Web Access and Login
The IP camera settings can be accessed via a web browser through the LAN.
Access through IP Scanner
Network connection:
Make sure the PC and IP-Cam are connected on the same local network. The camera is set to DHCP by default and will be
assigned an IP address by the DHCP server. Make sure that the local network has a DHCP server. Routers typically have a DHCP
server built in.
Install IP Scanner from the CD and run it after installation. IP Scanner is the tool for discovering the IP cameras on the local
In the device list, the IP address, model number, and MAC address of each device will be listed. Select the applicable
device and double click to open up the web viewer. You can also manually enter the IP address in the address bar of the web
The login interface is shown above. Default user name is admin and password is 1234. After logging in, follow directions to install applicable
plug-ins for viewing video.