User interface description
Step 4
At this step, select the requested operation –Erase, Download or Upload– and set the
related parameters:
Select the “All” button to erase the whole memory
Select the “Selection” button to customize the Erase operation. Click on the
“Selection” button to display the memory mapping dialog window, then check the
pages to be erased and click “Ok”.
– Click the related browse button to open a binary, hexadecimal or S19 Motorola file.
If the loaded file is a binary file, the download address is the start address of the first
page and the “@” field is still editable to accept changes.
If the loaded file is a hexadecimal or an S19 motorola file, the download address is
the start address of the first record in the file, and the “@” field is read-only.
– Check the “Verify” check box to launch the verification process when the Download
operation is finished.
– Check “Jump to the user program” to launch the downloaded program.
– Check the “Optimize download duration” to filter FFs packets (256 bytes).
– Check ”Enable read protection after download” to activate the Flash memory read
– Click the related browse button to select which binary, hexadecimal or S19 motorola
file will store the uploaded data.
Erase and Download operations can be performed only if the write protection is disabled.
Consequently, the software will automatically disable the write protection before launching
the operation.
For Upload operations, the software will automatically disable the read protection before
launching the operation.