Analog output accelerometers: supported commands
Table 7. Analog output accelerometers: supported commands list
below lists the commands supported by the
devices/demonstration boards including an analog output accelerometer.
Table 7.
Analog output accelerometers: supported commands list
Returned value
Selects firmware according to the adapter connected
Starts continuous data acquisition
Table 4. Returned values for *start command
Returns the output data in readable text format
Table 5. Returned values for *debug command
Stops data acquisition
Forces 3-state
Exits from 3-state
Device name
e.g.: LIS3DH
Firmware version
e.g.: V1.0
It gets a single X, Y, and Z data acquisition
Table 5. Returned values for *debug command
Prints the list of MKIs supported
e.g.: MKI105V1
Prints the list of devices supported
e.g.: LIS3DH
Activates the write verbose mode
e.g.: RAAhDDh
Deactivates the write verbose mode
Sets power-down pin
Clears power-down pin
Sets self-test pin
Clears self-test pin
Sets full-scale pin
Clears full-scale pin
Supported commands
Rev 6
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