118098-001 REV B
Chapter 6
This power supply generates voltages that
are dangerous and may be fatal.
Observe extreme caution when working with
high voltage.
6.1 Periodic
The UM product family does not require any
periodic maintenance or servicing.
6.2 Performance
High Voltage is dangerous.
Only qualified personnel should perform
these tests.
It is highly recommended that all testing
comply with IEEE Standard 510-1983 IEEE
Recommended Practices for Safety in High
Voltage and High Power Testing. A copy of
this standard can be downloaded from the
Spellman High Voltage website
Generalized high voltage test procedures are
described in Bulletin STP-783, Standard Test
Procedures for High Voltage Power Supplies.
A copy of this bulletin can be downloaded from the
Spellman High Voltage website
Test equipment includes, but is not limited to: an
oscilloscope, a high impedance digital volt meter, a
current meter, a ripple checker, a high voltage load, a
high voltage divider (such as the Spellman HVD-100
or HVD-200) an insulated load stick and insulated
short circuit stick and a safety interlocked Faraday
test cage to safety conduct the tests inside of. All
equipment must be properly rated for the power
supply to be tested. If you do not possess the
required equipment and skills necessary to safety
conduct these tests do not attempt to perform these
performance tests.
6.3 High Voltage Dividers
High voltage dividers for precise measurements of
output voltage with accuracy up to 0.1% are available
from Spellman. The HVD-100 is used for voltages
up to 100KV, the HVD-200 measures up to 200KV.
The HVD Series of high voltage dividers are
designed for use with differential voltmeters or high
impedance digital voltmeters. The high input
impedance of the HVD Series is ideal for measuring
high voltage low current sources, which would be
overloaded by traditional lower impedance dividers.
HVD Dividers
The HVD Series data sheet can be downloaded from
the Spellman High Voltage website
. Contact the
Spellman Sales Department for information on price
and availability.
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