w c c t h p o o l a p o t p a a f i w p o w a g r a p DIABLO COMMANDS What do Diablo commands look like M o c o m i t D i e m u l l t E C i w h t c h a r C s o a c o c i d t p c o m y w a t s e A f c o m a a n u v a ...

Страница 144: ... a p r d n s t f o l l D i a 6 c o m r e m d i a g t e p s p a m e f e s t a p a e j h a m e n e c o n c o p r i n c a r r r e t s e t t i d o w n l p r i n i n f o o v e r r p r i n p r o p s p a u t o b a c p r i t s t a b i p r i n w h i s u p p CONTROLLING THE PRINTER Set feed selection O t h y c d w i t d u a l t i p e n a w a r e g p a p Y u t h F S e c o t t y p t s e l t p a c a s s c E E ...

Страница 145: ...C P FORMAITING PAGES How to set the width of a space T f i c o m w e l a n S W a L D d t u n w n e t d o p f o r T S p W i c o m d e h f a t p t p p o s i m o f o s p c h a n m a w f y a u T w i o a s p d e t w i o e p a column O c c a s i t e t h o r m o i n t s w i m e a s i i n c r o l 1 o a i T s t w i o a s p s t c o a p i f n t n o i n c r e y w a t s p t b E U n T S t L a s c r 8 s u b 1 o ...

Страница 146: s e l p a l c n y w i n i n a d c h t p l Y o p n n w i l y p r 1 i l e g p o s t 8 b 1 i n p a p I j u u s t s h i n o o o m t b m o t f i s h a t t m a o t s e T c h a t a d i f f p a l e e n t c o E F n F n y e n t n u o l i y w a a p m 1 W h y c h a p a l e t L a s e 8 p t t a b m a r b a t t h d e f v a s y m w t r t Topand Bottom margins T L a s c r 8 w i a l y t p t t a b m a n y w y w i...

Страница 147: ...ns T d e f l e m a i s a c o 1 T s t l m t ap c o l y f i m o t p r p o t t s u s c o h o r i t a T h y s t c o E 9 S a p r o f t r i m a y f s o t t p p t t p a r t c o y w a T y s t c o az n t l e t O E O T d e f r i m a i a t r i p l i Centering text O f e a o t L a s e 8 i D i m i t i c a u c e n e a l i f y o i c y w p r c h i T p r i c c e a l i e o l o t t s b t l a r i m a r A y h t d i m ...

Страница 148: ...y t h a i A f y h a p r i y o j u s t e y c t o a u t w i a o t h c o m m E X E P I I n c i d e i y a p r i w a p r o p s f y c a c t u c o n t oflset o a m o s p i n b e c h I o t w o r y c c o n j u s t y o T S O c o m i e x p l l a u n F A t t MOVING THE PRINT P Space T a c t d e f i o a s p w c a b t h o a t w o a p r c o l i s b t S p W i c o d e a T e a s c o m f m o t p r p o t t r a t p i ...

Страница 149: ... n e t m o t p r p o s b a s m i n t a w b a c k c h a r y c u t 1 I B a c T c o m m o t p r p o s 1 o a i t t l a l t c m t t r i i b a c m o E B Carriage returns T S t L a s c r 8 m o t p r p o b t t l m w h y s e a c a r r e c o c T p p w not m o d o t t n e l u o t f p a m y h s t A u L i F e p a r O C B w h i t l c y a s e d o h c a r c i i I y s e t h A u C a r R e c o w h t p w p r t e p a ...

Страница 150: ...b s a s u p Y m t p r p o s i d o t p o h a l w t c o E U A y o u t p r p o s u t p a h a w t c E D Form feed I D i a m o t S t L a s e 8 d o k w a d e n e x c t h d a s t a r r T p r o p a p w i r e c e a F o F e c o n c o I t l t i a d o d f u a p a i m n p r i m m e T m s o d o d r r i i n t n e i t a g i t m s y e e d w i a f i F o F e T f o l l c o m m o t p r p o t t t m o t n e p a F Backwa...

Страница 151: ...c p r i s t c o E 6 T t u o b a c p r i a g s t a l p l t r s t h c o m m E 5 Reverse printing T a c c o m l a n l A r i w p r r r t l D i a e m u l l e y r e t u p r d i f a l n j u f a l t e l i a w b i d p r W r p r i n m o c a r r e a t w i t o p d i y o S t M i c r d e a b f o l a f t c u r p r i n t T t u o r e v p r i m s t c o E A t t u o r e v p r i s t c o E Horizontal tabs T u h o r i t...

Страница 152: ... k n N t a a s w h y f i t t p r o T s a v e r t t s t m o t p r p o t t l w y w i t b a s e t h E s s e q E T h t m o d o t t n e v e r t s s t c o V Cancel all tab stops T c a n a t s t b o v e r a h o r s t c E 2 Horizontal column move A n o h o r i m o c o m s e t p p o l o r t ap a r t i c o l n u m t p a S p e c t a h o r i z t a e v t h i d o e i n a t s e J u p i n t h c o m t p a r c o n ...

Страница 153: ... m p t p o a u t m e o t f r p a T a c g y q a c Orientation Y c p r a f o i e i p o o l a o r j b s e n t S e O r i e s u c o o b s t o r i e n y w a f r t f r p a p r m I t p r i d o e h a e n m e i w t r t f y w a i d i s a m e s s a t o t p a c o w t c l o f o t y o r e q Symbol sets T S t L a s e r 8 D i e m u l y c f a t s y m s e s o m c a c h s e S i n t c o r r e t t m o p o D i p r i f a...

Страница 154: ...S h O c o w g y a c c t t s u p p l e s y s i t c o c A t S h I c o m t h m o b t t p r s s l l i t h S T f o l l o c o n c o l e y j o t p j a s c h i t s u p p l e s e t h a u t o j b y s t s E Special symbols W t D i a e m u l t s p s y a s i w a n o r m c o n c o s l i t A S t a W t l l w d e p o t f o i u a t m o T p r t c h a r i t p o s n o t b t c w h l o l i t h i t R o f a l t I i E f o ...

Страница 155: ...ionalspacingyou can actuallycontrolthe oflset or amountof spaceinsertedbetweencharacters For instance you mightwanttojustify a lineof printyourself With the Spacing Offset command you can change the distance each characteradvancesin incrementsof 1 120thinch The printercancelsthis commandwhen it receivesa carriagereturn ESC X or anotheroffset command Thatmeansthiscommandis effectivejust oneline at ...

Страница 156: ...ters Stroke weight The Star LascrPnnter8 can createboldcharacters a Diablovariationis called shadowprint byprintingeachcharactertwice slightlyoffset just like the Diablodoes To turn on bold print you send eitherof thesetwo commands thefirstone includesthe capitalletter O ESC O ESC W Youcan turnoff the boldprintagainwithanyof thesecommands ESC ESC X CR Typeface The Star LaserPnntcr8 uses Courierfon...

Страница 157: ...tWC VC includedthis commandfor fullDiablocompatibility ESC 7 To restartnormalprintingagain youjust sendthe CR controlcode GRAPHICS Diablo graphics are rudimentary Daisywheelprintersweren tdevelopedwithgraphicsinmind Notthatyou can tproducegoodsimplechartsandimageswithdaisywheelgraphics manypeopledo Butthe Diablographicscommandsdon tgiveyoutheeaseandsophistica tion you find with Epson or Proprinter...

Страница 158: ...oordinatesandHyPlotdotaddresseesis thatHyPlotneverneedsthe negativesign Cartesian 30 12 is the samepointas HyPlot 30 12 HyPlot six steps WithHyPlotyougo throughsix stepsto producea graphicsimage 1 EnterHyPlotmode 2 Selectplottingstyle absolute measuredfromthe top left comer or relative measuredfromthe startingprintposition 3 Chooseplottingsymbol dot asterisk etc 4 Setplottingprecision in increment...

Страница 159: ...nterHyPlotmode ESC 3 2 Selectplottingstyle ESC G absolute or ESC V rela tive 3 C h o plottingsymbol cESC 4 Set plottingprecision ESC xy horizontaland vertical 5 Describeplotvectors x Y horizontal v 6 LeaveHyPlotmode ESC 4 151 ...

Страница 160: ...NOTES 152 ...

Страница 161: ...idesthe symbolsettables We vesummarizedallcommandsinASCIIorderhere You llfindIhcmor ganizedby functionin chapters4 through7 TheStarLaserPrinter ssymbolsetshavebeenincludedsothatyoucansee exactlywhat charactersare availableto you Roman 8includesstandard ASCIIandisthedefaultforallemulationsbutProprintcr IBMCharacterSet 1is thedefaultfor thatone 153 ...

Страница 162: ...ESC d n D Selectunderlining ESC f n S Saveand recallcursorposition ESC f n X Macrocontrol ESC f n Y SpecifymacroID ESC k n G Setlinetermination ESC k n H HorizontalMotionIndex ESC k n S Selectfontpitch ESC t nC VerticalMotionIndex ESC t nD Setlinespacing ESC t nE Settopmargin ESC t nF Settextlength ESC n H Selectpaperfeeder ESC tn L Perforationskip ESC ln O Selectorientation ESC t nP Selectpagelen...

Страница 163: ...ontsymbolset 74 Selectdefaultsecondaryfont 75 Designatedownloadedfontas secondary 72 Selectsecondaryfontstrokeweight 78 Selectsecondaryfontpitch 77 Selectsecondaryfontspacing 77 Selectsecondaryfontstyle 78 Selectsecondaryfonttypeface 79 Selectsecondaryfontheight 78 Downloadfontdescriptor 86 Transferrastergraphicsdata 90 Definehorizontalrectanglesizein dots 91 Defineverticalrectanglesizein dots 91 ...

Страница 164: ...rticaltab Formfeed Carnagereturn Selectextendedprint Selectcondensedprint Set printeron line Cancelcondensedprint Set printeroff line Cancelextendedprint Cancelline Deletelastcharacter Selectextendedprint Selectcondensedprint Increasecharacterspacing Selectmasterprintmode CancelMSBcontrol Movecursorto absolutedot position Selectgraphicsmode Select cancelunderlining Selectverticaltab channel Setlin...

Страница 165: ...ccharacter 119 ESC J n Performone n 216 inchline feed 106 ESC K nl n2 Selectnormaldensitygraphics 120 ESC L nl n2 Selectdoubledensitygraphis 121 ESC M Selectelitepitch 114 ESC N n Setbottommargin 102 ESC O Clearbottommargin 103 ESC P Selectpicapitch 114 ESC Q n Set rightmargin 104 ESC R n Selectinternationalcharacterset 111 ESC S n Selectsuper subscript mode 118 ESC T Cancelsuper subscript mode 11...

Страница 166: ...n line 101 DC2 Selectpicapitch 132 DC4 Cancelextendedprint 115 CAN Cancelline 118 cESC n Select cancelunderlining 117 cESC O Setlinespacingto 1 8inch 105 ESC 1 Setlinespacingto 7 72inch 105 ESC 2 ExecutecESC A definition 128 ESC 3 n Setlinespacingto n 216inch 105 ESC 4 Settopof page 127 cESC 5 n Select cancelautomaticlinefeed 129 ESC 6 SelectIBMcharacterset2 130 ESC 7 SelectIBMcharacterset 1 130 E...

Страница 167: ...extendedprint 115 Selecthigh speeddoubledcnsilygraphics 121 Selectquadrupledensitygraphics 121 Selectpaperfeeder 33 Selectsimplex duplex mode DXtypeonly 34 Changeemulationmode 30 Selectorientation 31 Selectpapersize 32 Enableprintingof all charactercodes 131 ESC A Enableprintingof nextcharacter ESC n Select canceloverscoring Diablo 630 Emulation Printer Commands Command Function BS Backspace HT Ho...

Страница 168: ...Sethorizontaltab stop Clearall tabstops Enablegraphicsmode Disablegraphicsmode Cancelbackwardprint Selectbackwardprint Enableprintsuppression Clearhorizontaltab stop Setleftmargin Selectreverseprint Ccntenngtext Cancelreverseprint Selectaulomaticcarriagereturn Canceltopandbottommargins Reversehalf linefeed Selectunderlining SelectabsoluteHyplotmode Set bottommargin lcctjustification Selectboldprin...

Страница 169: ...SC E n ESC O n ESC S n Function Page SelectrelativeHyplotmode 151 Selectshadowprint 148 C 2 Printthecharacter underASCIIcode7Fhex 146 Selectpaperfeeder 33 Selectsimplex duplex mode DXtypeonly 34 Changeemulationmode 3 Selectorientation 31 Selectpapersize 32 ...

Страница 170: ...eadingtheentriesatthetopandleft edgesof the table For example thecharacter A is in column4 androw 1 soitshexadecimalcharactercodeis41 Thisisequivalent 4x 16 1 65 to decimal65 the numberin theinset Controlcodes recognizedby this printer are indicatedby abbreviations insidepointedbrackets cSample I Number Symbol N f high order O 1S0 60 r Character value L L e i a Control code Hexadecimal value low o...

Страница 171: ...I Number Symbol Name OA Math 7 t 1 I 1 L 1 I i I I 1 I l J 1l I 6 I I 1 t I 7 I 1 1 1 1 i k 8 9 A I B I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

Страница 172: ...I Number Symbol Name O Line Draw 164 ...

Страница 173: ...umber Symbol Name O 60 Norwegian I I I 21 1 181 I 341 50 I I I 31 I 191 I 351 I 511 I 1 I 61 I 221 1 381 I 541 a e u fv I I 1 i I I I 81 241 I 401 I 561 I 72 a i 105 Y 121 j z 122 106 ka 107 123 10 108 124 1 ...

Страница 174: ...I Number Symbol Name O Roman Extension 166 ...

Страница 175: ...I Number Symbol Name OF 1S0 25 French ...

Страница 176: ...I Number Symbol Name OG HP German 1 ...

Страница 177: ...I Number Symbol Name 01 1S0 15 Italian I 5 I 1 1 I 6 I 1 I I t I 7 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 IJ I I F I 1 1 1 1 I 1 ...

Страница 178: ...I Number Symbol Name OK JIS ASCII o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 NUL I 1 I I I 11 I 171 I 331 I 491 651 I 811 971 I1131 1 I 41 1 20 I 361 I 521 681 1 841 I100I 11161 1 I 131 I 291 I 451 61I I 77 1 ...

Страница 179: ...I Number S y Name ON ECMA 94 Latin 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 ...

Страница 180: ...I Number Symbol Name ON ECMA 94 Latin 1 cont 172 ...

Страница 181: ...00 OCR A I Number Symbol Name ...

Страница 182: ...8A o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 01 I 161 I 321 I 481 I 641 I 801 I 961 1112 nr l 3 65 81 BZ 66 82 2 rT 67 8 AT 68 sl 4 E 69 85 70 86 HW 71 87 72 8E I v 73 89 74 90 z MS 76 92 N 77 93 a 94 78 0 79 95 a 97 112 Pa 98 114 C 110 126 0 111 127 174 ...

Страница 183: ...0 ISO 11 Swedish I Number Symbol Name 1 ...

Страница 184: ...I Number Symbol Name 176 ...

Страница 185: ...I Number Symbol Name OY Bar Code 3 of 9 ...

Страница 186: ...I Number Symbol Name I 6 Norwegian 1 I I I I Ill 331 I 2 I J 1 A Q a m R m bi GF plT J Et4 J A B F 1 I I 141 m m m F A 47 1 ...

Страница 187: ...I Number Symbol Name IE UK 1 ...

Страница 188: ...I Number Symbol Name I ISO 69 French 1 8 ...

Страница 189: ...I Number Symbol Name IG 1S0 21 German I I I El I 241 I 4 1 ...

Страница 190: ...I Number Symbol Name 10 OCR B I A S1 F us 0 D pi 182 ...

Страница 191: ...I Number Symbol Name 1 OCR B cont 1 ...

Страница 192: ...ID Number Symbol Name IQ Math 8B 1 I I 21 I 181 341 I sol I 6 I i I I I141 I 301 I 461 I 62 rF I I I 151 I 311 I 471 I 631 I 7 a 109 125 110 126 111 127 1 ...

Страница 193: ...I Number Symbol Name 1 ...

Страница 194: ...I Number Symbol Name Legal IU o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B c D E F ...

Страница 195: ...I Number Symbol Name 2 Ill I I 1 I 1 I 5 1 1 ...

Страница 196: ...2Q Pi Font A I Number Symbol Name 1 ...

Страница 197: ...I Number Symbol Name 2s 1S0 17 Spanish 415 67 I 4 M br 98 114 c s 99 115 4 a e u 101 117 fv 102 1lB a i Y 105 121 j z zz 106 k 107 123 lii 108 124 M 1 ...

Страница 198: ...I Number Symbol Name 2U 1S0 IRV ...

Страница 199: ...ID Number Symbol Name 3Q OCR B Extension 1 ...

Страница 200: ...ID Number SymbolName 3s 1S0 10 Swedish 23456 7 192 ...

Страница 201: ...ID Number SymbolName 4s 1S0 16 Portuguese 8 9 A 193 ...

Страница 202: ...ID Number SymbolName 5s 1S0 84 Portuguese 194 ...

Страница 203: ...ID Number SymbolName 6S ISO 85 Spanish c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S1 us F o 195 ...

Страница 204: ...ID Number SymbolName 8M Math 8 ...

Страница 205: ...ID Number SymbolName 8M Math 8 cont 197 ...

Страница 206: ...ID Number SymbolName 8Q IBM PCSet o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B c D E F o 12345 67 I 1 198 ...

Страница 207: ...ID Number SymbolName 8Q IBM PCSet cont 199 ...

Страница 208: ...ID Number SymbolName 8U Roman 8 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 7 8 9 A B c 200 ...

Страница 209: ...ID Number SymbolName 8U Roman 8 cont o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B c D E F 201 ...

Страница 210: ...ID Number SymbolName 8Y Bar Code EAN UPC m ml ml 73 I 891 I105I 1121 I I Ill I 271 I 43 I 591 I 751 I 911 I107I I c FF L I 11 d 1 l l 1 3 202 ...

Страница 211: ...ID Number SymbolName 9Q IBM PCExtension 203 ...

Страница 212: ...ID 204 ...

Страница 213: ...ID Number SymbolName 10U IBM PC US E 0 1 21314151617 I t 9 A 1 C D k E F 205 ...

Страница 214: ...I ID Number SymbolName 10U IBM PC US cont o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B c D E F 8 9 A T z 02 220 236 I 237 221 I E 23 222 fl 223 23S 1 F 241 4 J 245 4 249 d 250 4 254 d255 206 ...

Страница 215: ...ID Number SymbolName 1lQ ECMA 947 bit 207 ...

Страница 216: ...ID Number SymbolName 1lU IBM PC Denmark Norway 208 ...

Страница 217: ...ID Number SymbolName 1lU IBM PC Denmark Norway cont 209 ...

Страница 218: ...ID Number SymbolName 12U PC 850 I o 123 d b 4 1 17 33 49 t II 2 18 34 SC 3 19 35 51 7 4 20 36 52 e a 7 23 39 55 t 24 a 56 40 d d la 28 44 60 w 29 45 61 45 67 z a 97 q 113 br 98 114 c s 99 115 dt 100 116 ...

Страница 219: ...ID Number SymbolName 211 ...

Страница 220: ...U Pi Font t 2 H a I I I 21 I 18 I 341 I 501 m m b I 3 I I 5 t 1 1 1 1 d 1 I I I 1 I 6 I 7 I I B L I L 9 HT EM I 1 I 101 I 261 I 421 I 581 I 741 q m m I B l vT LJ Escd 1 1 J rJ II j I I I 13 m m I I I 151 I 311 I 471 I 63 mp 212 ...

Страница 221: ...t 35 bottommargincommands Diablo630mede 138 139 EX 8CQ mode 102 103 m cancellinecommand EX 800mode 118 Proprintermode 127 carriagereturn 22 Diablo630mode 141 EX 800mode 106 HP LaserJetII mode 66 Proprintermode 127 cartridgefonts 39 46 centeringtext Diablo630mode 139 EX 800mode 104 ChangeEmulationsupersetcommand 29 34 channels verticaltabsin 110 characterdescriptioncommands HP LaserJet11mode 87 88 ...

Страница 222: 121 Proprintermode 133 double strike print 35 EX 800mode 116 Proprintermode 131 double width print EX 800mode 115 Proprintermode 131 downloadable fonts 39 47 50 drum 4 DTRprotocol 18 DUPLEXlight 34 duplexmode 34 59 m elitecharacters 37 emphasizedprint 35 EX 800mode 116 Proprintermode 131 EmulateAttributesparameter 28 EmulationAttributesmenu 44 emulations 11 19 29 30 symbolsetsfor 42 43 SeealsoD...

Страница 223: ...ridge 39 46 downloadable 39 47 48 internal 38 managing 44 50 optional 46 outline 40 primary 70 7Z secondary 70 71 sourcesfor 39 40 fontselection 44 Diablo630mode 145 EX 800mode 110 HPLaserJetII mode 70 72 Proprintermode 130 fontsizecommands Proprintermode 131 fontstorage 38 50 fontstylecommands Seestyle commands formfeedcommand 22 Diablo630mode 142 EX 800mode 106 HPLaserJet11mode 67 Proprintermode...

Страница 224: ...andscapeorientation Seefont orientation LaserJetII emulationmode SeeHP LaserJetII emulationmode layoutparameter Z4 25 27 LCDdisplay 20 leading 34 leftmargincommands Diablo630mode 139 EX 800mode 104 HPLaserJetII mode 57 58 LineDefinitioncommand Diablo630mode 142 linedepthcommands Diablo630mode 138 HPLaserJetII mode 62 63 linefeedcommands auto 22 142 Diablo630mode 142 EX 800mode 106 HPLaserJet11mode...

Страница 225: ...3 16 parameters 13 16 character 28 page 25 27 printer 13 16 paritybit 17 patterngraphics HPLaserJetHmode 92 94 perforationregion 59 pica characters 37 picas 36 pitch 27 28 37 41 Diablo630mode 148 EX 800mode 114 HPLaserJetII mode 72 77 Proprintermode 132 plottergraphics 121 pointsize 2 27 28 36 poppingprintposition HPLaserJetII mode 69 portraitorientation Seefont orientation Prestigefont 38 43 132 ...

Страница 226: onlymemory SceROM READYlight Z3 resetcommands Diablo630mode 137 EX 800mode 101 HPLaserJetHmode 54 55 residentfonts Seeinternalfonts reverseprinting Diablo630mode Z43 rightmargincommands Diablo630mode 139 EX 800mode 104 HPLaserJet11mode 57 58 ROM 3 remanstyle Seestylecommands rules HPLaserJetII mode 91 94 w screengraphics 121 secondaryfonts 70 71 Select Emulationsupersetcommand 30 SelectOrientat...

Страница 227: ...command Diablo630 mode 149 symbolsets 28 41 43 72 41 72 Diablo630mode 145 146 EX 800mode 111 HPLaserJet11mode 73 76 Proprintermode 130 cm tabcommands Diablo630mode 143 144 EX 800mode 108 110 HPLaserJetII mode 64 Proprintermode 128 129 templates 44 TEST PREVIOUS button 13 TextLengthcommand HPLaserJetII mode 56 57 TmsRomnfont 38 43 117 tonercartridge 24 topmargincommands Diablo630mode 138 139 EX 800...

Страница 228: ... verticalmotionindex SeeVMI verticalprintposition 61 63 verticaltabcommands Diablo630mode 144 EX 800mode 209 VMI 26 HPLaserJetII mode 62 ml WarningAlarm 20 WYSIWYG 45 12u XeroxDiablo630emulationmode See Diablo630emulationmode XON XOFFprotocol 18 220 ...

Страница 229: ...0170 Attn Product Manager Eusopean Market STAR MICRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Westerbachstra13e59 P O Box 940330 D 6000 Frankfurt Main 90 F R of Germany Attn Product Manager U K Marker STARMICRONICS U K LTD Star House Peregrine Business Park Gomm Road High Wycombe Bucks HP13 7DL U K Attn Product Manager French Market STAR MICRONICS FRANCE S A R L 25 rue Michael Faraday 78190 Montigny le Bretonneux Att...

Страница 230: ...P in Japan 89 ...
