Windows XP / VISTA / 7 / 8 / 10
Minimum Hardware
PC or laptop with CD-ROM
≥50 MB hard disk space to
install SE800024
Screen resolution ≥ 1024 x 768
Different computer systems may require slightly different
installation steps than those below.
1. The first most important step in software installation is to
verify that the target system meets the general hardware
requirements of the application. Beginning the installation
in a computer which does not possess the minimum
requirements can lead to either an unsuccessful installation
or failure of the program to run after installing it.
2. Since programs in general are written to be Operating
System dependent, make sure that the version of the
application you are installing corresponds to the Operating
System platform running on your machine.
3. Aside from the general hardware requirements, some
computer programs also have software requirements prior to
installation. Double check if you need to update or upgrade
your Operating System or if there is a need to download
other tools or utilities.