Transient Designer Analog Code
Drums: Ambience
If your drums happen to sound as if the room mics have been placed
in a shoe closet, the Transient Designer can immediately turn that
sound into the ambience of an empty warehouse. Just send the
room mics stereo channels through the Transient Designer and
crank the ATTACK control to emphasize the first wave.
Now slowly increase SUSTAIN values to bring up a “all-buttons-
in-1176-sound“ room tone—but without pumping cymbals. For a
solid and driving rhythm track just fine-tune the SUSTAIN control
to make sure that the room mic envelope ends more or less exactly
on the desired upbeat or downbeat.
Use the Transient Designer on guitars to soften the sound by low-
ering the ATTACK. Increase ATTACK for in-the-face sounds, which is
very useful and works particularly well for picking guitars. Or blow
life and juice into quietly played guitar parts.
Distorted guitars usually are very compressed, thus not very
dynamic. Simply increase the ATTACK to get a clearer sound with
more precision and better intonation despite any distortion.
Heavy distortion also leads to very long sustain. The sound tends
to become mushy; simply reduce SUSTAIN to change that. If you,
however, want to create soaring guitar solos that would make even
David Gilmour blush, just crank up the SUSTAIN control to the max
and there you go.
On acoustic guitar tracks you can emphasize the room sound by
turning up SUSTAIN. If you want the guitars to sound more intimate
and with less ambience, simply reduce SUSTAIN.