Demonstration board introduction
Components on the demonstration board include:
the STCC08 device (U1)
the STLITE39F2 MCU (U2). The 8-bit MCU drives the AC switch through the STCC08,
analyzes the STCC08 AVF signals and powers LEDs to indicate AC switch failures
the ACS108-6S (U3), transient voltage protected AC switch
A capacitive DC power supply
An ICC (in-circuit connector) (J3) to load the firmware in the MCU.
Before the board is connected to a computer through the ICC
connector, ensure that the AC line is connected to the board
through an insulated plug. This is essential to avoid electrical
A switch to simulate an AC load failure in open circuit (SW1)
2 switches (SW2, SW3) to simulate a diode mode failure in both polarities of the AC line
and a short-circuit of the AC switch (when SW2 and SW3 are in the “YES” position at
the same time)
A switch to simulate an AC switch failure in open circuit (SW4)
An STCC08 CNTRL switch (SW5). This switch is used to turn the AC switch (ACS) on
or off through the MCU and the STCC08
An STCC08 CNTRL LED (D5), used to see whether or not the AC switch has been
controlled by the user
LEDs to define the ACS state
A “DIODE” LED (D6) to visualize an ACS failure in diode mode in both AC line
cycles. The LED is on if the AC switch fails in diode mode.
An “OPEN” LED (D7) to indicate an ACS failure in open circuit. This LED is on if
the AC switch is damaged in open circuit
A “CC” LED (D8) to show an ACS failure in short-circuit on both polarities of the
AC line. This LED is on if the AC switch is damaged in short-circuit
An “ON” LED (D9) to indicate that the AC switch is on
Test points to allow the connection of voltage probes:
L (TP2) and N (TP1): line and neutral of the AC line
VCC (TP3): positive power supply
GND (TP4): power supply reference
ZVS (TP5): zero crossing of the AC line voltage
OUT (TP6): anode of the ACS
AC (TP7): ACS status sense input
AVF (TP8): alternating voltage feedback. ACS status output
ON/OFF (TP12): “STCC08 CNTRL” switch state, used to turn on or off the ACS
through the MCU and the STCC08
IN (TP9): STCC08 IN input used to control the ACS
An AC line connector (J1)
An AC load: light bulb (15 W at 230 V
For more detailed information, please refer to the schematic diagram in
Appendix A
electronic components distributor