IOM 53, Issue 13 - Thermatile TEN-TWELVE
2.5 Wire/Rod Hanging Requirements
The panels are supplied as standard with the
necessary quantity of fixing brackets fastened to
the rear of the panel. The standard bracket suits
wire hanging but adaptors are available to make
the brackets suitable for hanging via threaded rod.
Irrespective of the hanging type, wire or rod, the
hangers must be vertical and anchored to the
ceiling directly above the bracket. The brackets are
not designed to be suitable for significant lateral
When installing panels they must not be hung
from some of the brackets unsupported. All of
the brackets must be properly secured before
the support is released. This support could be a
fitter or fitters or, if available, a scissor lift or other
mechanical means.
Figure 3. Incorrect and correct hanging method
Figure 4. Panels must be supported on all brackets
(scissor lift etc useful for large panels)