If your SPECTRUM Coffee Urn does not operate, please check the following before placing a service call.
The unit is not working
Unit not plugged in
Check power cord
Power switch not turned on
Check to make sure the unit is plugged in and
turned on
Breaker for outlet has tripped
Check the breaker for the outlet the unit is plugged
Damage to power cord
Call Winco
Internal wiring fault
Call Winco
Light is on, but urn is not heating up
Heater Element is Faulty
Call Winco
Internal Thermostat Faulty
Call Winco
Switch light off, but unit is heating up Faulty switch light
Call Winco
Coffee taste bad/burnt
Unit not properly cleaned between uses
Let the coffee cool, empty the unit and clean using
the proper cleaning and care operations. Make sure
to clean the heater area in the bottom center of the
urn to avoid burnt coffee.
Improper amount of coffee ground to water
Try using the guide table for recommended
servings, or try another recipe.
Coffee too hot
Check coffee temperature with thermometer.
If over 195°F, the thermostat may be faulty.
Call Winco.
Coffee too hot (Over 195°F)
Unit thermostat/heater Faulty
Call Winco
Glass level indicator dirty
Darkens over time with use
After allowing the unit to cool and empty. You can
unscrew the top off the glass indicator and remove
it. Clean with soap and water. Use pipe cleaner
if available. Replace before refilling the unit and
screw top down securely.
A WINCO Approved Service Technician should carry out repairs if
necessary. Do not remove any components or service panels on this
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a WINCO
Approved Service Technician in order to avoid a hazard.
Service and Repair
There are no user serviceable parts within this appliance.
To avoid serious injury or damage,
attempt to repair the unit
or replace a damaged power cord yourself.
To initiate warranty service contact: [email protected]
or call: 973-295-3899
DO NOT send unit to WINCO without first contacting our customer
service department.
See "Limited Warranty" section on page 8 for details.