Motion Control Damper Service - Yari
M o t i o n C o n t r o l D a m p e r S e r v i c e - Y a r i
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
D a m p e r R e m o v a l
Turn the compression adjuster knob counter-clockwise, to the full open
position, until it stops.
Remove the retaining screw and remove the knob.
Unthread the compression damper top cap.
Remove the compression damper by pulling up firmly and slowly, while
gently rotating the damper in a circular motion.
Do not force the damper out of the upper tube if there is resistance.
This can cause separation of the piston from the damper tube.
Remove the fork from the work stand and pour the suspension oil into
an oil pan.
Clamp the fork into the work stand.
Push the shaft into the upper tube to avoid scratching the shaft while
removing the retaining ring. Remove the retaining ring.
2.5 mm
24 mm