ACP sensitivity
Size: 1 bit
Sets the sensitivity on detection ACP condition.
Available values are:
The ACP sensitivity applies either for hard and soft ACP features.
Hard ACP detection
Size: 1 bit
Enables / disables the hard ACP detection.
Available values are:
Hard ACP is the protection that is triggered when the system reaches the capacitive mode (i.e. the time between
the MOSFET turn-on and tank current zero crossing becomes zero or negative). The system immediately
shutdowns both sections if the fault is triggered.
The fault can be latched or not latched depending on the “LLC ACP behavior”.
In case the hard ACP detection is disabled, the system will not shutdown if ACP is sensed during dead time, but
it will wait for the correct ZCD sign in order to turn on the next gate-drive.
Soft ACP entering threshold
Size: 3 bits
Sets the time threshold for entering the soft ACP management.
Available values are:
100 ns
167 ns
233 ns
300 ns
367 ns
433 ns
500 ns
567 ns
If the time between the MOSFET turn-on and LLC ZCD signal becomes lower than the threshold defined by this
parameter (i.e. the system is approaching the capacitive mode), the IC enters the soft ACP management.
Soft ACP TS decrement
Size: 3 bits
Sets the immediate time shift decrease during the soft ACP management.
Available values are:
66.7 ns
100 ns
133 ns
200 ns
267 ns
400 ns
533 ns
800 ns
LLC parameters
Rev 1
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