November 2008
Rev 1
User manual
STEVAL-IHM020V1 demonstration board based on the
STCC08 AC switch failure mode detector
The STEVAL-IHM020V1 demonstration board (see
Figure 1
) provides a means to evaluate
the performance of the STCC08, which is an AC switch failure mode detector and an AC
power switch driver. The device is dedicated to driving up to 10 mA IGT AC switches (ACS,
ACST and TRIACs), and detecting any switch failures. This solution embeds a switch driver
and an AC switch state detector. It contributes to system safety by monitoring AC switches
driving sensitive loads such as drain pumps, door locks, heaters, cooling fans, and
Figure 1.
STEVAL-IHM020V1, STCC08 demonstration board
This user manual provides all information needed to set up and operate the demonstration
board. With this demonstration board, you can:
Evaluate the full ST solution (microcont STCC08)
Test and analyze the AC switch failure detection features of the STCC08 device
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