The BME280 measures humidity from 0 to 100% with an absolute accuracy of ±3 %RH (from 20-80%RH),
temperatures between 0°C to 65°C with an absolute accuracy of ±0.5-1.5°C (full temperature range is -40°C to
85°C) and atmospheric pressures between 300 to 1100hPa with an absolute accuracy of ±1hPa (relative accuracy
of ±0.12hPa). The I C address of the BME280 is
For detailed information on the sensor's functionality and characteristics, refer to the BME280 Datasheet or our
Hookup Guide for the SparkFun Qwiic Atmospheric Sensor (BME280).
VEML6075 UV Sensor
The VEML6075 UV light sensor from Vishay Semiconductors measures UVA (320-400 nm, peak @365 ±10nm )
and UVB (228-320 nm, peak @330 ±10nm) irradiance so you can calculate the UV Index at your Weather Station.
Example 4 - Calculate UVI in the SparkFun VEML6075 Arduino Library demonstrates how to calculate that index
using this sensor.
The VEML6075 has a UVA resolution of 0.93 counts/µW/cm and a UVB resolution of 2.1 counts/µW/cm . The I C
address is
For more information about this UV sensor, refer to the VEML6075 datasheet or our Hookup Guide for the
SparkFun Qwiic UV Sensor (VEML6075).
AS3935 Lightning Detector
The AS3935 Lightning Detector from AMS can detect lightning strikes up to 40km away with an accuracy of up to
1km from the storm front. The specially-tuned antenna picks up lightning events in the 500kHz band and a built-in
algorithm helps check the incoming signal pattern to reject potential man-made disturbers such as DC/DC
converters in large appliances.