Possible solutions
Impossible to turn
on the camera
• Verify if there are batteries in the camera.
• Verify if the batteries are correctly installed.
• Verify if the LIT-09 charger option is set accordingly
to the power source.
• Install the latest update (available on
under SUPPORT section).
• Replace alkaline batteries or recharge the lithium
battery pack.
The screen of the
camera turns off
• The camera may be set to PHOTO or VIDEO mode
and the screen turns off after a period of 60 seconds
in order to preserve battery life.
• The camera automatically resets itself to PHOTO or
VIDEO mode (depending of the latest mode used
or selected) after 2 minutes of inactivity on the main
• To return to the screen, turn off the camera and turn
it on again.
The screen of
the camera goes
blank and the
camera does not
• The battery level is too low. Replace alkaline
batteries or recharge the lithium battery pack.
The camera beeps • Insert a memory card.
The camera does
not respond
• Remove the batteries and reinstall them.
• Replace alkaline batteries or recharge the lithium
battery pack.
Impossible to
take photos/
• Verify if there are batteries in the camera.
• Replace alkaline batteries or recharge the lithium
battery pack.
• Verify if the camera is turned on.
Red light in front
of the camera
• Camera is set in TEST mode.
• Camera is set in PHOTO or VIDEO mode. The red
light in front of the camera flashes for 60 seconds to
allow the user to leave without being photographed
or recorded.
The computer
does not
recognize the
• Verify if the camera is properly connected to the
Make sure the camera is turned on before
connecting it to the computer.
• Use the supplied USB cable.
No person/animal
on photos
• Sunrise or sunset can trigger the sensor. Camera
must be re-orientated.
• At night, the motion detector may detect beyond the
range of the IR illumination. Reduce sensibility
• Small animals may trigger the unit. Reduce sensibi-
lity setting and/or raise height of camera.
• Motion detector may detect animals through foliage.
• If a person or animal moves quickly, it may move out
of the camera’s field of view before the photo is
taken. Move the camera further back or redirect the
• Make sure the mounting post or tree is stable and
does not move.
The camera
beeps when GPS
test option is
• The GPS connection did not work.
• Try again or change location.
Impossible to
connect to the
Verizon cellular
network (Mini-
LIVE-4GV and
• Verify if your mySPYPOINT account has successfully
been created.
• Do the provisioning over again (explained in the
activation procedure).
• Make sure you are in the Verizon coverage zone.
The screen
display does not
follow the camera
orientation in
TEST mode.
• The screen display in TEST mode follow the same
orientation as the lens.
• It does not affect photo or video taking in any way.