4 1-800-732-0144
Thank you for choosing SportDOG Brand
training products. Used properly, this product will help you train
your dog efficiently and safely. To ensure your satisfaction, please review this owner’s manual thoroughly. If
you have questions regarding this product’s operation, please see this manual’s Frequently Asked Questions
or Troubleshooting sections, contact our Customer Care Center at 1-800-732-0144, or visit our website at
To get the most protection out of your One Year Warranty, please register your product within 30 days at www.
sportdog.com. By registering, and keeping your receipt you will enjoy the product’s full warranty and should you
ever need to call the Customer Care Center, we will be able to help you faster. Most importantly, your valuable
information will never be given or sold to anyone. Complete warranty information is available online at www.
taBLe of ContentS
ComponentS .............................................................................................................................................5
HoW tHe SyStem WorKS ...........................................................................................................................5
Key DefInItIonS ........................................................................................................................................6
prepare tHe remote tranSmItter ........................................................................................................ 7
prepare tHe CoLLar reCeIVer ................................................................................................................8
fIt tHe CoLLar reCeIVer ........................................................................................................................ 10
fInD tHe BeSt IntenSIty LeVeL for yoUr DoG ......................................................................................11
matCH tHe CoLLar reCeIVer anD remote tranSmItter .................................................................... 12
aCCeSSorIeS ............................................................................................................................................ 13
BaSIC traInInG WItH pro traIner CHarLIe JUrney ............................................................................. 14
freQUentLy aSKeD QUeStIonS .............................................................................................................. 23
troUBLeSHootInG ..................................................................................................................................24
teSt LIGHt InStrUCtIonS.......................................................................................................................25
termS of USe anD LImItatIon of LIaBILIty ..........................................................................................25
fCC CompLIanCe ......................................................................................................................................26
Battery DISpoSaL .................................................................................................................................. 27
HoW tHe SyStem WorKS
The SportDOG
YardTrainer 350 has been proven safe, comfortable, and effective for all dogs over 8 pounds.
Consistent, correct use of this product allows you to reinforce commands and correct misbehavior from up to 300
yards. The Remote Transmitter sends a signal, activating the Collar Receiver to deliver a harmless stimulation.
With proper training, a dog will learn to associate this signal with a command. Like all SportDOG™ products, this
model features adjustable stimulation levels so you can tailor the stimulation level to your dog’s temperament,
eliminating the risk of over-correction.
Important: tHe yarDtraIner 350 HaS a ranGe of Up to 300 yarDS. DepenDInG
on tHe Way yoU HoLD tHe remote tranSmItter, tHe maXImUm ranGe may
Vary. for ConSIStent reSULtS at LonGer ranGeS, HoLD tHe remote
tranSmItter In a VertICaL poSItIon aWay from yoUr BoDy anD aBoVe yoUr
HeaD. terraIn, WeatHer, VeGetatIon, tranSmISSIon from otHer raDIo
DeVICeS, anD otHer faCtorS WILL affeCt tHe maXImUm ranGe.
Do not use this product if your dog is aggressive, or if your dog is prone to aggressive behavior. Aggressive
dogs can cause severe injury and even death to their owner and others. If you are unsure whether this product is appropriate
for your dog, please consult your veterinarian or a certified trainer.
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