Page 9.1 of 9.1 pages
Original instructions (ENGLISH)
Website: www.spearheadmachinery.com
Trouble shooting
Trouble shooting
– Rotary mower issues
Possible cause
Machine vibration.
Missing Blades
Replace opposite blades as pairs
Broken Blades
Replace opposite blades as pairs
Wrong PTO speed
Check that a 540rpm machine is not run
at 1000rpm
Blades touching one
Blades are out of timing
Re index the blades but check that there
are no teeth failures within the gearbox
PTO shaft not transmitting
Slip clutch if fitted slipping
Re set the clutches as per the instruction
Shear bolt failed if fitted
Replace the shear bolt after checking that
the correct grade is being used
Check that the shear surfaces are still
square and not rounded.
Check that shear bolts are tight.
Uneven cutting height.
Machine not set level with
Stop the machine and set the machine as
shown in the instruction book
Machine not cutting.
Blades not fitted to suit rotation
Check the blade rotation suits the cutting
edge of the blade
Leaking gearbox.
Oil level too high
Reduce the oil level to the level plug
Wrong oil grade
Check instruction book for the correct
Faulty breather
Replace the breather
Wrong breather alignment with
crown wheel
Rotate the cover with the breather so the
breather is off set to the crown wheel
Rapid blade wear.
Cutting too low
Set the machine for sensible cutting
Blades hitting the machine
Worn pivot collars and bolts
Replace any worn collars and or bolts.
Remember to replace lock nuts at the
same time.
Breakout system if fitted
not working.
Machine will not break out
If hydraulic check that the tractor valve is
in “float” whilst cutting.
Machine will not “float”.
Poor setting of any balance
Reset any balance spring as per the
instruction book
Wings, if fitted, will not
drop or do so reluctantly.
Twisted wing PTO shafts
Reset “frozen” wing PTO shafts and
replace the PTO shaft drive tube
9.12 Loss of drive to one axle.
Drive shaft or gearbox tooth
Replace damage parts and check slip
clutches and or shear bolt grade/size