Operating/assembly instructions
Sport-Thieme vandalism-proof volleyball posts
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Sport-Thieme GmbH
38367 Grasleben/Germany
Tel: +49 (0)5357 181 81
Fax: +49 (0)5357 181 90
Prod. code: 115 6414
Assembly instructions for vandalism-proof
volleyball posts
Thank you very much for choosing a
product. Please read the
instructions fully before you assemble the equipment so you can enjoy the product
and its guaranteed safety:
Part A: foundations and posts
1. The foundations are 2.00 m long, 0.80 m wide and 0.90 m
high. See diagrams below!
2. Measure the volleyball court and dig out the foundation pits (-1.20 m).
3. Fill in a 10 cm drainage layer (ballast or coarse gravel).
4. Fill in concrete foundations of B 25 quality to -0.20 m without reinforcement.
5. In the foundations, leave a 0.50 m deep hole for fitting the ground
6. Align the ground sockets. Surface to ground socket
0.00 m. Fill in concrete around the ground sockets.
7. The ground socket’s part protruding from the foundations is backfilled with
concrete up to the anti-lift device as shown in the illustration.
8. Ensure that there is a drainage hole underneath the ground socket so
water can drain away.
9. After about five days of hardening the square tubing posts can be
inserted into the ground sockets.
10. Now, attach the steel cords and the nets and tighten the turnbuckles.
11. Finally, screw in the anti-lift device.
12. After that, fill in the foundations hole up to
0,00 m.