Caliper Piston Installation
C a l i p e r P i s t o n I n s t a l l a t i o n
DOT brake fluid will damage painted surfaces. If any fluid comes in contact with a painted surface (e.g. your frame) or printing on the brakes, wipe it off
immediately and clean it with isopropyl alcohol or water. Damage to painted and/or printed surfaces by DOT brake fluid is not covered under warranty.
Inspect the caliper pistons for damage and replace the pistons if
Apply a small amount of SRAM® High-Performance DOT 5.1 brake fluid
to the circumference of each piston. Install the pistons into the caliper
For the best braking performance, use only SRAM High-Performance
DOT 5.1 brake fluid. If SRAM fluid is not available, use only DOT 5.1
or 4 brake fluid. Do not use grease. Grease will prevent the pistons
from fully retracting into the caliper bores which will reduce braking
Spray isopropyl alcohol on the caliper halves and both of your gloves
and clean them with a rag.
Add a small amount of DOT compatible grease onto a new o-ring, then
install onto the caliper.
SRAM High-Performance DOT 5.1 brake fluid