If the V.2 Base Plate continues to bow outward in the center when using the 6-F and 6-R Snap Shims,
install the supplied EXTRA SHIM between the front 6-F Snap Shim and the shoe sole, and under the front
mounting screw to further reduce the radius of the Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat.
The outer flat surface of the V.2 Base Plate is bowed inward
: If the V.2 Base Plate is
bowed inward
in the center
, call Speedplay for assistance.
The V.2 Base Plate has a twist from front to back
If the V.2 Base Plate is
when mounted, the
supplied EXTRA SHIM must be installed between the shoe sole and the V.2 Base Plate. Place the EXTRA
SHIM under the appropriate rear mounting screw to raise the low side of the V.2 Base Plate to make it flat.
The flat surfaces of the Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat Spring Housing and Metal Bot
tom Plate (Black) must fit flat against each other and against the V.2 Black Base Plate when fitted
together as an assembly and installed for the Zero Aero Pedal System to engage securely and
release properly.
NOTE: Once the V.2 Black Plastic Base Plate is correctly installed, place the Aero Cleat Surrounds
on the V.2 Base Plate so that the Surround marked "L" is on the LEFT Base Plate and the Surround
marked "R" is on the RIGHT Base Plate. The curved surface of the Aero Base Plate Surround
should be installed against the shoe sole and the flat surface of the Aero Base Plate Surround
should face away from the shoe sole. The flat contact surfaces of the Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat
Spring Housing must fit against the V.2 Black Plastic Base Plate when installing the Spring Hous
ing and Metal Bottom Plate for the Zero Aero Pedal System to engage securely and release
5. The Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat Spring Housing and Black Metal Bottom Plate snap together to form
an assembly. Before joining the two parts together, verify that the Cleat Spring is installed into the Spring
Housing so that the stamped symbol on the spring is visible. Make sure the small locater pins protruding
out of each Spring Housing fit properly into the corresponding alignment holes in each Metal Bottom Plate.
The word “LEFT” on the LEFT Spring Housing should be visible after the LEFT Metal Bottom Plate has
been correctly placed on the LEFT Spring Housing. The word “RIGHT” on the RIGHT Spring Housing
should be visible after the RIGHT Metal Bottom Plate has been correctly placed on the RIGHT Spring
Housing. Once each Spring Housing and Metal Bottom Plate are fitted together, place the Spring Hous
ing and Metal Bottom Plate assembly marked “LEFT” on the V.2 Base Plate installed on the LEFT shoe
and place the Spring Housing and Metal Bottom Plate assembly marked “RIGHT” on the V.2 Base Plate
installed on the RIGHT shoe.
6. Thread, but do not fully tighten, the four (4) Walkable™ Cleat Fastening screws through the slots in the
Metal Bottom Plate and Spring Housing assembly on the LEFT shoe and into the threaded holes in the
V.2 Black Base Plate on the LEFT shoe. Repeat for the RIGHT shoe.
7. Side-to-side Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat adjustment - Once the LEFT Spring Housing and LEFT Metal
Bottom Plate assembly are fastened to the V.2 Base Plate installed on the LEFT shoe, engage the shoe
with the LEFT cleat assembly onto the LEFT Speedplay Zero Aero Pedal installed on your bicycle. Adjust
the LEFT Spring Housing and Metal Bottom Plate of the cleat assembly from side-to-side to provide ade-
quate clearance between the toe box and the heel of the LEFT shoe and the crank arm of the bicycle. The
toe box of the shoe should clear the crank arm when releasing from the pedal. The heel of the shoe should
be clear of the crank arm during the pedal stroke. Repeat for the RIGHT shoe. If the toe box or heel of your
shoe does not clear the crank arm of your bicycle, contact Speedplay for assistance .
8. After side-to-side positioning of the LEFT Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat has been determined, thread the
(4) Walkable™ Cleat Fastening Screws with a #2 Phillips screwdriver into the metal bottom plate. Tighten
to 2.5 Nm / 22 inch pounds.
If you do not have a torque wrench to tighten to Nm or inch pounds
, then
tighten the slack out of each screw with a #2 Phillips screwdriver until you feel a noticeable pre-load resis-
tance (notching) from the detents under the screw head biting into the alloy material of the metal bottom
plate. After noticeable detent resistance is felt, tighten each screw no more than 1/4 turn (90 degrees).
Repeat with the RIGHT shoe.
The Maximum Fastening Screw Torque = 2.5 Nm / 22 inch pounds. DO NOT over tight
en Walkable™ Cleat Fastening Screws. See WARNINGS under "General Safety Information".
Fastening screws must be sufficiently tightened to securely hold the cleat in place and prevent the
screws from loosening over time. DO NOT over-tighten the Walkable™ Cleat Fastening Screws.
If The Walkable™ Cleat Fastening Screws Are Over-Tightened, The Cleat Springs May
Bind In The Cleat And Not Engage The Grooves In The Pedals Correctly, And Inadvertent Release
May Occur Causing A Fall That Could Result In Severe Injury. See Warnings Under General Safety
Using Shoes with 4-Hole Mounting Pattern
1. Shoes with a 4-Hole pattern eliminate the need for the standard V.2 Black Base Plate and the Aero
. For shoes with a 4-Hole pattern, the LEFT and RIGHT Spring Housing fit directly against the
shoe sole. Shoes with a 4-Hole pattern do not accommodate the use of Aero Surrounds because there
is no gap to cover.
Shoe Soles with a 4-Hole pattern
- These shoes require the Speedplay Walkable™ Cleat
Protector Shim Kit (Part # 14135 sold separately) to be installed between the Spring Housing and the
shoe sole.
If the Walkable™Cleat Protector Shim Kit is not used, serious wear damage to the car
bon fiber shoe sole and the Zero Walkable™ Cleat will result.
Use only Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat Fastening Screws supplied with Zero Aero
Walkable™ Cleats
. Do NOT use previous versions of Cleat Fastening Screws with the Zero Aero Walk-
able™ Cleats. All previous versions of Cleat Fastening Screws are not compatible for use with Zero Aero
Walkable™ Cleats and can affect the engagement and retention of the pedal system which can lead to a
fall that can result in severe injury.
Never install cleats using any combination of new cleat parts and
old cleat parts
. When replacing cleats, replace used parts with new Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat parts.
1. Select the LEFT cleat for the LEFT shoe and the RIGHT cleat for the RIGHT shoe. Determine which
set of Snap Shims is required for your shoes (set of 5-F and 5-R or set of 6-F and 6-R). For the most
current information on shoe compatibility, visit the
Speedplay Road Shoe Compatibility Guide
online at
www.speedplay.com or contact Speedplay for assistance. The Snap Shims are removable, curved, blue
plastic shims that snap onto the forward and rear ends of the underside of each V.2 Black Base Plate. The
Snap Shims allow the flat V.2 Base Plate to closely match the curvature of the sole of most shoe brands.
Remember, the shoe sole must have a continuous curvature (radius) and be flat from side-to-side at the
cleat-contact area to closely match the contour of the V.2 Base Plate. The 5-F & 5-R Snap Shims are
factory-installed on the V.2 Base Plate. If your shoes require the two 6-F and two 6-R Snap Shims, first
remove the two 5-F and two 5-R Snap Shims by carefully prying them off each V.2 Base Plate, then install
the two 6-F and two 6-R Snap Shims. Be sure not to lose the four (4) nuts housed underneath the Snap
Shims on each V.2 Base Plate when exchanging one set of Snap Shims for another.
Select the proper length 5mm flathead Cleat Mounting Screws (6) to attach the V.2 Cleat Base Plate
to the shoe sole. (Black = short screws; Silver = long screws.) The correct length of the 5mm Mounting
Screws must have a minimum of five (5) full turns of thread engagement in the shoe sole. Use only the
Speedplay 5mm Mounting Screws provided with the Pedals as other screws will not work and may cause
damage to the Cleats and Pedals.
You must make sure to choose the proper length Speedplay 5mm Mounting Screws
suited for your brand and model of shoe. If the Speedplay 5mm Mounting Screws selected are
too short to sufficiently engage the threads in the sole of your shoe, the Zero Aero Walkable™
Cleat may pull away from the shoe unexpectedly, causing a fall that could result in severe injury.
If the Speedplay 5mm Mounting Screws selected are too long for your shoe sole, the screws may
protrude through the threaded inserts in the sole and up into the foot bed of the shoe, causing
discomfort when riding.
Never install cleats using any combination of new cleat parts and old cleat parts
When replacing cleats, replace
used parts with new Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat parts.
3. Place a V.2 Base Plate on the sole of the LEFT shoe and a V.2 Base Plate on the sole of the RIGHT
shoe. The slots in each V.2 Base Plate allow front-to-back Cleat adjustment.
4. Position each V.2 Base Plate centerline scribe mark over the ball of the foot or where personal prefer-
ence dictates. Insert the correct length Speedplay 5mm Cleat Mounting Screws (see 2. above) and tighten
the three (3) screws on each V.2 Base Plate securely with a #2 Phillips screwdriver.
: If a greater range of either forward or rearward adjustment is needed, use the Speedplay
Walkable ™Cleat Extender Base Plate Kit (Part #14250 sold separately) in place of the standard V.2 Base
DO NOT over-tighten -- Maximum Mounting Screw Torque is 4.0 Nm / 35 inch pounds.
Over tightening the 5mm mounting screws may cause damage to the V.2 Base Plate.
under "General Safety Information".
Improperly Mounted V.2 Base Plate
The V.2 Base Plate is improperly mounted on the
shoe when using the factory-installed 5-F and 5-R Snap Shims if:
The outer flat surface of the V.2 Base Plate is bowed outward:
If the V.2 Base Plate is
bowed outward in the center
, use the 6-F and 6-R set of Snap Shims, which is
designed to fit a smaller radius sole curvature. Before installing the 6-F and 6-R Snap Shims, be sure to
remove the original factory mounted 5-F and 5-R Snap Shims from the V.2 Base Plate.
Checklist of Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleat Parts
Steps For Attaching Zero Aero Walkable™ Cleats to Shoes:
Using Shoes with 3-Hole Mounting Pattern
1. Spring Housing (1 Left, 1 Right)
2. Metal Bottom Plate (1 Left, 1 Right)
3. Aero Walkable™ Cover (1 Left, 1 Right)
4. Cleat Buddy (2)
5. Aero Surround (1 Left, 1 Right)*
6. 5-F / 5-R Snap Shims (2ea)**
7. 6-F / 6-R Snap Shims (2ea)
8. Extra Shim (2)
9. Aero Walkable™ Cleat Fastening
Screws (8)
10. Cleat Nuts (8)**
11. V.2 Black Base Plate (2)
12. Black Short Mounting Screws (6)
13. Silver Long Mounting Screws (6)
14. Aero Pedal Luber (not shown)
*For 3-hole shoes only
**Installed on V.2 Base Plate
Rev 2015.06.15