NOTICE: NEVER run pump dry. Running pump dry may damage seals, caus-
ing leakage and flooding. Fill pump with water before starting motor.
NOTICE: Maximum ambient temperature for motor operation must not ex-
ceed maximum ambient temperature rating on motor model plate.
Before removing trap cover:
1. STOP PUMP before proceeding.
2. CLOSE GATE VALVES in suction and discharge pipes.
3. RELEASE ALL PRESSURE from pump and piping system.
4. NEVER tighten or loosen clamp while pump is operating.
If pump is being pressure tested, release all pressure before removing
trap cover.
Do not block pump suction. To do so with body may cause severe or
fatal injury. Small children using pool must ALWAYS have close adult
Fire and burn hazard. Modern motors run at high temperatures.
To reduce the risk of fire, do not allow leaves, debris, or foreign matter to col-
lect around the pump motor. To avoid burns when handling the motor, let it
cool for 20 minutes before trying to work on it. An automatic internal cutoff
switch protects single phase motors from heat damage during operation.
Priming Pump
Release all pressure from filter, pump, and piping system; see the filter owner’s
In a flooded suction system (water source higher than pump), pump will prime
itself when suction and discharge valves are opened.
If pump is not in a flooded suction system, unscrew and remove trap cover;
fill trap and pump with water.
Lubricate trap cover “O” Ring with petroleum jelly each time it is removed.
Clean and inspect “O” Ring; reinstall on trap cover.
Replace trap cover on trap; turn clockwise to tighten cover.
NOTICE: Tighten trap cover by hand only (no wrenches)!
Pump should prime now. Priming time will depend on vertical length of suc-
tion lift and horizontal length of suction piping.
If pump does not prime, make sure that all valves are open, suction pipe end
is under water, pump suction is below water level, and that there are no leaks
in suction pipe. See Troubleshooting Guide, Page 14.
Routine Maintenance
The only routine maintenance needed is inspection/cleaning of trap basket.
Debris or trash that collects in basket will choke off water flow through the
pump. Follow instructions below to clean trap:
1. Stop pump, close valves in suction and discharge, and release all pressure
from system before proceeding.
2. Unscrew trap lid (turn counterclockwise). If necessary, use a lever such as a
board or long screwdriver between lugs on trap cover.
3. Remove strainer basket and clean. Be sure all holes in basket are clear,
flush basket with water and replace in trap.
4. Clean and inspect “O” Ring; reinstall on trap cover.
5. Clean “O” Ring groove on trap body and replace lid. To help keep lid from
sticking, tighten hand tight only (no wrenches!).
6. Prime pump (see priming instructions, above).
Hazardous suction.
Can trap hair or
body parts, causing
severe injury
or death.
Do not block