Pipe Sizing
NOTE: All pipe sizes are able to withstand the pressures the pump will deliver, but not
necessarily the flow. If the pipe is too small for the pump, or is elevated above water, the
maximum gallons per minute (GPM) may not be delivered. If this happens, the pump will
develop a pocket of air (cavitation) that makes noise. This may shorten the life of the pump.
When the pump is located up to 50 feet from the pool, the recommended minimum pipe size for both
the suction and discharge is 2” for 0.75 HP to 1.5 HP (full rated pumps).
Plumbing Installation
When installing the pump, care should be taken to see the suction line is below water level to a point
immediately beneath the pump to ensure quick priming via a flooded suction line. The height between
the pump and water level should not be more than five (5) feet.
If the pump is located below water level, isolation valves must be installed on both sides of the pump to
prevent the back flow of pool water during any routine or required servicing. The Badu EcoM3 comes
equipped with unions on both the suction and discharge ports. This feature simplifies installation and
service and eliminates the possibility of leaks at the threaded adaptors.
Before starting the pump for the first time, remove the see-through lid. (Turn lid counter clockwise to
remove.) Fill strainer tank with water until it is level with the suction inlet. Replace lid, making sure the
o-ring is not damaged. Screw down, hand tight.
Suction and discharge line should be independently supported at a point near the pump to avoid strains
being placed on the pump. Always use properly sized valves.
Use the fewest fittings as possible. Each additional fitting has the effect of moving the equipment farther
away from the water.
NOTE: If more than ten (10) suction fittings are needed, the pipe size must be increased.
Every new installation must be pressure tested according to local codes.
See the Pressure Testing
Section on page 7
Electrical Installation