Output Setup for Lighting Control
From the initial menu screen select an output using the Plus and Minus button and press Enter.
Output Mode: (Lights ON/OFF, Lights Dimming)
Note: When the Mode is changed all settings for selected output will be set to the defaults for that particular
Select the Output Mode option and set it to either Lighting (ON/OFF) or Lighting (Dimming). The ON/OFF mode
will switch the output fully on or off and is used for standard fluorescent lighting. Dimming mode can be used
with incandescent lights, most transformerless LED lighting, most dimmable fluorescent lights and can adjust
the power going to the lights to provide simulated sunrise, sunsets, and moonlighting.
Minimum Power:
Note: This setting should be set first for any dimmable fluorescent lamp that has a minimum voltage
This option affects ramping mode for lighting and will set the lowest amount of power that will
be applied to the light fixture before turning off. When enabled during a ramping session power steps between
zero and the Minimum Power setting will be skipped. If the Daylite and Nitelite power settings are greater than
the Minimum Power setting then there is no effect on operation. This option is not necessary for LED or
incandescent lighting and can be left at the default of zero.
Reference voltages measured at output of Herpstat compared to power percentage:
10% = 38Vac
15% = 47Vac
20% = 55Vac
25% = 63Vac
Daylite Power:
This setting adjusts the amount of power applied during the Day Cycle. If the Minimum power setting is enabled
the lowest Daylite Power setting will only decrease to the Minimum Power setting before skipping to 0%.
Nite Cycle Options:
Enter this menu to adjust settings if a different light output is required during the night.
Enable Nite Cycle (OFF / ON)
To Enable/Disable the Nite Cycle press the Enter button while on this display.
Nitelite Power:
This setting adjusts the amount of power applied during the Nite Cycle. If the Minimum power setting is enabled
the lowest Nitelitelite Power setting will only decrease to the Minimum Power setting before skipping to 0%.
NiteCycle Start Time:
This setting adjusts what time the Nite Cycle starts.
NiteCycle End Time:
This setting adjusts what time the Nite Cycle ends.
This setting adjusts how long it will take to switch between the DayLite and NiteLite settings allowing a smooth
transition up to 10 hours.
Output Setup for Humidity Control
From the initial menu screen select an output using the Plus and Minus button and press Enter.
Output Mode: ( RH Scheduled, RH Sensed, RH Hybrid )
Note: When the Mode is changed all settings for selected output will be set to the defaults for that particular
mode. RH Sensed and RH Hybrid mode require the optional Herpstat Humidity Sensor sold seperately.
Select the Output Mode option and set it to either RH Scheduled, RH Sensed, or RH Hybrid
RH Scheduled can
be used to set up to nine separate scheduled times when a humidity device will power up and does not require a
sensor. RH Sensed has no scheduled times and uses sensor feedback to determine if a humidity device will
power up. RH Hybrid mode combines the two and you can select up to eight scheduled times when a humidity
device will power up. Then during that session it checks the sensor and if the humidity level is below the RH
setting it will activate the output. If the level is above the RH setting the power will not be applied.
RH %
Note: Only available in Humidity Sensed or Humidity Hybrid modes.
This setting adjusts the highest level of relative humidity. Once this amount has been breached the power will
shut off to the output.
Enter this menu to set the scheduled times to activate a humidity session.
Note: Only available in Humidity Scheduled or Humidity Hybrid modes.
In this menu use the Plus and Minus buttons to navigate through the available slots. Advancing through all of
the slots will bring you to the [BACK] option. Press Enter to switch to Editing Mode. In the Editing Mode the
Plus button advances the hour and the Minus button advances the minute. To disable the slot advanced the
hour until Disabled shows as the time. Once in the Editing Mode the Enter button is used to accept the change.
When the Herpstat is set to RH Hybrid mode the 9th scheduled slot is a "Forced Session" and if activated it will
not check the sensor for feedback. This is useful if the humidity in the enclosure generally stays high but you
want to make sure it activates at least once for feeding purposes.
High / Low Alarm Menu:
Enter this menu to set the audible High/Low Alarm feature.
Enable H/L Alarm (OFF / ON)
To Enable/Disable the High/Low alarm press the Enter button while on this display.
High RH% Alarm:
This setting is the highest humidity level at which the audible alarm triggers if breached for the selected output.
Low RH% Alarm:
This setting is the lowest humidity level at which the audible alarm triggers if breached for the selected output.