Covered in This Tutorial
This tutorial will guide you through hooking up and using the Sound Detector. It will examine how the circuit works,
explain some details about getting the best performance from the Sound Detector, then present two different
projects that demonstrate how to use it.
Suggested Reading
How to Use a Breadboard
Analog vs. Digital
The Wikipedia article on sound.
Quick Start
To get started with the Sound Detector, simply connect it to a power supply.
(Sound Detector → Power Supply )
GND → Supply Ground.
VCC → Power supply voltage between 3.5 and 5.5 Volts. 5 Volts is ideal.
In a quiet room, power the board up, and then speak into the microphone. You should see the red LED on the
board blink in response to your voice.
SparkFun Sound Detector (with Headers)