7. Take the supplied wire ties and mount the motor. Also mount the Deans
Micro connector into the holder built into the mount. You can use a small
amount of CA to glue the connector to the holder.
8. Now, use your Xacto knife to cut a SHALLOW slot leading out to the left
wing tip (this is the slot the burry your antenna). Cut a small hole in the
left tiplet for the antenna to feed through. Now use your thumb nail to
press the antenna into the slot and feed it though the tiplet (Tip: feed a
small piece of wire through the back of the tiplet through the hole you just
cut and glue the antenna on to the end of this wire, then pull the wire and
antenna carefully out the back of the tiplet). You can use a small amount
of thin CA to glue the slot back together over the antenna.
9. Now turn the wing over and plug the battery in the wing. Make sure to
center the transmitter trim tabs and make sure that the servos are moving
in the correct direction ( when looking from the back of the wing, left stick
makes the left servo horn move forward and the right servo horn to move
backwards. Giving up elevator makes both servo horns move forward,
giving down elevator makes both servo horns move backwards. If this
isn’t right, use the channel reverse on your radio until it is.