9. Current measurement
Set the function selector switch t o A .
Connect the Clamp as shown in figure 9.1 for current measurement.
Select the appropriate working mode i.e. AC or DC or ACDC by long
:- For better accuracy of current, position conductor at the marking on
the jaw (center of the jaw)
pressing yellow key (Function key).
Unique design for safety and comfort
Rotary mechanism for clamp jaws:
In conventional clamp meters, d is p l a y , keys and clamp jaws are in the same plane.
When current measurement is to be done on vertical bus bars, over head cables,
cables in congested places user connect the clamp meter but the keys and display
may not be visible, hence not able to take the readings or operate the keys.
T o over come the above mentioned problem
has a
unique feature called “Rotary mechanism for clamp jaws”. In this, the clamp jaws
are rotating. Hence it is possible to align the clamp jaws as the orientation of
bus bar/conductor while keeping Display and keys fa c i n g t h e u s e r , so that user can
take the readings and operate the keys.
Rotary clamp jaws can be rotated at di
erent angles with the step of 30, maximum
up to 90 in both clock-wise as well as anti-clock wise direction as shown in
figure 9.2
Clamp meter
T o measure current through cable push the trigger (present at back )
to open the jaws and clamp the jaws around the cable as shown in fig 9.1
Figure 9.1