Forward Raise
(Hip Flexors/Quadriceps)
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Secure
Xercise Band around ankles. Position exercise leg
slightly in front of body with knees slightly bent.
Place hands on hips or hold onto the back of a
stable chair.
Keep foot of non–exercise leg grounded while
raising the other leg up and forward. Keep hips and
shoulders square. Return to start and repeat.
Outer Leg Lift
Sit on floor and secure Xercise Band around
legs, just above the knee. Lie on side and roll onto hip
of non–exercise leg. Rest head on one arm and place
other on floor for support.
With bottom leg bent back, lead with heel and
push top leg upward as high as possible. The opposite
hip must remain stationary. Return to start and repeat.
Inner Leg Lift
Sit on floor and secure Xercise Band around
ankle of exercise leg and under arch of opposite foot.
Lie on side and rest head on one arm and place other
arm on floor for support. Non–exercise leg should be
bent, with foot planted firmly on the floor.
Lead with the heel and lift lower leg as high
as possible. Return to start and repeat.
Knee Extension
Sit on floor and secure Xercise Band around
ankle of exercise leg and under arch of opposite foot.
Lie back and support upper body on elbows, keeping
both legs bent and foot of non–exercise leg planted
firmly on the floor.
Extend exercise leg and lift up to height of
knee, until quadricep is fully contracted. Return to
start and repeat.
Lying Leg Curl
Secure Xercise Band around ankles. Lie on
stomach with hands in front and extend both legs.
Place a pad or rolled up towel under knee of exercise
leg for extra comfort if desired. Pull toes of exercise
foot toward shin to a neutral ankle position.
While keeping hips and knees in contact with
the floor, bend knee of exercise leg and curl leg toward
buttocks until hamstring is fully contracted. Return to
start and repeat.
Standing Leg Curl
Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
Secure Xercise Band around ankles. Keep knees
slightly bent and position foot of exercise leg
slightly behind body. Place hands on hips or hold
onto the back of a stable chair.
Bend knee and curl leg upward toward
buttocks. Keep hips and shoulders square. Return
to start and repeat.