Warranty and Life Expectancy
For peace of mind, Specflue DW30 carries a 25
year conditional warranty. This covers any product
failure or manufacturing defect providing that
the chimney system has been correctly installed
and maintained. The chimney system must be
swept once a year with no breaks and the sweeps
certificates must be kept by the householder.
Only HETAS approved fuels can be used (refer
to the HETAS guide www.hetas.co.uk). Any
other fuels will invalidate the warranty.
If the Specflue DW30 suffers a chimney fire,
the warranty will also be invalidated. We
would also recommend that you replace the
system before using the appliance again.
Components within the range that are manufactured
from only single skin can be vulnerable when
exposed to the products of construction from
solid fuel appliances. This is especially true for
terminals. The tee caps, when used on solid
fuel applications, are also vulnerable to flue
gas by-products, particularly if the chimney is
not regularly maintained and cleaned. Such
components are considered sacrificial and their
life expectancy will vary depending on application,
location, maintenance and fuel usage. For this
reason, these items are only covered by a twelve
month manufacturing defects warranty.
It should also be noted that chemically
contaminated combustion air will affect
the quality of the product as will the use of
chemical chimney cleaners. Typical examples of
contaminated combustion air has been seen in
de-greasing plants and dry cleaning companies.
Specflue does not recommend fuels such as
petroleum coke or other fuels containing a
blend of petroleum coke. Also some smokeless
fuels contain halogens that are released when
burned, forming hydrochloric or hydrofluoric
acids. These fuels can lead to premature failure
of the chimney system through corrosion. Before
burning any fuel, Specflue would suggest that
written confirmation is obtained from the fuel
manufacturer that the fuel is halogen free.
Some bio fuels when burnt give off aggressive
and corrosive acids which attack and cause
premature failure of stainless steel components.
External protection should also be applied
where the product is installed externally in
coastal locations. This could be achieved using
a specialist protective coating or by painting the
outer case. Only stainless steel components
should be used for external applications.
Provision for sweeping
and cleaning
Adequate provision should be made for inspecting
and cleaning the chimney system. This is
particularly important for solid fuel applications.
Specflue recommends that chimneys are swept at
least once a year.
At the time of sweeping it is important that a visual
inspection of the flue is undertaken.
On completion, a flue test appropriate to the
installed appliance should be carried out by an
appropriate person, with a copy of the results left
with the homeowner.