Quick guide
To quickly operate TAR-22 recorder, following steps must be done:
1) Insert Zinc Air or alkaline battery according the picture with the positive terminal on
top. After inserting the battery, you must observe one single flash of LED after about
5 seconds, which indicates that the recorder is in stand-by mode (this indicates
completion of start-up cycle). When the battery is partially or fully discharged, the
recorder is not able to complete start-up cycle and this battery can’t be used.
2) To turn on recording mode, press button for a few seconds. Following long flashes
(between 1 to 4) indicates available memory space (4-maximum, 1-minimum) and
recording is started. If LED is enabled during recording, each 2 seconds you should
observe one single flash.
3) To stop recording mode, hold the button for a few seconds. During the time, when this
button is pressed you will observe 3 long LED flashes. After releasing the button,
recorder can continue with start-up cycle (same like when the battery is inserted) and
is ready for next action in about 5 seconds, indicated by one single LED flash.
4) For connecting recorder with PC you need to have record manager downloaded to
your PC. Recorder should be connected to PC only when it is in stand-by mode,
otherwise you will get message „USB device can’t be detected“. Recorder should be
connected to PC even without battery.
Powering TAR-22 via USB during recording
TAR-22 recorder can take a power from USB for recording in case, when it is available. At
any time, when it is recording, you can connect it with USB charger or with PC and it takes
all required power from USB, instead of discharging inserted battery. Battery is used as a
backup, when this power from USB is interrupted. When it’s connected with PC and the
recording is in progress, you will get message „unrecognized USB device“, but at this time
you should ignore it in this step. When using external power for powering TAR-22 you must
ensure continuous recording without any break, which means you can’t use operating button
to stop and start recording again or using any scheduled recording in recorder’s settings.
Voice activated recording for this operation from external power source is still available.