Step 5: Fueling Starting Your Engine
Fill your fuel bottle and then lift the lid on your fuel tank and fill
it full.
Note: For the best possible performance and engine
protection we recommend using Blue Thunder Sport
Fuel 20% Blend (DYN2320).
After fueling is complete push down on the fuel tank cap to
ensure that it is sealed. Remember to also put a cap on your
fuel bottle and re-seal your fuel container. Failing to do so can
cause your fuel to go bad and not tune correctly.
Step 6: Starting Your Engine
Your Reaction features the revolutionary RS
remote start
system. To start your truck, you first need to pre-heat the glow
plug. Press the start button on the transmitter; the orange light
will illuminate indicating the glow plug is being heated. After a
few seconds press the start button again for 3–5 seconds. The
red light will illuminate indicating you are in starter mode and
the engine should turn over and fire. If your engine does not
fire after 5 seconds, release the button then try again. You may
also want to plug the exhaust opening, while pushing the start
button. This will allow fuel to prime into the carburetor.
Note: Never push the start button for more than
5 seconds. This will prevent damage to your
starter motor.
If your engine does not turn over, it may be flooded (hydro
locked) or the starter/receiver battery is not charged. Use a
wrench to loosen your glow plug a few turns and press the
start button. Raw fuel should come out around the glow plug
relieving the hydro-locked condition.
Once you have successfully started your engine, you are ready
to begin the break-in procedure.
Step 7: Using Reverse
Your Reaction has the unique RS
system that allows you to
reverse the direction of your vehicle should you need do so. To
activate the reverse feature, simply push the slide switch located
next to the starter button on the transmitter.
Note: When in reverse mode, the yellow light
will illuminate. Your vehicle must be completely
stopped before reverse will engage.