User Manual
Modbus/BACnet IP Gateway
Read input status - mapped to BACnet BI (binary input);
Read Holding Registers - mapped to BACnet AI (analog input) or MI (multistate input); as is shown below,
left click the "AI" will pop up the drop-down the menu.
See picture above:
Object type: AI and MI optional, default is AI;
Object Name: Editable, the maximum data length it supports is 12;
Register Count: 1 and 2 optional, default is 1 (Map one Modbus register to a BACnet object);
Data Types : BOOL, INT16 (signed 16-bit integer data), UINT16 (unsigned 16-bit integer data), INT32
(signed 32-bit integer data), INT32V (INT32 Inverse, contrary to high and low word INT32), UINT32
(unsigned 32-bit integer data), UINT32V (UINT32 Inverse, contrary to high and low word of UINT32),
Float, and FloatV (Float Inverse, contrary to high and low word of Float) optional ( different display for
different types of BACnet object);
Scaling: You can edit , range: 0.01 to 100, default: 1.0
Read Input Register -- Mapping to the BACnet AI (analog input) or MI (multistate input ), you can choose;
Force Single Coil -- Mapping to the BACnet BO(binary output) or BV(binary value) ,you can choose;
Preset Single Register -- Mapping to the BACnet AO(analog output), AV(analog value) or MO(multistate
output), you can choose;
Force Multiple Coils -- Mapping to the BACnet BO(binary output) or BV(binary value), you can choose;
Preset Multiple Registers -- Mapping to BACnet AO(analog output), AV(analog value) or MO(multistate
output), you can choose.
3.5 Locate
When users manage multiple GT200-BM-2RS gateways, the "locate" function can be used to determine
which device you are configuring.
Users click on the "locate" button and the device is still in the network, two orange indicator of the device