What is the WatchDog 100 docking station?
The docking station allows the host computer to
communicate with the WatchDog 100 temperature data
loggers. In addition, it also functions as the PC interface
for other WatchDog loggers
Connecting the docking station to the PC.
The docking station has a serial port interface. To connect
to a PC that does not have a serial port you will need to
purchase a USB to serial adapter, item 3661USB.
Connecting the WatchDog 100 to the docking
The WatchDog 100 simply snaps onto the docking station
as shown in the photo below. While attached to the
docking station, the logger may be read and/or relaunched.
Removing the WatchDog 100 from the docking
Grab the 100 on two sides and pull up on a slight angle (as
pictured) Do not grab the corner of the backing and pull as
the severe bending that results may separate the backing
from the logger.