Analog Code
Loudness = perceived volume
Unmasking = here: enhancement of overlapping sounds
Audiometry = procedure to measure hearing ability
Psychoacoustics = relation between sound and its perception
Host Program = program on which the plug-in is running
SPL Analog Code
While SPL hardware products have been fascinating audio pro-
fessionals from home studio owners to mastering engineers in
the world’s most renowned facilities for years, the need for this
technology in the form of plug-ins has also been an ever-growing
demand. With the Analog Code® plug-ins we have finally accom-
plished our much desired goal: to transfer to the digital domain the
high quality we have striven to achieve with our analog processors
throughout several decades.
The first time we ever heard a software that fulfilled our expecta-
tions, one of our hardware developers said to the programmers:
“you have cracked the Analog Code” — thus was coined the name
of our digital products.
The Vitalizer
The Vitalizer applies psychoacoustic and audiometric principles
to achieve a verifiable improvement while enhancing the sound.
The Vitalizer processes only the original signal and generates no
artifacts. Patented filtering techniques highlight the richness of
the audio signal in all its detail, while the interactive parameters
make it possible to alter the sound in a musical and effective way.
This unique combination of precise filtering and intuitive usability
enable you to instantly make any music production more stimulat-
ing and natural. Music and speech are made clearly distinguish-
able and comprehensible, loudness more intense, and the whole
soundscape becomes wider.