Shuts down the system, if supported by system
Log off
Log off the user.
Opens „My computer“.
Starts „Calculator“.
Clipboard zone:
Cuts out a specified area.
Copies a previously cut out or pasted area
(at cursor position)
Saves a specified area into the clipboard.
Einfügen des Euro-Symbols in das aktive Dokument. Diese
Taste funktioniert nur wenn Num Lock (LED „1“ oben rechts
auf der Tastatur) und der Office Lock Key (LED“XX“, oben
rechts auf der Tastatur) aktiviert sind.
Marks a selected area.
Closes an active window.
Toggles between various opened windows.
Inserts euro icon into an active document. This function
works only with activated Num Lock (LED „1“, upper right
hand side of the keyboard) and Office Lock Key (LED “
upper right hand side of the keyboard
Information to „Log off“
• Under Windows 95/98/MR/XP: If the “Log off” window does not
open, press “Esc” first and then “Log off” again.
• Win NT: „Log off“ is not available under Win NT.
• Win 2000: The function „Log off“ must be activated.
In case you need help...
In case of technical problems don‘t hesitate to contact our technical
support. Please find the hotline number at the back page of this manual.