Squat Side Lift
Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
Hold ball with one hand and extend arm in front
of body between legs. Keep shoulders and feet
square, bend slightly forward at the hips with
knees slightly bent.
Slowly lift extended arm up and away
from side of body while rotating upward and
backward from the waist in the same side
direction. Keep arm extended with head and
feet stationary while transferring weight onto
leg in same direction as movement and lifting
heel of opposite foot off floor. Hold 1-2 seconds
and return slowly to start position.
Squat Overhead Press
Stand with feet shoulder width
apart. Hold ball with one hand, bend arm
and position ball just above same side
shoulder. Keep shoulders, hips, and feet
square with knees partially bent.
Slowly lift and extend arm upward
slightly out in front of opposite side shoulder
while rotating head, hips, shoulders and same
side foot in direction of ball. Keep opposite
foot flat on floor while transferring weight onto
front leg, partially extending knees and lifting
heel of back foot off floor. Hold 1-2 seconds
and return slowly to start position.
Side Lunge Diagonal Lift
Stand with feet slightly wider than
shoulder width apart, bend and transfer weight
onto one leg while keeping opposite leg
straight and feet flat on floor. Hold ball in
hand opposite bent leg, bend forward slightly
at the hips and extend arm between legs.
Keep back straight, buttocks pushed back-
ward with head, shoulders and hips aligned.
Slowly lift extended arm up and away from side
of body while rotating upward and backward from the waist
in he same side direction, allowing head to follow. Keep arm
extended overhead just outside shoulder width with feet stationary
while transferring weight onto leg in same direction as movement and lifting heel
of opposite foot off floor. Hold 1-2 seconds and return slowly to start position.
Front Lunge / Lift
Stand and position one leg in front of
body and opposite leg behind body hip width
apart. Bend both legs, hold ball in hand
opposite front leg, bend forward slightly at the
hips and extend arm directly below same side
shoulder. Keep head, shoulders and hips
aligned with heel of back foot off floor.
Slowly lift extended arm forward
and upward overhead while straightening both legs and
pushing hips forward. Keep arm extended with hand,
shoulders, and hips aligned while raising upward on ball of
back foot. Hold 1-2 seconds and return slowly to start position.
Front Lunge Row
Stand and position one leg in
front of body and opposite leg behind
body hip width apart. Bend both legs,
hold ball in hand opposite front leg, bend
forward slightly at the hips and extend
arm directly below same side shoulder
with opposite arm bent along side of
body. Keep head, shoulders and hips
aligned with heel of back foot off floor.
Slowly bend arm upward and backward behind body,
straighten opposite arm downward and forward while partially
straightening both legs. Keep head, shoulders, and hips
aligned while rotating slightly at the waist in direction of ball
movement. Hold 1-2 seconds and return slowly to start position.
Squat Back Lift
Stand and balance on one foot.
Hold ball with opposite side hand, bend for-
ward at the hips and extend arm directly below
same side shoulder. Keep head, shoulders, and
hips aligned, balancing leg slightly bent with foot
of opposite leg lifted off floor.
Slowly lift extended arm up and
away from side of body while rotating upward
and backward slightly from the waist in the
same direction. Keep arm extended with head,
hips, legs, and feet stationary. Hold 1-2 seconds and
return slowly to start position.