VDD_MCU selection
VDD_MCU used to supply the STM32 can be powered by the U46 DC-DC converter (3V3) by setting JP3 [1-2], or
by the U44 DC-DC converter (1V8) by setting JP3 [2-3]. For both configurations, the SW1 must be in the VDD
VDD_MCU can be also powered by energy meter tools. To use the energy meter tools, follow the configuration
Set the SW1 switch to the position PM_MEAS.
Power the board through the 5V_PM with the CN16 USB connector.
JP4 jumper must be on pin [7-8] to select the 5V_PM power source on JP4 silkscreen.
With this configuration, it is recommended to set JP3 to the correct position, 3V3 or 1V8, to respect the I/O level
compatibility between MCU and onboard I/Os.
VDD_MCU power selection schematic is described in
Figure 15.
VDD_MCU power selection schematics
details the VDD_MCU power selection.
Table 8.
VDD_MCU power selection
JP3 [1-2]
SW1 [1-2] [5-6]
DCDC U46 3V3
U46 is used to provide 3V3 VDD_MCU.
SW1 [2-3] [6-7]
U46 is used to provide 3V3 only for the onboard
device, not the MCU.
JP3 [2-3]
SW1 [1-2] [5-6]
U44 DC-DC 1V8
U44 is used to provide 1V8 VDD_MCU.
SW1 [2-3] [6-7]
U44 is used to provide 3V3 only for the onboard
device, not the MCU.
JP3 [x-x]
SW1 [2-3] [6-7]
Current measurement selection
Energy metering part is used to supply
VDD_MCU and to perform current consumption
1. The default configuration is shown in bold.
describes the VDD_MCU power selection on the STM32L562E-DK board.
Power supply
Rev 2
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