Manual for dialog Web
Order no.: 443 150
2.2. Functionality
The dialog Web Server basically consists of 2 devices: a LON-over-IP device, which
communicates according to the EIA 852 standard, and a web server, which uses the
standard HTTP protocol to exchange content via HTML with a PC (browser) or via XML
with a telephone.
The LON part represents the corresponding interface to the room automation. The web
server provides the necessary services for operating and displaying a room via PC
(browser) or telephone. Furthermore, it enables the configuration and administration of
the device via web interface. The configuration includes showing and hiding buttons and
display elements and determining their arrangement. The administration includes the
assignment of LON room control unit objects to real rooms. If a telephone is used for
operation, the assignment is made via the internal telephone number; if a PC (browser)
is used, it is a user name/password combination. It is possible to operate certain rooms
by telephone and others by PC. It is also possible to operate a room simultaneously by
telephone and PC.
If the dialog Web Server is integrated and configured in a room automation system, it
receives from the building network (LON/IP) all data required for the status display of a
room, such as room temperature, setpoint, lighting status. According to the
configuration, the data are displayed on the corresponding operating clients (PC or
For the operation of a room this is done in the opposite direction. When a button is
pressed, e.g. to switch on the lighting, a defined LON telegram is sent on a specific LON
network variable defined according to the room assignment, which, determined by a
logical connection, is sent to the corresponding light actuator.
2.3. Licensing
The device is delivered with 15 web licenses as standard. This allows the first 15
Lonmark objects to be operated via web browser. Each Lonmark object corresponds to
a room control unit. This means that 15 rooms can be operated. A Lonmark object
(room) can be operated from several PCs simultaneously.
Each additional web-license enables the operation of another Lonmark object and thus
another room. The activation of the operation of the Lonmark objects happens per
dialog Web Server in the following order. For example, if you have 50 web licenses, the
first 50 Lonmark objects can be operated via web browser.
Additional licenses allow the operation of a room also via an IP telephone. The
additional licenses can be freely assigned to the already activated Lonmark objects
Version 2.01
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