Speciality Plumbing Supplies Pty Ltd (SPS)
Product Manual – Bucket Trap Floor Wastes
Version 7.2
November, 2010
Page 9 of 38
Engineers certifications (loading)
Many of the grate assemblies used in SPS basket trap floor wastes have been developed
with heavy-duty load applications in mind, for example supermarket loading docks.
Appendix 2 contains some examples of load tests carried out by
Pearl Street ETRS
Auburn (a NATA-accredited testing laboratory). These particular grate assemblies have
been tested to Class C of AS3996-2006.
Installation Requirements
When casting entire assembly into new concrete slab – all systems
(one-stage installation, no height-adjustment required)
Connect unit to the pipe by appropriate means (depending upon the specific
arrestor and the pipe material involved. Always check that the secondary strainer is
present and correctly installed.
Ensure unit is adequately secured to the reinforcing steel to prevent displacement
during concrete pour.
Ensure unit is set up to the appropriate height, having regarding to the any topping
to be applied to the slab.
Ensure that grate is protected during concrete pour, for example by covering with
duct tape. The tape should be trimmed to upper edge of grate to ensure that when
removed, the cement surrounding the grate is not damaged.
When casting into new concrete slab – height adjustable systems
(two-stage installation possibly involving waterproofing of slab)
Connect lower body to the pipe by appropriate means, depending upon the pipe
material involved.
Ensure lower body is adequately secured to the reinforcing steel to prevent it being
displaced during concrete pour.
Ensure lower body is set up to the appropriate height having regard to the likely
depth of the topping, the type of waterproofing membrane being used and the size
of the grate assembly being installed.
[If applicable] the waterproofing membrane should be applied as far as possible into
the lower body but without obstructing the weep holes or the female thread.
Prior to insertion of grate assembly, double check that secondary strainer is
installed in lower body.
Do not insert the basket into the lower body!
Screw the grate assembly into lower body to suit height of finished floor.