September 2009
Doc ID 15451 Rev 1
User manual
STEVAL-IHM022V1 STM32-based dual
motor FOC drive demonstration board
The STEVAL-IHM022V1 demonstration board is designed as a dual motor field-oriented
control (FOC) development platform for STMicroelectronics’ ARM Cortex™- M3 core-based
STM32F103ZE microcontroller. The board features full speed USB 2.0 and CAN 2.0 A/B
compliant interfaces, 2 I
S channels, 2 I
C channels, 5 USART channels, 3 SPI channels, 2
DAC channels, internal 64 KB SRAM and 512 KB Flash memory, and JTAG and SWD
debugging support. The board is designed to implement multiple motor control (up to three
MC connectors are available) and offers an advanced user I/O interface (LCD QVGA display
and joystick key). Extension headers make it easy to connect a daughterboard or wrapping
board for specific applications.
The demonstration board can be ordered through order code STEVAL-IHM022V1.
Four 5 V power supply sources: 2-way screw connector, power jack, USB connector or
Boot from system memory, user Flash or SRAM
64 Mb serial Flash included
Two RS-232 channels with RTS/CTS handshake support on one channel
USB 2.0 full speed connection
CAN 2.0 A/B compliant connection
Two full featured motor control connectors for field oriented control plus PFC support on
one connector
JTAG, SWD and trace debug support
240 x 320 TFT color LCD
Joystick with 4-direction control and selector
Reset, wakeup, tamper and user button
Extension connectors for daughterboard or wrapping board
RoHS compliant
Figure 1.
STEVAL-IHM022V1 demonstration board