Once you have entered the Stand Aid 1501 and are in an upright posi-
tion, close the safety gate behind you and adjust the unit to the correct
height by loosening the four knobs for upper side adjustment. Raise or
lower the upper side rails of the Stand Aid until the safety gate is support-
ing the lower half of the buttocks. Retighten all knobs. This adjustment is
important to ensure that your buttock does not slide under the safety gate.
If further adjustment is necessary you can move the safety gate and latch
using a 3/16” allen wrench on the allen head screws. Use either one of the
safety gate pads or both to support your buttocks against the safety gate.
The velcro strips will keep the pads in place.
The table height adjustment is important for upper body positioning.
The chest pad should be positioned near the bottom of the sternum, the
point on your rib cage where your bottom two ribs meet. In order to main-
tain correct posture, the table may be adjusted in or out in order to align
the upper and lower portions of your body. The safety belt hooks to the
rings located under each side of the table frame just ahead of the chest
Now that most adjustments have been made, check and retighten all
knobs to ensure that your Stand Aid will remain in the proper position.
Adjustment Knobs.
Four knobs located in
the front corners and
rear frame.
Left upper side
Page 14
Safety Gate not shown refer
to pages 9 & 10.