Spearhead TWIGA
Oil Supply
Oil Supply
Oil Supply
Oil Supply
Daily before starting up check oil level in tank reservoir.
It is a good practice to constantly keep an eye on the tank level gauge, (this
can be seen from the tractor seat) as a pipe burst could empty the tank within
A pump or motor starved of oil will be damaged beyond repair.
Replace oil if signs of contamination occur (discoloured)
Contamination can be reduced by:
Thoroughly cleaning around reservoir cap before removing.
Using a clean container when replenishing the system.
Regularly servicing the filtration system.
Never allowing oil level to fall below the sight gauge.
Daily inspect all hydraulic connections and fittings to be in good order. Any
damage or leaks must be rectified immediately, this is part of the daily
maintenance and is your responsibility, to maintain a long reliable working life.
When tightening fittings always use two spanners when necessary and do not
over tighten. If a fitting leaks it will need to be replaced.
Filtration Maintenance
Filtration Maintenance
Filtration Maintenance
Filtration Maintenance
The machine is protected by a suction strainer and a low pressure full flow return line
1. The suction filter is permanently fixed in the reservoir tank. Should symptoms
of pump cavitations or spongy operation occurs, the tank must be drained, the
tank and suction filter thoroughly cleaned and dried before refilling with clean
2. The return line filter element should be replaced after the first 50 hours and
thereafter at 300-hour intervals. It is most important to replace the filter within
these intervals because once blocked, oil will bypass the filter element
3. When tightening fittings always use two spanners when necessary and do not
over tighten. If a fitting leaks it will need to be replaced.