Project Eight Service Manual
The Sphinx Project Eight design
The Sphinx Project Eight was designed for the
ever-increasing group of quality-conscious
We are very proud of the tradition connected with
the SPHINX name, especially concerning audio
quality perfection.
This service manual will help you to optimally
service and repair the Sphinx Project Eight
Reference Pre-Amp.
This Reference pre-amp uses the newest
technologies and refined designs and is extremely
simple to operate.
Features include ultra-linear extremely low-noise
Class A audio circuits, built from the finest hand-
selected parts.
The signal path is completely balanced from input
to output, and left and right are totally separated.
Volume and balance controls are achieved by
means of precision relays, as is the input selection.
All settings and controls can also be accessed from
the supplied Sphinx
Remote Control
To obtain the maximum quality from this pre amp it
is necessary for it to be properly aligned and to be
used with top quality audio components, preferably
other Sphinx components.
Before leaving the factory every Project Eight is
subjected to stringent and extensive technical and
exterior quality inspection. This ensures the user
many years of high quality audio from a perfect-
looking product.
We recommend owners to ship the Project Eight in
its original carton.
After unpacking the Project Eight we therefore
recommend you carefully check it for any transport
If you find any damage and the product has not
been shipped in the original carton the ensuring
repair costs will not be covered by the warranty.
To be entitled to any warranty repairs the owner
must have send the filled out warranty card to
Sphinx or a distributor where it has been registered.
Other regulations may apply in your specific
country: when in doubt, please consult the proper
In case of any problem not covered in this manual
or if you have other questions you may contact the
Sphinx International Service Department
in The
Netherlands (local time: GMT +1h) during office
hours at the following numbers:
(+31) 35 602 0302
(+31) 35 602 2806
It is always very helpful and efficient if you have all
relevant information about the specific product and
the problem ready.
Please also refer to the User Manual of the
Project Eight for information about functions
not described in this manual.
It is important to familiarise yourself with the
special functions, operation and possibilities
of the Sphinx Project Eight.