Wireless power receiver module
As visible in
, the schematic diagram of the wireless power receiver is relatively simple. The RX coil (J1-
J2 terminal) is part of the series resonant circuit (C1 through C4 capacitors) that provides the AC voltage to the
AC1-AC2 pins of the STWLC68JRH. The rectified voltage is filtered by C15 through C17 capacitors and
accessible at J3 connector, mainly used to monitor the ping-up behavior and the ASK modulation. The output rail
(VOUT pins) is filtered by C18 through C20 capacitors and made available at J5 terminal. Few additional
components are needed to complete the wireless receiver: bootstrap capacitors for the rectifier (C8 & C11) and
for the main linear regulator (C12), modulation capacitors (C6, C7, C9 and C10) and filtering capacitors for the 1.8
V and 5 V supply rails (C13 & C14). The R1 resistor is connected between VRECT and IEXT to implement an
active clamper to prevent excessive voltages (Over-Voltage Protection). Transient voltage Suppressors (D1 & D2)
are recommended to protect the application against ESD.
Figure 2.
Receiver module schematic
Wireless power receiver module
Rev 1
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