Hardware layout and configuration
Doc ID 15451 Rev 1
1.7 RS-232
Two D-type 9-pin connectors P3 (USART1) and P2 (USART2) are available on the STEVAL-
IHM022V1 demonstration board. The USART1 connector is connected to RS-232
transceiver U10, while the USART2 connector with RTS/CTS handshake signal support is
connected to RS-232 transceiver U9.
Motor control connectors
The STEVAL-IHM022V1 demonstration board supports control of up to three 3-phase
brushless motors via three 34-pin connectors: CON8 (MC main), CON9 (MC sub1) and
CON10 (MC sub2). Each connector provides all required control and feedback signals to
and from the motor power-driving board. Available signals which are common to all these
connectors include:
emergency stop
motor speed
3-phase motor current
bus voltage sense
heatsink temperature sense from the motor driving board
6 channels of PWM control signals to the motor driving circuit.
For third-motor control connector MC sub2, the 6 PWM channels can be derived either by
using two general-purpose timers working in tandem, or by using just one GP timer plus
additional external circuitry for complementary PWM signals. An auxiliary connector (MC
sub2 Aux) is available on the demonstration board to connect a daughterboard for additional
The MC main connector features additional sensing signals (AC bus, DC bus and input
current) for PFC (power factor control) controller management.
The I/O pins used on the motor control connectors are multiplexed with some peripherals on
the board. Either motor control connectors or multiplexed peripherals can be enabled by
setting the jumpers, as described in
Table 6: Motor control-related jumpers