The smaller the value the slower will be the output voltage rise and the LLC tank current.
The suggestion is to start with the minimum value (usually OK for most applications) and increase it in case a
faster Vout rise time is required.
Minimum time shift
Size: 4 bits
Sets the minimum value for the time shift during the normal operation.
Available values are:
125 ns
158.3 ns
191.7 ns
225 ns
258.3 ns
291.7 ns
325 ns
358.3 ns
391.7 ns
425 ns
458.3 ns
491.7 ns
525 ns
558.3 ns
591.7 ns
625 ns
The minimum time shift value is used to set the maximum LLC switching frequency. The
relationship between the time shift and switching period is complex. Anyway, for this limit
condition, a good approximation can be found (see
Figure 2.
LLC operation at f
>> f
When the operating frequency is much higher than the resonance frequency, the resonant tank current I
becomes a triangular waveform, because the current provided to the secondary side becomes negligible with
respect to the magnetizing current.
Approximating the current triangular and neglecting the dead times, the time shift value (i.e. the time between
zero crossing and MOS turn-off) becomes half of each MOSFET on-time.
LLC parameters
Rev 1
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