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De-reeving Primary Suspension Wire Rope

For hoists equipped with the optional secondary wire rope, the secondary wire rope must be removed before 
the primary wire rope is removed.



To prevent hoists and platform from tipping and to avoid injuries, ensure that the platform is 

properly supported on a stable, fl at surface before putting slack in the primary suspension wire rope.

•  Push in the 

DOWN operation button

 to wind the primary suspension wire rope out of the hoist.  When the wire 

rope stops moving, pull the wire rope upward out of the overspeed safety lock



SLOWLY to avoid tripping the 

overspeed brake.  To release the overspeed brake, run the hoist 

UP  and turn the overspeed brake RESET lever



clockwise in the UNLOCK direction.

De-reeving Secondary Suspension Wire Rope

•  In order to remove the optional secondary suspension wire rope, there must be NO SLACK on the primary 

suspension wire rope and the PLATFORM MUST BE SUPPORTED on a fl at, stable surface.

•  Remove the counterweight from the end of the secondary suspension wire rope.

• P

ull the secondary suspension wire rope out of the ISL


 by hand.

•  If necessary, the primary suspension wire rope can now be removed from the hoist.

Resetting the Overload

•  Push in the emergency stop button

 on the pendant and wait until the 


 light on the electrical box goes out.

•  Switch the unit on again by turning the emergency stop button clockwise until it pops out.

Daily Testing and Inspection

•  Before operating the hoist, inspect all of the following:


Wire rope


Power supply








All parts are present, in proper working order, and are not 


Bolts, nuts, and clamps are well secured.


Ensure the hoist is secured to the stirrup with SAE Grade 5 
fasteners and lock nuts that are properly installed.

•  In a dirty environment that contains epoxy, paint, cement, sand blast residue, or corrosive material, inspect the operation 

of the overspeed brake several times a day.  Protective hoist covers are recommended.  Contact your supplier.

Test the Emergency Stop Button

•  Conduct a test run with the hoist’s maximum working load (2,200 lbs or 1000 kg).

•  Press the red emergency stop button

 while running the hoist in either direction.

•  Once the emergency stop button has been pressed, the hoist should not move at all.

•  To reset the emergency stop button, turn the button clockwise until it pops out.

Test the Controlled Descent

•  Raise the platform approximately 3 feet (1 meter) and then disconnect the power supply cable.

•  Remove the brake release lever

 from its storage cylinder, insert into the opening in the motor cover, and lift the 

brake release lever.  This will allow the platform to be lowered slowly.


  If the overspeed brake trips while testing the controlled descent, the controlled descent system is not 

working properly and THE HOIST SHOULD NOT BE USED.

Test the Overspeed Brake & Actuation Lever

•  While powering the hoist 

UP and 


approximately 3 feet (1 meter), look through 
the round window into the overspeed safety 
lock to see whether the fl ywheel is turning.

•  De-reeve the wire rope.

•  Re-insert the wire rope about 12" (30 cm) into 

the hoist’s OSL wire rope inlet


•  Holding the wire rope fi rmly, pull it out 


.  If the overspeed brake is working 

correctly, it will grip and hold the wire rope in 
less than 4" (10 cm).

•  Repeat this test at least 3 times.  If the 

overspeed brake does not work correctly every 
time, DO NOT USE THE HOIST.  Return the 
hoist to your supplier.

•  Release the overspeed brake by turning the 

overspeed brake RESET lever


 clockwise in 

the UNLOCK direction.  The overpseed brake 


 should return to its 

vertical, locked position.

•  While raising or lowering the hoist, activate the 

overspeed brake by turning the overspeed




Turn overspeed brake 
RESET lever




Overspeed brake 


 returns to 

locked position

brake ACTIVATION lever


 on the OSL in the counterclockwise or LOCK direction.  The hoist should not travel in 


DOWN direction.

•  Release the overspeed brake by turning the 

overspeed brake RESET lever


 clockwise in the UNLOCK 

direction.  The overspeed brake ACTIVATION lever


 should return to its vertical, locked position.

Test the Hand Wheel

NOTE: The purpose of the hand wheel

 is to crank the platform upwards just enough to untrip the overspeed brake if it 

has been tripped due to power loss or something else that has prevented upward movement.  

•  Activate the overspeed brake by turing the overspeed brake ACTIVATION lever


 counterclockwise in the LOCK 


•  Remove the small cap in the motor cover and unscrew the screw that retains the hand wheel enough to remove the 

hand wheel

.  Insert the hand wheel into the motor in place of the small cap and tighten the screw.

•  Remove the  motor brake release lever

 and insert into the opening in the motor cover.  Hold the hand wheel still 

while pushing the brake lever up, then turn the hand wheel clockwise.  The hoist will move up a small amount with 
each turn until the overspeed brake releases and can be reset with the overspeed brake RESET lever


