Power supply configuration
The EVB requires an external power supply voltage of 12 V DC, minimum 1 A. This allows the EVB to be easily
used in a vehicle if required. The single input voltage is regulated on-board using three switching regulators to
provide the necessary EVB and MCU operating voltages of 5.0 V, 3.3 V and 1.25 V, and one 5 V linear regulator
for the ADC supplies and references.
For flexibility there are two different power supply input connectors on the motherboard as detailed below. There
is also a power supply option on the daughter card to use the daughter card in standalone mode. Please refer to
daughter card documents for details on power input.
Motherboard power supply connectors
2.1 mm barrel connector – P28:
Figure 4.
Power supply barrel connector
2-way lever connector – P32:
Figure 5.
2-lever power connector
This can be used to connect a bare wire lead to the EVB, typically from a laboratory power supply. The
polarization of the connectors is clearly marked on the EVB. A special care must be taken to ensure correct
Power supply configuration
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